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Cmicasa the Great

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Everything posted by Cmicasa the Great

  1. I think I covered a lot Slim. To your GM killing the CTS-Wagon.. did U own one? Did U attempt to buy one when it was around and they refused U.. told U that U couldn't have it? I just did a search.. there are used ones. Just get one. They are RWD and everything. There are even some Vs out there
  2. Then maybe I'm wrong.. I'm confusing U with someone else.. Who are U?? Actually.. Doesn't matter to me in the end.. U know that. Cause U know me. pfft? Sorry I don't put much thought into posting these days.. but today I'll put a little thought into it.. GM, Ford, Chry.. all have a much more storied past, with two still remaining steadfast in RWD motivated vehicles... way more than Hyundai. Personally I like the diversification of GM's portfolio of vehicles. My only complaint about the company as a whole stems from their heavy reliance on the 3.6L in so many vehicles that would benefit from existing twin turbo engines they already have tried and true. The Regal, Malibu, Impala, XT5, and XT6 included. Going back to the secondary subject, the Stinger, the Regal being the first, I am not attracted to the vehicle.. or anything from the Hyundai camp. Simple as that. The Regal is a more attractive vehicle for various reasons, and if I desired a mid-sized RWD vehicle I'd shop at neither. How is that hard to comprehend considering I have one of the epitomes of RWD mid-sizer sedans in my garage? Is there an issue because I won't downgrade.. or go balls to the wall in support of GM bringing a RWD sedan to the market for "every man?" My resume of RWD is solid.. past and present. I drive RWD almost daily in the winter with the Yukon. I drive RWD every weekend with the Z06. I drive RWD on every date nite with the CTS-V.. I drive RWD to every cruise with the 66 Impala SS. To some.. I might just have a RWD fetish.. I'm a RWD junkie.. I go cuckoo for RWD. My next car? RWD based AWD CT6V most likely. After that.. RWD based AWD Escalade most likely. Am I supposed to get upset that GM has also decided to appease the market whims of its primary customers in the CUV game.. women.. with FWD based vehicles that have one of the most advanced AWD systems on planet Earth? Nope. That goes for every one of the C1XXs.. the E2XXs. I mean... U are complaining about the fact that outta 16 actual cars GM sells here in the U.S. only 5 are RWD.. but give no evidence or credibility that more RWD available would make the the vehicles more desirable. In fact.. WHAT DO U DRIVE? I know for fact that the Chevy SS was available from the end of 2013 to the end of 2017.. Did U buy? Well why not? I mean the car is still basically brand new. I'm sure U could find a nice one still available GM Certified with under 10K on the odo. How about a Pontiac G8? a used one has to be going for under $10K by now?. U better be driving RWD. Otherwise , or by just looking at the market.. one might see that RWD doesn't sell in huge quantities outside of niche and luxury. GM has niche and luxury RWD based cars. I'm looking at the Stinger's numbers for '18.. it sold 16,806 vehicles. Genesis sold 9200 vehicles for all of 2018.. 3 vehicles included in that summary. This is to anyone... Back to FWD vs RWD in C/SUVS. The XT5 sold more than the X5. More than the GLE. The Lexus RX sold more than any of them. The MDX.. right up there. Of course only at Cadillac does having FWD CUVs damage the brand. BULLS#!+!!! Tell me why? Personally I'm of the mindset of as long as these CUVs fund me keeping the CTxs and Escalades in the line-up then I'm good. As long as Blazers, Equinoxs, and Traverses keep me getting Camaros, Vettes, and Tahoes.. GREAT Hell the only reason why FCA keeps the Charger, 300, and Chally going is because of net profit due to the fact that the platform is literally 1000 years old. I applaud their duping some into believing that the "Corolla Philosophy, but adding in a big engine and going fast in a straight line" is the American way. OH.. and just to piss someone out there who refuses to embrace change and moving into that change.. I hope EVs take over the entire automotive landscape by 2022?
