Having dealt with friends like that, I would be very skeptical about taking that statement at face value.
My group of friends from college has a guy kind of like that, who none of us really know why we're still friends with, other than just being too lazy to actively alienate him. He would do anything to be dramatic, with no regard for truth or reality, like making up lies about another friend trying to hook up with his boyfriend. He also skips out on events, then bitches about how he wasn't invited, even when it's really easy to verify that he was, such as when people plan events with email and facebook. He was so self-absorbed, some of my friends used to play games where they would respond to everything he said with complete non-sequiturs, just to see if he noticed. He didn't. Luckily, he's kind of moved on to a new group of friends, so I don't see him much anymore.
Look at it this way. People like that will be miserable with or without you. You will be miserable with them, and much better off without them. That may sound cold, but why drag yourself down for a lost cause?
...And to get back on the original topic of exes, as of two weeks ago, Enzora is single for the first time in over three years. It's a strange experience, being single, after all this time in a relationship.