My chemistry teacher went over global warming at the beggining of the school year, teaching us the behaviors of the green house gases in the atmosphere. Taking the behaviors and looking at all the sources they come from, global warming seemed prety logical. Then she tought us about "psudo-science" and everything started changing into a diffrent picture. About 100 years ago there was a popular "beleif" in a group of so-called "scientists" who beleived that all races were ferior or inferior to one another, called it "genetarics" (correct me on that, I cant directly remember the name) and had everyone freaken scared to death that all our decendents were going to be retarded piles of shiz and would be the decline of human life as we knew it.
So, everyone went out, labeled each other as ferior and inferior as they felt and was happy about it. Things started getting sticky, however, as the government started to bank on the idea and opened facilities that was meant to "control" the problem- as in forced sterilization and sometimes death. This was labeled "ok" since the crowds were rolling on the line "eh, who cares? they aint worth squat no ways." And then Hitler came... and used this as one of his reasons to kill the Jews. The term: "ok, NOW its going a little far" started to come to life. That was what the whole "death camp" (which basicaly was a human tasting facility, this becomes too clear when you visit the Holocaust Museum) was justified with. The rest it history but when WW2 ended everyone went to "Yay, Geneatrics!" to "Geneatrics? Whats that?"
My thoughts on global warming is this:
1.) If global warming was such a problem, someone would've done something about it by now- say what you want but given the art of human progression at the end of a gun, people can almost do anything.
2.) We dont exactly know everything about nature. Its kind of retarded to jump to conclusions and point fingers at each other when theres an equal chance that it may be able to happen naturaly.
3.) If global warming is real, then were screwed anyway. People refuse to change their life styles for any given reason and since global warming seeems like a worldly effort, my point stands clear.