  3. So 5.. Other than the number is there more to sway my dislike of the brands? I can put any of them up against one of the GM RWDs and still come out feeling like life is grand
  4. Last I checked Kia/Hyundai/Genesis had a total of four RWD vehicles.. GM has almost as many under Cadillac. Do I think Chevy should get a AlphaL or Omega sedan? Hell yes, but I'm still not buying it.. My next is the CT6-V. Hyundai still makes $h!ty cars.. and just because they went out and headhunted the designer fromVW/ Audi doesn't make them any better. U can dress up a pig... Yada Yada.. also what world do we live in where simply having a rear wheel drive vehicle automatically makes U legit? I mean U are a known Ford fan.. I don't know how u sleep through the night knowing they only have one rear wheel drive car in their entire lineup
  5. Despite what U think.. GM has 3 RWD vehicles currently available that are in my experience.. better than the dead SS. Not my fault they make U pay to play. Then again.. I guess with the SS they did too. As even that was normally was like $40-55K.
  6. Well I single it out because its been my experience that everyone I know who has a Kia/Hyun has eventually had a POS that need to be towed to a shop. I don't like their derivative styling.. I don't like where they come from.. I don;t see anything compelling about them. I always laugh my ass off when people act as if a company that has been here for 33 years has suddenly accomplished something because they are building cars that don't look like they are from a third world country anymore. Well guess what??? It isn't hard to buy a better engineered car, tear it down, and build it similar so as to avoid infringement suits. Its also not hard to steal designs and augment them either. Fukk Hyundai.. they lost my respect years ago.. but when they did this.. there was no more redemption possible.
  7. Nope. As along as Opel was owned by GM it was American. All the engineering was American. Simple as that. When they sold Opel the engineering was still GM's, U are an idiot for trying to argue otherwise. Now.. the SS, or rather rebodied Pontiac G8/Commodore, which was around from 2006 til 2017 was killed off because unlike FCA, GM chooses to bring new platforms to the market and kill old ones that have been around for 10 years. That is longer than the Stinger has been around. The SS still doesn't negate the fact that GM still has RWD sedans within the company.. within the brand I'd buy them from.. so in the end scenario... the hell I care that the Chevy folks can't have a Kia competitor as long as I'm happy? BTW.. where is your Stinger, or Chevy SS.. hell.. used Charger? If U're gonna defend RWD at least show pics of yours.. otherwise U are just pushing hot stinky air out of that trap
  8. The Regal is hands down better looking than the A4. The A4 is plain boring VW-ish. Standard jelly bean. The performance of the S4 beats the Regal GS, but not the A4. The Stinger is a Kia. Nuff said. RWD is not the holy grail. XT6 looks better than the Aviator. The Aviator does triumph it in terms of cushy, and damn sure power. That said.. I like how because Lincoln, after the swing and miss MKT, MKC, MKX (Nauti), anc Continental, is suddenly beating out Cadillac because of a long over due replacement to the Navigator and platform mate to the Explorer. The current Escalade still comes off as more luxo and commanding with a new one on the way on less than a year,,, done
  9. Right.. but my biggest concern is WTF they are not using that SWEET engine in anything else.. including the 3.0LTT. I love GM.. I just don't get GM sometimes. If I ran that part of the company U fukkers and all enthusiasts would be outside my house daily asking for red Kool-Aid and singing KumBahya, just using the extraordinary technology they have on the shelfs collecting dust
  10. Take a drive in one and U will see. Its essentially a Buick S4, but better looking and waaaaaaaaaaaaay more reliable. The S4 is certainly faster (0-60 4.4 sec vs 5.6) because of all that torque, but this car handles as well if not better imo. Damn GM for its simpleton reliance on the 3.6L for every fukking thing. Seriously.. as good as the 3.6L is as a goto engine.. it should not be in anything that is billed as a performance or luxury vehicle when they have better alternatives that would blow the competition away. This is a another prime place where the now defunct XTS VSport's TT 3.6L LF3 would shine.
