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Posts posted by VenSeattle

  1. How's this... I'm not sure who I will vote for, but I know who I'm not voting for. *nods*

    I'm in the exact same boat, though I haven't read your posts in the political topics to know where you stand. I'm not happy with the names on the ballot, but I know who I will not vote for... unfortunately, I feel like I'm throwing my vote away if I don't vote for the person most likely to defeat those I will not vote for... the enemy of my enemy...

  2. Rebuttal from Autoblog:

    Yep, that's Jeremy Clarkson talking up the Chrysler Sebring convertible in his column for The Sunday Times today. What, you expected anything less than a wholesale evisceration? Clarkson weighing in on the astoundlingly sub-par Sebring is pretty much the motor-journalistic equivalent of using a Stinger missile to take out your kid's SpongeBob birthday piñata. It didn't stand a chance.

    The laughs come early and often as the Chrysler gets mercilessly worked over like one of Mike Tyson's sparring partners in the '80s, but be forewarned: by the time Jezza puts down his pen, America's Number One Fan has managed to work in AIG, Lehman Brothers and the Iraq war as he slips in his obligatory jabs at the country, which the Chrysler becomes symbolic of.

    The way Clarkson sees it, quality sucks in the Sebring and other American cars because we Americans have no sense of history and are thus incapable of planning for the future (by making something built to last). Whatever -- he's entitled to his opinion. Speaking for myself, I can deal with the crappy Sebring in the grand scheme of things; that's a miniscule tradeoff for having something to celebrate on July 4th. Besides, it's not all tea and cookies in the former motherland, anyway...

  3. Jeremy Clarkson Review: Chrysler Sebring Cabriolet 2.7 V6
    From The Sunday Times - October 5, 2008
    Link to Article


    Many people imagine when they rent a convertible in America that they’ll be thumping down Highway 1 under a blazing sky in a throbbing Corvette or an evocative Mustang. Yum yum, they think. Freedom. Sunshine. A V8 bass line. Engineer boots, leather jackets and tight blue jeans. The American dream.

    Sadly, however, most tourists end up with a Chrysler Sebring convertible, which is almost certainly the worst car in the entire world.

    My journey in this automotive horror story began in Wendover. Famous for being a base used by the Enola Gay back in 1945, it lies on the border between Utah and Nevada. So half the town is full of man mountains emptying what’s left of their savings into MGM’s shiny and very noisy slots. And the other half is full of Donny Osmond. As you can imagine, I was in a hurry to leave and so I piled, along with my Top Gear colleagues, into the rented Sebring and set off for Denver.

    Immediately, I was annoyed by a nonstop whining sound from the back. This turned out to be Richard Hammond, who, despite being 8in tall, claimed that he had never been so uncomfortable in his life, apart from when he was being born. “Only that,” he said, “was more spacious.”

    After several hours of continuous moaning, he changed his tack. I’d selected a “classic vinyl” station on the car’s satellite radio and this did not meet with his approval. As a fan of Westlife and Girls Aloud, he didn’t see why James May and I were air-drum-ming our way across the salt flats to a nonstop selection of brilliance from Supertramp, Yes and the Allman Brothers. Eventually, Hocus Pocus by Focus drove him into such a frenzy of whingeing, we could take no more and drowned him out by turning up Steve Miller to the max.

    I can only presume that when Steve went from Phoenix, Arizona, all the way to Tacoma, he was not at the wheel of a Sebring, or the song would have been rather different. “I went from Phoenix, Arizona, to the other side of the city and then I went home again.”

    Certainly, we only got as far as Salt Lake City in our rented car before we ditched it and resorted to the services offered by Delta. It had been 120 miles of abject misery, and not only because of the unswervingly pissed-off Richard Hammond.

    Let us look, first of all, at the car’s only good point. The boot is bigger than the hangar deck of a Nimitz class aircraft carrier. However, the drawback of driving a car with an aircraft carrier on the back is that it doesn’t look very good. No. That doesn’t cover it. It looks terrible. Hysterically awful. Anyone thinking of drawing up a list of the ugliest cars ever made will be forced to put this one at the top. I have seen more attractive boils.

    And disappointingly, if you push the button that lowers the roof - and then push it again because it isn’t working properly - you will find that a) all of the carrying capacity is lost, and that b) with no roof in place, everyone can see you at the wheel. This is very bad. Some, for sure, give you pitying looks. Mostly, though, they point and laugh.

