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Everything posted by Mr.Krinkle

  1. Its an illusion
  2. Mr.Krinkle

    In Bloom

    Razor-- do yourself a favor and get In Utero. Crack it open grab the jacket have a seat and actually listen to whats coming out of the speakers. Ypu might be surprised. Then if you like it, check out bleach. You might be able to heat where the sound was coming from... Dont get me started ill be here forecer busll$h!ting about this.
  3. Hey Nos...where did you take this pic? I couldnt imagine someone testing a top secret prototype stopping off to grab a cinnabon in what looks to be a mall parking lot. Just me maybe, but there is nothing there that indicates its anything more than an STS-V. Hate to sound skeptical but perhaps its just a zelous owners who has touched it up a bit? I think zealous is a word...or is it like combobulate and discombabilate...hmmmm not sure. nevertheless...good eyes but they usually take more precaution than taking a breather in such a populated area when testing these things.... not to sound too cynical, but the only other spy shot i can recall in the past year or so that wasnt on some desolate road or proving grounds was an Holden parked on what looked like some guys driveway. And it still had the camo on it if i recall correctly. I surmised he just ran in to take a wiz....this seems too obvious.
  4. A.P.--At 11:39 pm EST shortly after his last article was published, journalist Warren Brown went missing from his modest home in the Washington suburbs. Sources claim a white Toyota Highlander was seen fleeing the area at approximately the same time. Warren Brown is best known for being pro GM and his last article was a very positive account of the soon to be released Saturn Outlook. Of course Im just kidding. One day people are going to realize a good car or truck is a good car or truck and when theres nothing nice left to say they will nitpick and gripe over the tiniest foibles and on ways to improve the car or truck.
  5. Thats a fine looking automobile. Reminds me of the spy pics of the malibu/impala.
  6. Just as a matter of logistics. Perhaps as Fly suggested, as well. Dont take it so literal Im not a statistician or an accountant and couldnt tell you the first thing about cost benefit analysis but there are some very bright and talented people out there that can and obviously they can not justify the expenses at this time. Im sure this matter is far from over. Besides maybe for once in a long while GM sill come out of this one step ahead of the market because of this...hey. ya never know. With all of GM's unresolved financial matters and razor thin profit margins in NA, they cant afford to dump another loser into an already crowded market segment with established players. If its going to be done it has to be done right. Otherwise whatever little resources that are available should be spent elsewhere, for now.
  7. That should work. It doesnt. They are a clever bunch over there. The original video was somewhat funny but not exactly clear if it was just the jackasses behind the wheel or what but heres another instance when you probably wouldnt want to be parking in between 2 crystal champagne glass waterfalls. Its not as easy or wonderful a feature which is no surprise, and basically if you need a park assist you should be taking a taxi. Thats only the part that deals with the parking. Needless to say but they were less than thrilled.
  8. How about separate soundproof bubble-dome for the kids with optional restraints and muzzles? And of course, 3 horns--because you can never find a horn when youre angry. Seriously, how long did it take them to come up with fold flat seats. A triumph of technology like that is once in a blue moon.
  9. ..and those bills are going to skyrocket when the "illegals" get injured scaling the soon to be built the fence. Shouldnt even get started about social security. If I make it that long its going to be bone dry. Forget about the debt that has accrued in the past few years--or even in the past few months. There used to be a concept of the "invisible hand". I dont know at what point that hand started smacking us instead of guiding us, our priciples, and our interests as a country. The utter lack of indifference or malaise to address these real issues turns my stomach. Judging by the mid term election results id say a fair majority probably feel similarly. You want to see competetive business that have been grown in these United States the leaders have to start acting like they give a damn. They have to understand these issues, not a prior briefing, a smile and head shake. Lasorda, Wagoner, and Mulally could have had the same meeting with a brick wall.
  10. You know it. ^^ I dont know how they landed on Iggy or saw him as an improvement over Zep. Granted I never saw how Zep fit in either but it really got the point across. (and made one less song I can listen to) Tons of riffs, the ocean, or moby dick, even bring it on home, the wantan song, when the levee...all could have helped them evolve the message then switch it over to something more suited like lawrence welk or al jolson. I dont put too much stock in this story from Edmunds but i thought it was timely.
  11. Mr.Krinkle