  11. This is my exact reason for hating, while admiring Toyota. That split goes about 9-% hate, and 10% admiration if U need numbers. They pull this BS off all the time.. no flack.. no long degrading articles.. Corolla is an example. They take a vehicle and milk the sob for 5, 10, 15 years and get to tweak imperfections in reliability all the way thru.. while GM has to change their vehicles every 5 years and have new tech be vetted til its perfect, then start new again on new tech.. repeat. This is hands down, along with the GWagon and Nissan/Infiniti Quasimodo looking mofos, SUVs I wouldn't buy with your money. They are ugly, old, and have little that I find desirable. The off road thing is nominal for most, as I have not once found a person who takes a brand new $85K+ SUV out on a rock climb. It just doesn't happen. And if the badges are pretty much where the "Heritage" ends then I've truly lost faith in the Yuppies of the world. Hey Chevy. PLEASE GO TAKE A TAHOE Z71, MAKE IT A TWO DOOR, WITH A DROP DOWN TAIL, POP UP GLASS, GIVE IT A COMPLETE RUBBERIZED FLOOR, RAISE IT 3 INCHES, GIVE IT ALL TERRAINS ON A 15-16 INCH WHEEL, WITH A SPARE BEHIND THE SEATS.. AND CALL IT THE BLAZER K5 HERITAGE EDITION AND USE THESE EMBLEMS.. PITTED AND EVERYTHING WITH A HINT OF RUST
  12. I don't agree. I think #1, Cadillac in terms of CUVs was in emergency mode. I think that the platform is fine for the time being and will do no harm to their credibility as far as luxury going forward. Comparing it to the Lincoln Aviator's performance is inevitable, but the engine choice changes could quell that issue immediately. Will they do it is my question. Materials? I'd have to see. It has been my experience as of late that Cadillac, and GM as a whole likes to reserve better materials for their higher trims. I maintain that the Base models should be killed and that at Caddy, that only the material quality currently present on the Premium Lux and Platinum (and V) should be available for their vehicles. The Prem. Lux and Platinum interiors, on say an XT5, are extremely nice and if they were the only choices avail during reviews, Cadillac's reputation would be solid and rightfully so. I'm not saying that they are the only luxury make that does this (look at BMW) but they are the most scrutinized of them all. That includes Jag, which I truly believe has one of the worst interiors in the luxury game
  13. in a tight shirt.. don't forget the tight shirt part ?
  14. 90? Why is this news????? OH!!!? Because Cadillac publicized that they sold out the 275 CTS-Vs in less than an hour??
  15. Yeah what I meant by that was Cadillac is going to find extreme success in non performance luxury vehicles like the XTs.. and wonder why the FUKK.. they are putting energy into performance. I hope not, but THOSE buyers come out and buy.. performance cheerleaders on forum very seldom do
  16. Here's whats gonna happen.. just because we want Cadillac to be designed by the same types of car guys that brought us the best handling and performing Sport lux sedan for almost its entire run in the ATS and CTS.. what's going to happen is Cadillac by 2019, will most likely sell over 200K.. that's a 30% up in US sales.. and overall hit 300K in China (a 30% uptick) barring any backlash from the trade situation, but considering Dec was not effected in the negative I am optimistic. That's 500K Global that JDN predicted by 2020
  17. That said (the bolded part), and it was a mouth full.. I really wish Cadillac/GM would stop fukkin catering to people who really shouldn't be in Cadillacs, Lexus, Benz, etc.. Seriously.. this review was base don a drive in, essentially a BASE XT5 and compared to a Edge.. why not an Equinox, or Terrain??? Give me a break. This I blame on Cadillac for even offering a BASE XT5 so that they enable lower payments for the sake of charity IMO. Sorry.. its the high earner in me. No MRC, NO Better interior. No better ride and handling. Simple and plain. That there alone would have improved this showing... the MRC.. selective ride control and suspension settings. The Interior in the PREMIUM Lux and Platinum are bounds above the bottom layers. The very leather is better. The headliner is better.. the ride and handling are better..buuuuuuuuut.. Cadilac wants to cater.. when GM should step up and say hey.. "THIS IS CADILLAC... get the fukk outta here and go down to the Buick, Chevy, or GMC dealer.. in fact.. just go to Chevy..." And the SRX was in not better in this XT5 with exception to one thing, and that's the more agressive styling.. but I think Cadillac actually matured on this one. When I drove the XT5 Premium Lux and Platinum.. it was a head turner everywhere I went. Even dudes.. which surprised the hell out of me since I see it as a female ride. I reiterate that while I think the 3.6L is a very nice engine.. it should not be in a Cadillac after the intro of more torque heavy alternatives. Exclusive engines that Cadillac seems to be not only holding on to.. but only holding on to them for a select few of its vehicles. The 3.0L TT should have been offered as the base engine for the XT5 and XT6, and the optional engine for the XT4, XT5, and XT6. Huh??? Hell does that mean??? Different tuning. 350HP, 400HP.. re-certifications.. screw it. Charge the customer via higher MSRP.