    So how much do you have to pay for the privilege of being a laughing stock? Well in the US, it’s around $29,000 (£16,400). You could buy a clown suit for less and achieve much the same effect. Here, however, a 2.7 litre drop-top Sebring is £25,100 and at that price, I simply don’t know how the salesman keeps a straight face.

    Power? There isn’t any. Spec sheets show that in Britain, a 2.7 litre V6 will do 121mph and 0-62mph in 10.8.

    But 10.8 what? Years? Let me put it this way. It develops 185bhp, which is pretty much what Volvo can get these days from a 2.4 litre diesel.

    I’m afraid I have no idea which engine was fitted to my rental but I can tell you that all it did was convert fuel into noise. Put your foot down hard and after a while of nothing happening, the gearbox would lurch down a cog and the volume would increase. That was it.

    Sadly, there’s more bad news. Turning petrol into motion, as we know, is an expensive business, but turning it into sound is even worse. We managed just 18mpg. Quite why anyone would buy this rather than, say, a Volkswagen Eos, I simply do not know. You’d have to be so window-lickingly insane that you’d be banned from handling anything other than crayons.

    A Sebring can do nothing well. It was hopeless in crosswinds and the only option you need on a twisty road are sick bags. I n t e r e s t i n g l y , however, while the ride is very soft, the suspension still manages to crash about like a drawer full of cutlery when it is asked to deal with a small pothole.

    And of course, being an American rental car, it came with a warped disc brake and steering that was so out of whack it kept making a beeline for Wyoming. But the worst thing was the overwhelming sense from everything you touched that it had been built by someone who was being deliberately stupid or who was four years old. Life inside that bag of crap plastic gave me some idea of what it might be like to be a boiled sweet.


    We see this with so many American cars. Dynamically, some of them are pretty good these days. One or two are even a match for what the Chinese are doing. And by and large they are still extremely cheap. But there’s a very good reason for this. They are simply not built to last.

    I spent most of my time in America this time in a new Corvette ZR1. It is a fabulous car. Mesmerisingly fast, good looking and amazing value. But after three days the damn thing was beginning to disintegrate. It made me growl with annoyance and despair.

    But I think I know the problem. Because America is a new country, the people who live there have no sense of history. And if you have no concept of “the past”, it is extremely difficult to grapple with the idea of “the future”.

    If you think a bar established in 1956 is “old” then you will not understand the idea of next week. So why bother building for it?

    We see this short-termism in everything from the average American house, which falls over whenever the wind gets up, to the way chief executives are treated. In Japan, you are given 25 years before you are judged on whether you’ve turned the company around. In America, bosses are given two months. And if there’s been no financial about-turn, they are fired.

    AIG and Lehman Brothers got caught out because they were being run by people who live only in the here and now. They couldn’t see that it would all come crashing down in the future because there’s no such thing.

    I suppose eco-mentalists would use this argument as a stick to beat the pickup driving masses. But how can Hank and Billy-Bob think about the world ending in a thousand years when everything they know, everything they are, began a week last Tuesday?

    And this brings me on to the war in Iraq. They went in there, knowing that pretty quickly they could depose Saddam Hussein. But nobody in power stopped for a moment to think about what might happen next. And there you have it. The insurgency problem in Baghdad and the wonky gearlever on the Chrysler Sebring. They are both caused by exactly the same thing.

    And the only cure, frankly, is time. Give them 2,000 years and they might just start to understand what I’m on about. Until then, do not buy a Sebring. Do not rent one either. Close your eyes, hum and, hopefully, we can make it go away.

    ENGINE 2736cc, six cylinders
    POWER 185bhp @ 6400rpm
    TORQUE 188 lb ft @ 4000rpm
    TRANSMISSION Six-speed auto
    FUEL/CO2 26.9mpg / 248g/km
    ACCELERATION 0-62mph: 10.8sec
    TOP SPEED 121mph
    PRICE £25,100
    ROAD TAX BAND G (£400 a year)
    RELEASE DATE Out now

    Clarkson’s verdict
    All that’s missing is the clown suit Chrysler

    Sebring Cabriolet 2.7 V6
    (No stars)
  4. Especially since it's two days before Christmas and those families will not have a joyful holiday (thinking of the children). How could GM be so cruel???

    If they receive the buyouts offered before (as mentioned in the article), they'll probably have a very nice Christmas. They'll eventually have to find new jobs, but the bills will be paid for quite some time.

  5. I found this pic of a Cadillac/Buick-Pontiac-GMC dealership in Vancouver WA. What do you guys think?


    Going forward, do you think this type of efficient bundling of brands would allow the brands to remain distinctive?

