Yeah before we raced i said pop the hood there was two turbos not intercooled tho under there. It was very close but and the judge said I won!
The Mustang (driver of the Mustang) looked at me and said how is that POS still on the road.
(It had primer and fiberglass on it, because i was going to get an estimate from MACCO) So when the light turned green I punched it then i heard the mustang's go to it's passing gear, it was stressing to keep up with me and yes it was a GT. At the next light he didn't even want to look at me. But i had to Say "Hey Pussy, what you cant shift gears by yourself" Next light same senerio i went up to 60 and he had that car working to catch up to me. Even funnier he got pulled over and i didn't. :P So yes Cops profile newer cars. He would have me in a quater mile tho.
Also if you get a mustang GT at least get a stick because i beat the auto with a 15 year old lux. car.
Also the impala SS suspenison is for hi speed handling so you will feel more of the bumps and cracks than a regular Impala from the time. The Handling is very good! For the weight power ratio.
EDIT: A trick with these cars is kepping it int he first gear if it switches to 2nd you are screwed. so it involes toying with throttle to get your auto trans to do what you want it to do.
O yeah only mods in my car is nice tires K&N filter and no cat.