  18. GM crossover deliveries totaled 1,034,808 in 2018, up 7 percent versus 2017, and the following five nameplates had record calendar year sales: GM PRESS
  19. Can't U see... Can't U seeeee.. In order for GM to survive they need to be able to compete in a techno word. ICEs are those horses... Now imagine if in 1909 Billy Durant had of decided to not pursue the formation of Buick, Cadillac, and Olds into General Motors.. but had instead decided, like U, to call upon Hugo de Vries and Carl Correns (lead geneticists at the time) and push them to develop a better, more powerful horse... I have it on good authority that Henry Ford would have left him in the dust.. and GM would have filed BK in 1911. Also.. no one is saying, not even GM, that the ICE is dead at their company. This is a migration which will take over a decade or more for all of those engines to phased out. If calamity comes.. GM, being one of the most resilient corporations on record, will simply un-shelve those beloved ICEs, and re-insert
  20. Well this is the goal. I have zero issue with this, but like I pointed out in the Henry Ford quote about the "better horse" some will fight tooth and nail to still be able to smell exhaust from a ICE. I have a friend who absolutely will not stop traditional smoking cigarettes even tho both his mom, dad, and uncle have lung cancer or died from lung cancer. His old lady even proposed that he use the E-Cigarettes, but he refuses because they just aren't the same. Quoting possible negative effects of them to try and justify the absolute known effects of Newports. That is basically what we have in OcnBlue? Cadillac's move to EV is not a gimmick nor is it its "last chance." Its the last frontier for all makers..and I think that was what Reuss was saying.. not that Cadillac is dead if consumers don't take hold of EVs for the brand in record sales numbers. If Cadillac just wanted record sales.. all they would have had to do or do.. is badge engineer existing Chevy models in a way that addresses all of its competitors. As I said.. GM has the supply.. the tech.. the capability, but refuses to utilize it while sitting in the Silos wondering why Mercedes or Audi have 13-16 vehicles, and minimum 4 variants of each.. versus their 6 vehicles and maybe 2 variants.. are beating them in sales and awareness. Its bewildering to say the least. Example. EClass comes in E-Class Coupe, E-Class Sedan, E-Class Convertible, E-Class AMG and I believe an E-Class Wagon. Each one of them have a "VSport" for all intents under the name AMG53= 46,422 CTS comes in CTS Sedan, CTS V 2018 Sales 11,219 (i'll throw in XTS sales since they were same price. 17,727 and the E-Class couples its sales with the CLS) = 28,946 Go figure. Here we go.. U , GM , can make a Camaro coupe and convertible on the same platform as the CTS and ATS but can't make one for the CTS and ATS. Could that have generated, all those variants matched to what Benz has, another 17K sales? I'm betting yes.. or damn close. I would have certainly been in line trading my CTS-V in for a CTS-V Coupe.. no different than I did in 2012 when I traded my '09 CTS Sedan for my '12 V Coupe
  21. ohhhhh!!! So when a company has been around for generations "building towns and supporting generations of families..." the get boycotted. Makes sense. Sorta like me raising my children, providing them with everything they ever ask for, then eventually telling they need to go live on their own because I can't afford to take care of them anymore and they then tell me that they hate me.. vs them meeting a friend a year ago who gave them a piece of chicken and then told them "no more" and the kid just says.. "oh.. OK." Got it!
  22. Tesla did the same thing back in June... but then it was 9% of their work force. Not even a "I hate Tesla" whisper was heard. As I said.. GM should either leave the US and fire everyone.. .or change their name to get fair treatment. Hell.. maybe they should merge with Tesla.. just to get some of the superficial love
  23. GM has added about 30K new workers since 2010. Then decided that based on sales of vehicles in the car segment being low, they needed to let go of about 1/2 the number of that hire spree, but recall and reassign some of those workers in a more advance field of manufacturing if.. IF.. they trained for the new positions. People SQUAWKED.. threatening to boycott GM. Yes some of those position may go to cheaper labor plants in Mexico,... but a job lost a GM NA is a job lost just like at Tesla. Its literally the same scenario in the end
  24. Amazing. Where are the death to Tesla comments? The U.S. Gov't has helped keep Tesla alive for almost its entire 15 year life and now its betraying workers by laying them off in pursuit if survival. Off with their heads. I'm buying a Chevy Bolt
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