    I actually do. That's providing the dealership features separate entrances for the brand showrooms and separate service advisors/areas for Cadillac owners & BPG owners. The backend would benefit by using the same lot, management, including the service/technician dept and facilities.

    The distinction would remain but make it convenient for BPG shoppers to "browse" Cadillac and eventually trade-up. It would also allow Cadillac to move more towards a unified global line-up leaving the GMT900s with GMC and dropping the GMT900-based Escalade lineup.

  6. Highway Bribery

    Toyota Joins The Discount Fray

    Tom Van Riper, 10.03.08, 3:32 PM ET Forbes.com

    Link to article

    You know the outlook is bleak for the auto industry when Toyota jumps into the inventory clearance game that Detroit has monopolized for the past couple of years.

    Just a short time ago, industry powerhouse Toyota was gobbling up market share by charging close to full price while truck-heavy General Motors, Chrysler, and Ford were stuck bribing buyers with heavy discounts. Industry analysts harped on the reputations of Toyota and, to a lesser degree, its Japanese counterparts Honda and Nissan, for reliability and fuel efficiency. Consumers didn't need big incentives to visit their showrooms and drive out with a car.

    But with the economy slowing down, consumer confidence dropping and credit for auto loans tight, suddenly everyone needs to give away cars.

    Toyota announced Friday that it will begin offering 0% financing for 11 models this month, some for up to 60 months. And it's not just on the company's big trucks and SUVs like the 4Runner, Tacoma and Tundra. The popular and fuel-efficient Camry and Corolla are being cleared out on the cheap, too.

    "Sales coming in at the September rate would have been worse than stimulating them," says Burnham Securities auto analyst David Healey. Toyota suffered a 32% drop in vehicle sales last month from September 2007, similar to the declines at Chrysler, Ford and Nissan. Honda, with a 24% drop, fared just a little better. GM managed to limit its sales decline to 16%, though it needed an average incentive of almost $4,000 per vehicle to do it.

    Unlike the domestic Big Three, Toyota at least has the balance sheet to absorb a clearance sale with little trouble. The company made $17 billion during its latest fiscal year, which ended March 30, and sits on over $17 billion in cash.

    Still, it's a landmark move for Toyota, which hasn't offered these kinds of incentives since a limited flirtation with 0% financing shortly after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, according to Edmunds.com analyst Jessica Caldwell.

    "Toyota, for the first time, will have to deal with the economic environment," she says.

    Not that the Japanese automakers are at Detroit incentive levels just yet. Toyota spent an average of $1,481 per vehicle on them during September, while Honda averaged just over $1,000, according to Edmunds.com data. That compares to $3,696 in per-vehicle incentive spending at Ford, $3,972 at GM and a whopping $4,705 at Chrysler.

    But the gap is narrowing: Toyota's incentive costs are up 78% from the $830 per vehicle it spent in September 2007. And the new 0% plan will push it up even more.

    Even as auto industry execs pushed Washington to pass the financial bailout (which it did on Friday afternoon), hoping to get car loans flowing again, they know there's no quick fix. Ford CEO Alan Mulally recently told a Paris trade show audience that he doesn't foresee an industry recovery until 2010.

    Caldwell thinks the possible spike in consumer confidence that the bailout could bring will do as much to get customers back to showrooms as a thawing in the credit markets will. But she agrees with Mulally that things will get tougher before they get better. Right now, people are thinking more about their jobs and savings than about buying cars.

    "Showrooms are empty; no one is even looking right now," she says.

  7. It is coming from someone who wets on seeing the new TSX :rolleyes: .

    Lucerne is third. C Class beat the 3er for first place. And the fact is the 3er has sedan, coupe and convertibles blobbed in those sales so it is not really apples vs. well... apples comparison.

    Oops! I didn't have MB numbers yet when I posted my list. That's a good point about BMW 3-Series. So, looking at sedan sales only, Lucerne would be 2nd... right under the C-Class. Cool. :smilewide:

  8. They have the resilience which is currently lacking in us.

    They're selling 15 cars per dealership a month. The article today predicts 3,800 dealerships to go out of business over the next several months. I believe several Mitsubishi dealerships will be included in that number (Mitsubishi had 570 dealerships in 2006; 520 dealerships in 2007; they're down to 480 dealerships right now).

    Yes, GM has brands that sell in that volume or less, but those brands are mated with other brands to help sustain the dealership network. Mitsubishi has no alliance and are still their own rooftop from what I can tell.

  9. You cast a pretty wide net with the Lucern starting at $28K-3.5K cash back. A number of those cars start at 50% more than the Lucerne and some of them are almost 100% more. You may as well have thrown in the Corolla for comparison.

    I will give props to the Lucerne exterior. It was the first non-ugly sedan that GM had made in years. I assume that was the Hand of Lutz in action.

    Most of the vehicles on the list are not going for MSRP (TL & MKS are brand new). Everyone seems to be offering some type of incentive at the moment (cash back, lease, etc)

    Most of the vehicles selected are in the $30k-$45k range (near-luxury) which overlaps Lucerne's price range. The BMW 5-series and Lexus GS were thrown in just for sales volume comparison. Lucerne's replacement may be more expensive and not sell as many, but the mid-luxury competitors aren't burning up the sales charts.

    Lucerne's direct competitors were the ones I'm actually interested in. Lucerne's Sept'08 sales were better than any of its direct/indirect competitors. The fact that it takes an uber-yuppy BMW 3-Series to top out the Lucerne (and only by 64 units) is pretty damn impressive.

    I'm sure this won't continue, so I'll celebrate while I can... but Fall & Winter are traditional good selling months for Buick... we'll see how it goes :)

  10. Mazda Reports September 2008 Sales

    Oct. 1 /PRNewswire/

    Link to Press Release

    IRVINE, Calif., Oct. 1 /PRNewswire/ -- Mazda North American Operations

    (MNAO) today reported September 2008 sales of 16,169 vehicles, down 35.6

    percent over last September. Year-to-date, Mazda has sold 215,408 vehicles,

    down 5.7 percent.

    The all-new 2009 MAZDA6, which arrived at dealerships across the

    country in September, is off to a great start and exceeded sales objectives

    for the month. The new MAZDA6 features a larger body than the outgoing car,

    as well as more powerful -- and more fuel efficient -- engine choices.

    The right-for-the-market MAZDA5 multi-activity vehicle posted a 26.8

    percent increase versus last September, with 1,080 sales. Year-to-date the

    MAZDA5 is up a remarkable 42.0 percent.

    Mazda Motor de Mexico (MMdM) celebrated its best-ever September with

    sales of 1,780 vehicles, up 29 percent versus last year. On a year-to-date

    basis, MMdM reported 13,305 total sales, accounting for a 33 percent

    increase versus last year. Mazda Canada Inc. (MCI) reported September sales

    of 6,762 units, down a slight 4.2 percent.

    Headquartered in Irvine, Calif., Mazda North American Operations

    oversees the sales, marketing, parts and customer service support of Mazda

    vehicles in the United States, Canada, Mexico and Puerto Rico through

    nearly 900 dealers. Operations in Canada are managed by Mazda Canada, Inc.,

    located in Ontario; in Mexico by Mazda Motor de Mexico in Mexico City; and

    in Puerto Rico by Mazda de Puerto Rico in San Juan.

    Mazda North American Operations - September 2008
                         Month-To-Date                  Year-To-Date
              September September  %     % MTD  September September   %     % YTD
                  2008    2007   Change    DSR      2008    2007    Change    DSR
        Mazda3   6,029  10,629  (43.3)%  (62.7)%  90,256  95,336   (5.3)%   (5.6)%
        Mazda5   1,080     852    26.8%    27.2%  15,717  11,065    42.0%    29.6%
        Mazda6   3,694   3,842   (3.9)%     4.0%  42,237  44,028   (4.1)%   (4.2)%
         Miata     608   1,000  (39.2)%  (51.8)%   9,991   2,716  (21.4)%  (27.3)%
        RX-8       274     403  (32.0)%  (35.8)%   2,865   4,820  (40.6)%  (68.2)%
        CX-7     1,811   3,610  (49.8)%  (84.0)%  23,058  32,005  (28.0)%  (38.8)%
        CX-9     2,108   2,766  (23.8)%  (21.1)%  20,469  16,486    24.2%    19.5%
        Tribute    477   1,821  (73.8)% (252.4)%   9,727   9,584     1.5%     1.5%
         Truck      88     172  (48.8)%  (80.4)%   1,088   2,235  (51.3)% (105.4)%
        MPV          -       3 (100.0)%      N/A       -     125 (100.0)%      N/A
        Total Vehicles
        CARS    11,685  16,726  (30.1)%  (32.1)% 161,066 167,965   (4.1)%   (4.3)%
        TRUCKS   4,484   8,372  (46.4)%  (72.3)%  54,342  60,435  (10.1)%  (11.2)%
        TOTAL   16,169  25,098  (35.6)%  (43.3)% 215,408 228,400   (5.7)%   (6.0)%
         CAR     7,991  12,884  (38.0)%          118,829 123,937   (4.1)%
         TRUCK   3,919   6,379  (38.6)%           43,527  48,616  (10.5)%
         TOTAL  11,910  19,263  (38.2)%          162,356 172,553   (5.9)%
         CAR     3,694   3,842   (3.9)%           42,237  44,028   (4.1)%
         TRUCK     565   1,993  (71.7)%           10,815  11,819   (8.5)%
         TOTALS  4,259   5,835  (27.0)%           53,052  55,847   (5.0)%
         Days       24      26                       233     233
        Note:  MPV is a discontinued vehicle.

  11. MBUSA Reports September New Car Sales of 18,779

    Oct. 1 /PRNewswire/

    Link to Press Release

    MONTVALE, N.J., Oct. 1 /PRNewswire/ -- Mercedes-Benz USA (MBUSA)

    reported September sales of 18,779 vehicles, bringing the company's

    year-to-date volume to 177,298, a 1.6 percent decrease over its

    year-to-date record set last year.

    After its first full year on the market, the new generation C-Class

    model line set a record for September sales with 6,772 units, an 11.9

    percent jump over the 6,052 C-Class units sold last September. C-Class

    sport and luxury models also set a record year-to-date with a sales

    increase of 35.8 percent (57,365 vs. 42,236 units). True to form, the

    C-Class continued to be the sales volume leader for the diverse

    Mercedes-Benz product portfolio.

    On the SUV side, the volume leader was the M-Class which continued to

    demonstrate gains with a sales increase of 1.1 percent for September sales

    (2,981 vs. 2,948 units). This brings M-Class sales for the year-to-date to

    25,498 units, a 6.4 percent increase over the first three quarters of last


    Separately, through the Mercedes-Benz Certified Pre-Owned program,

    MBUSA sold 4,973 vehicles in September, an increase of 13.3 percent over

    September 2007, bringing the program's year-to-date total to 47,946 units,

    a 22.1 percent increase over the same period last year.

    Mercedes-Benz USA, headquartered in Montvale, New Jersey, is

    responsible for the sales, marketing and service of all Mercedes-Benz

    products in the United States. For over forty years, MBUSA has prided

    itself on its commitment to the customer by providing superior quality

    luxury vehicles coupled with outstanding customer support. More information

    on MBUSA and its products can be found on the Internet at http://www.mbusa.com.

                                 Sales -- September 2008
        Model     Sept. '08 Sept. '07 Monthly %  YTD 2008 YTD 2007 Yearly %
        -----     --------- --------- ---------  -------- -------- --------
        -------       -----     -----      ----    ------   ------     ----
        C-CLASS       6,772     6,052      11.9%   57,365   42,236     35.8%
        -------       -----     -----      ----    ------   ------     ----
        -------       -----     -----     -----    ------   ------    -----
        E-CLASS       2,968     4,993     -40.6%   30,750   34,184    -10.0%
        -------       -----     -----     -----    ------   ------    -----
        -------       -----     -----     -----    ------   ------    -----
        S-CLASS       1,591     1,964     -19.0%   14,507   19,501    -25.6%
        -------       -----     -----     -----    ------   ------    -----
        --------        ---       ---     -----     -----    -----    -----
        CL-CLASS        221       277     -20.2%    2,176    2,672    -18.6%
        --------        ---       ---     -----     -----    -----    -----
        --------        ---       ---      ----     -----    -----     ----
        SL-CLASS        357       384      -7.0%    4,736    4,787     -1.1%
        --------        ---       ---      ----     -----    -----     ----
        ---------       ---     -----     -----     -----   ------    -----
        CLK-CLASS       614     1,247     -50.8%    8,392   11,628    -27.8%
        ---------       ---     -----     -----     -----   ------    -----
        ---------       ---       ---     -----     -----    -----    -----
        SLK-CLASS       302       396     -23.7%    4,166    6,067    -31.3%
        ---------       ---       ---     -----     -----    -----    -----
        ---------       ---       ---     -----     -----    -----    -----
        CLS-CLASS       300       554     -45.8%    4,793    6,012    -20.3%
        ---------       ---       ---     -----     -----    -----    -----
        -------         ---     -----     -----     -----    -----    -----
        R-CLASS         500     1,018     -50.9%    6,503    9,917    -34.4%
        -------         ---     -----     -----     -----    -----    -----
        -------       -----     -----       ---    ------   ------      ---
        M-CLASS       2,981     2,948       1.1%   25,498   23,960      6.4%
        -------       -----     -----       ---    ------   ------      ---
        --------      -----     -----     -----    ------   ------     ----
        GL-CLASS      2,137     2,541     -15.9%   17,760   18,498     -4.0%
        --------      -----     -----     -----    ------   ------     ----
        -------          --        --     -----       ---      ---    -----
        G-CLASS          36        85     -57.6%      652      803    -18.8%
        -------          --        --     -----       ---      ---    -----
        -----------  ------    ------     -----   -------  -------     ----
        GRAND TOTAL  18,779    22,459     -16.4%  177,298  180,265     -1.6%
        -----------  ------    ------     -----   -------  -------     ----

  12. Daimler AG Reports September Sales

    Daimler AG Reports a 9 Percent Decrease for
    the Mercedes-Benz Cars Division in the U.S. for September 2008

    Oct. 1 /PRNewswire/
    Link to Press Release

    - Total 20,557 of Units of Mercedes-Benz Cars Division Sold in U.S.

    - Mercedes-Benz USA Records September Sales of 18,779

    - smart USA Records 1,778 Sales in September

    NEW YORK, Oct. 1 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Daimler AG (NYSE: DAI) today
    reported sales for the Mercedes-Benz Cars division (Mercedes-Benz and smart
    combined) of 20,557 units in the U.S. for September 2008. All sales figures
    in this release are on an unadjusted basis unless otherwise noted.

    Mercedes-Benz USA (MBUSA) reported September sales of 18,779 vehicles,
    bringing the company's year-to-date volume to 177,298, a 1.6 percent
    decrease over its year-to-date record set last year. For the month, the
    Mercedes-Benz C-Class and M-Class model lines recorded gains of 11.9
    percent and 1.1 percent respectively.

    Sales for the smart fortwo remain strong with deliveries totaling 1,778
    for the month of September. This brings the year-to-date total to an
    incredible 18,156 units in just over eight months of being offered in the
    U.S. market. smart USA expects to deliver its 20,000th smart fortwo in the
    month of October. The vehicle is attracting an overwhelming number of
    buyers who want a solution to high gas prices, a reduced environmental
    footprint and increased urban mobility on congested city streets -- all in
    a package that's fun to drive. The fortwo offers a powerful combination of
    outstanding fuel efficiency, innovative safety, environmental friendliness
    and low cost of ownership. There are currently 73 smart centers open in 35

    Detailed vehicle sales information for MBUSA will be announced later
    today in a separate press release issued by Mercedes-Benz USA.

    Mercedes-Benz Cars Division in the U.S. Sales Summary Through September 2008
                                 Month Sales       %        Sales CYTD        %
                             Curr Yr   Pr Yr   Change  Curr Yr     Pr Yr  Change
                             -------   ------  ------  -------   -------  -----
        Mercedes-Benz USA     18,779   22,459   -16.4  177,298   180,265   -1.6
        smart USA              1,778     n/a*    n/a*   18,156      n/a*   n/a*
        Mercedes-Benz USA /
         smart USA combined   20,557  22,459*   -8.5*  195,454  180,265*   8.4*
        * smart sales in the U.S. started in mid January 2008

    Further information on Daimler is available on the internet at

    About Daimler

    Daimler AG, Stuttgart, with its businesses Mercedes-Benz Cars, Daimler
    Trucks, Daimler Financial Services, Mercedes-Benz Vans and Daimler Buses,
    is a globally leading producer of premium passenger cars and the largest
    manufacturer of commercial vehicles in the world. The Daimler Financial
    Services division has a broad offering of financial services, including
    vehicle financing, leasing, insurance and fleet management.

    Daimler sells its products in nearly all the countries of the world and
    has production facilities on five continents. The company's founders,
    Gottlieb Daimler and Carl Benz, continued to make automotive history
    following their invention of the automobile in 1886. As an automotive
    pioneer, Daimler and its employees willingly accept an obligation to act
    responsibly towards society and the environment and to shape the future of
    safe and sustainable mobility with groundbreaking technologies and
    high-quality products. The current brand portfolio includes the world's
    most valuable automobile brand, Mercedes-Benz, as well as smart, AMG,
    Maybach, Freightliner, Sterling, Western Star, Mitsubishi Fuso, Setra,
    Orion and Thomas Built Buses. The company is listed on the stock exchanges
    in Frankfurt, New York and Stuttgart (stock exchange abbreviation DAI). In
    2007, the Group sold 2.1 million vehicles and employed a workforce of over
    270,000 people; revenue totaled €99.4 billion and EBIT amounted to €8.7
    billion. Daimler is an automotive Group with a commitment to excellence,
    and aims to achieve sustainable growth and industry-leading profitability.

  13. Audi Reports September Sales

    Oct. 1 /PRNewswire/
    Link to Press Release

    - Audi year-over-year sales decline in challenging market
    - Launch of all-new A4 drives additional interest, sales
    - R8 sales up; A5 posts second consecutive record month
    - de Nysschen expects Audi to maintain strong market share

    HERNDON, Va., Oct. 1 /PRNewswire/ -- Audi of America announced today
    auto sales for the month of September totaling 7,584, a decrease of 5.4%
    from last year's figures. Audi new vehicle sales fell 3.9% year-to-date as
    the company faces stronger economic headwinds. Audi Certified Pre-Owned
    (CPO) sales decreased by 10.6% compared to last year's September figures,
    although sales continued to grow year-over-year at 31.0%.

    "The all-new Audi 2009 A4 arrived this month to critical praise and
    high consumer interest in its segment-leading fuel economy, design and
    performance. Demand for the new A4 boosted our overall sales by more than
    one thousand units over August's figures. In addition, increased sales of
    our A5 and R8 models point to the continued strength of Audi's portfolio of
    all-new, progressive luxury autos," said Johan de Nysschen, executive vice
    president, Audi of America. "We believe that Audi will maintain its strong
    luxury market share despite consumer concerns about the economy, and we
    expect to see momentum around the new A4 continue to build well into the
    fall season."

    The arrival of the all-new Audi 2009 A4 models in dealer showrooms
    boosted consumer interest in the brand throughout the month in spite of the
    model's late-September release. Based on government data and independent
    test results, the 2009 A4 2.0T leads its key competitors in fuel economy
    and 0-to-60 miles per hour acceleration.

    Audi posted increased nationwide sales of its A5 model; dealers
    recorded a second month of record sales for the all-new A5 due to improved
    availability, with 719 units sold. Sales of the R8, Audi's premier example
    of its progressive German engineering, rose by 9% compared to September of
    last year.

    Audi continues to impress industry analysts and other third-party
    industry watchers. J.D. Power and Associates, the respected industry
    organization that measures, among other things, quality within the auto
    industry, recently noted that Audi posted the greatest ranking improvement
    in initial quality during the 2008 J.D. Power Initial Quality Survey. The
    Audi Q7, A3, A4 and A6 have also been recognized by the Insurance Institute
    for Highway Safety (IIHS) as Top Safety Picks in 2008, earning Audi the
    most Top Safety Pick designations for 2008 models of any luxury automaker
    this year.


    Audi of America and its 270 dealers offer a full line of
    German-engineered luxury vehicles. The Audi line up is one of the freshest
    in the industry with 23 models, including 12 models launched during model
    years 2008 and 2009. Audi is among the most successful brands globally.
    Last year AUDI AG recorded its 12th consecutive record year for sales and
    profit growth. Visit http://www.audiusa.com or http://www.audiusanews.com
    for more information regarding Audi vehicles and business issues.

    AUDI US SNAPSHOT                               -----YEAR TO DATE-----
                        Sep-08   Sep-07   Yr/Yr %    Sep-08    Sep-07     Yr/Yr %
                        actual   actual   change       YTD       YTD      change
                                                     actual    actual
        A3                 287      462   -37.9 %     3,734     4,831     -22.7 %
        A4/S4/RS 4       3,495    3,936   -11.2 %    32,401    32,816      -1.3 %
        A5/S5              719      115   525.2 %     4,191       115    3544.3 %
        A6/S6            1,090    1,126    -3.2 %     9,263     8,762       5.7 %
        A8/S8              261      311   -16.1 %     2,168     2,754     -21.3 %
        TT                 266      412   -35.4 %     3,432     3,084      11.3 %
        R8                  73       67     9.0 %       521        67     677.6 %
        Audi Q7          1,393    1,591   -12.4 %    10,107    16,049     -37.0 %
        Total Audi
        Sales            7,584    8,020    -5.4 %    65,817    68,478      -3.9 %


    Oct. 1 media.VW.com

    Link to Press Release

    HERNDON, Va.— Volkswagen of America, Inc. today announced September 2008 sales of 17,109 units, a 9.4 percent decrease over the September 2007 sales of 18,891 vehicles. On a year-to-date basis, 2008 Volkswagen sales are 0.2 percent ahead of 2007 sales through September.

    “This is the toughest economy we’ve seen in a long time” said Mark Barnes, COO, Volkswagen of America, Inc. “We’re extremely pleased that we are still ahead of last years sales. With the arrival of our all-new luxurious CC and our seven passenger minivan, Routan, which are arriving in dealerships now, combined with our other new products launched earlier this year, such as our 50-state compliant clean diesel Jetta TDI, we see opportunity to continue to grow our business.”

    Demonstrating that customers are looking for better fuel economy choices, the all-new Jetta TDI and Jetta SportWagen TDI continue to sell as fast as dealers get them in. 2008 has been a big year for Volkswagen new product launches, with five new vehicles launched, including the Jetta SportWagen, Jetta TDI, Tiguan, Routan and CC.

    About Volkswagen of America, Inc.

    Volkswagen of America, Inc. recently announced Electronic Stabilization Program (ESP) as standard equipment on all its 2009 model year vehicles. As a result, Volkswagen is one of the only original equipment manufacturers to offer an electronic stabilization control system on its entire product line – ahead of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA) deadline requiring stabilization systems in the 2012 model year vehicles. Volkswagen’s ESP technology works in conjunction with anti-lock brakes and helps reduce loss of control and other types of crashes.

    Founded in 1955, Volkswagen Group of America is headquartered in Herndon, Virginia. It is a subsidiary of Volkswagen AG, headquartered in Wolfsburg, Germany. Volkswagen is one of the world’s largest producers of passenger cars and Europe’s largest automaker. Volkswagen sells the Rabbit, New Beetle, New Beetle convertible, GTI, Jetta, GLI, Passat, Passat wagon, Eos, and Touareg through approximately 600 independent U.S. dealers. Visit Volkswagen of America online at vw.com.


  15. Mitsubishi Motors announces September Sales

    Galant and Lancer Evolution Lead Mitsubishi Motors September Sales

    Oct. 1 /PRNewswire/
    Link to Press Release

    CYPRESS, Calif., Oct. 1 /PRNewswire/ -- Mitsubishi Motors today
    announced September 2008 sales of 7,378.

    Galant sales were 2,605, which, based on average daily selling rate is
    a 1.1 percent increase, compared to September 2007. (There were 24 sales
    days in 2008 and 25 sales days in 2007).

    September 2008 Lancer Evolution sales were up 154 percent over
    September 2007 sales.

    In a badly depressed overall automotive sales market, Mitsubishi's
    total September 2008 sales were down 39 percent, compared to September 2007
    (12,102 sales).

    Mitsubishi Motors North America, Inc., (MMNA) is responsible for all
    manufacturing, finance, sales, marketing, research and development
    operations for Mitsubishi Motors in the United States. MMNA sells coupes,
    convertibles, sedans, sport utility vehicles, and light trucks through a
    network of approximately 480 dealers
    . For more information, contact the
    Mitsubishi Motors News Bureau at (888) 560-6672 or visit
  16. Woohoo! Go Buick! :gitfunky:

    I included BMW for SMK :P

    Sept'08 Sales:

    BMW 3-Series - 6,303

    Buick Lucerne - 6,239

    Nissan Maxima - 4,996

    Chrysler 300 - 4,287

    Lexus ES350 - 4,042

    Toyota Avalon - 3,404

    Lexus IS 250/350 - 3,044

    Acura TL - 3,017

    BMW 5-Series - 2,423

    Lincoln MKS - 1,814

    Hyundai Genesis - 1,029

    Lexus GS 350/460 - 977

    Mercury Sable - 783

    Volvo S80 - 578

    Hyundai Azera - 483

    Acura RL - 259

    Kia Amanti - 163

  17. Things must be really bad when the Altima drops like that. The Maxima also dropped, even though it is brand new.

    True, but the 2008 Maxima was heavily fleeted. The new for 2009 Maxima isn't (at least at the moment). I still like the new Maxima even after the newness has worn off. I'm waiting to see the new LaCrosse in the flesh before making any decisions. We'll see how that comparison turns out soon enough.

  18. The debate is going to be live. Palin has looked like an idiot in taped interviews, lets see what happens tomorrow.

    If Palin is standing... on the stage... at the end of the debate, then she will have exceeded my expectations.

  19. Quickie -

    .                                                   Month Sales         Vol %
                        Model                     Curr Yr        Pr Yr    Change
           CHRYSLER BRAND                          23,346       38,668      -40%
           JEEP BRAND                              21,431       37,460      -43%
           DODGE BRAND                             62,572       83,671      -25%
    .                                                   Sales CYTD         Vol %
                        Model                     Curr Yr        Pr Yr    Change
           CHRYSLER BRAND                         275,735      408,677      -33%
           JEEP BRAND                             269,148      363,669      -26%
           DODGE BRAND                            638,636      806,477      -21%

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