    In Bloom

    Kurt was a better guitar player than he sometimes get credit. The real weak link in that band was Novacellic. Lyrically by the time In Utero came about I think his lyrics were outstanding. The book scentless apprentice is based on is going to be a movie, Perfume? i think A lot of noise and a lot of problems. I still enjoy a lot of In Utero to this day. Radio killed nevermind for me and Bleach still has some excellent tracks. The song Where Did You Sleep Last Night is a cover and the version on unplugged is no where as good as the live ones or the out takes i have. (labeled My Girl) Originally Led Belly tune. That band did more for music at that time than any other in a long while. Alice in Chains and Tool made similar contributions. I like the Blind Faith analogy camino. TTOD was pretty damned good in their own right. No more supergroups anymore. The last box set was a rip off though and it should have had more. I can think of at least 4 or 5 unreleased tracks i have that they did not put on it. They were some outtakes and the quality wasnt all there but i expect another one in the future. But to be fair, you cant forget the original seattle sound came from James Marshall.
  12. The bottom line is this. If Buick wants to focus their marketing efforts in a particular direction it should be towards an income bracket.
  13. I like it. That big hookah smokin' Cheshire Cat grin grill.
  14. http://www.edmunds.com/insideline/do/News/articleId=117679
  15. If the American car industry is going to succeed they will have to do it on their own. It stems from a lack of profit which piggybacks on: health care costs and pensions, the gov't, lack of national health care, trade agreements, policies, and deficits. Bad marketing, perceptions, and products. Theres your reasons. Try to pick one or two. The money should follow.
  16. Depending upon whom you ask youll get a different reason. Some say health care costs and pensions, others might say its the gov'ts fault for not having national health care or because of their trade agreements and policies. It could be because of bad marketing, perceptions, or products. The truth is its probably a combination of all the above. The only credible solution that would discount the rest would be a superior product (not a marketing ploy as some might suggest). When Bush said to build a relevant car it held a degree of truth to it. Why it angers the big 3 is because they say they are at a competitive disadvantage for several reasons--one being exchange and foreign policy. But Bushs take is that if the product is right on nothing else should matter. The automakers reply is that they do not have the resources to develop future product because they are already starved for cash--some from their own doing (health care) and some because of the international trade policies. The governments reluctance to address artificial currency suppression should be apparent. The adverse reactions on every other imported product and our deficits and debts would be disproportional and probably not be in the best interest of the rest of the population and especially the govt. and then in turn the leaders. Detroit will say that a whole hell of a lot of people are employed by US owned car manufacturers and should be a vested interest of the governmnent to support and promote their livelihood. Thats when they stop listening. Aside from the 17 million car buyers and a generous two million employees--youre figuring 19/20 what the hell, say 25 million people total. Theres more than 300,000,000 people living in this country. What would imposing a 27% tarriff on Chinese imported goods do this economy? Its a big giant f@#king circle. Cant develop new cars without the money and without the new cars cant get the money. Gotta look for it somewhere. Face it. Japan does not want our cars. It would be like us begging Russia and China to start exporting cars here. There is no need for trying to get them open their doors for us. China is a obviously a different story. GM does quite well there and is their best shot at securing their future--over there and here. The bottom line is that when Bush said build a relevant car he meant get it done. Dont bellyache to Uncle Sam that something isnt fair or that there is a competetive disadvantage. Find a way, make it better make a more desirable car and your problems will be solved. When it comes to cars ts rare an exemplary model fails to get buyers. The issues that need to be addressed by GM and Ford in order to do that is what is needed first. Restructure/globalize/become more efficient. That should then procure enough resources to be able to continue developing cars and when they build more cars Americans want money shouldnt be a problem anymore. Expecially Japanese money. A national healthcare sure would make it a lot easier though.
  17. Found this a couple of days ago. RISKY BUSINESS Democrats to tackle the dollar By Jephraim P Gundzik Last week's sweeping victories for Democrats in the US mid-term elections could prompt significant economic policy changes in the United States over the next 24 months. Boosting US exports will top the Democrats' economic agenda. In addition to stepped-up efforts aimed at prying export markets open, the 110th Congress may pressure the increasingly pliant administration of President George W Bush to reverse course on exchange-rate policy and encourage the depreciation of the dollar. Intensifying trade disputes, the sliding value of the dollar and weakening US demand could produce a sharp slowdown in Asia's export and economic growth next year. With majority positions in the House of Representatives, in the Senate and among state governors, Democrats are now firmly in control of America's legislative initiative, giving the party a unique opportunity to increase its popular support ahead of the 2008 presidential election. Democrats are unlikely to challenge the incoherent foreign policies of the Bush administration, which have produced an unwinnable war in Iraq and growing instability in the Middle East, Africa and Asia. As in the Republican Party, there is no consensus among Democrats about the future role of the US military in Iraq and the direction of Middle East and other foreign policies. Only a handful of legislators even recognize that Iraq has already become engulfed in civil war. Rather than pressuring the administration into changing its foreign policies, Democrats will probably be happy to leave the foreign-policy initiative in the hands of President Bush, who has proved remarkably adept at strangling popular support for his Republican Party in the past two years. Democrats will use their control over powerful legislative committees in the House and Senate to highlight the administration's ongoing foreign-policy catastrophes, further undermining popular support for the Republicans. Economic policy initiative In sharp contrast to foreign policy, Democrats and Republicans are seemingly united in the realm of trade and foreign-exchange policies. Legislation aimed at forcing other countries to open their markets to US exports and revalue their currencies against the dollar, another term for dollar devaluation, have significant bipartisan support in the House and Senate, for good reason. The US trade deficits with Canada and Mexico, America's top two trading partners, have grown from US$52 billion and $41 billion in 2003 to an estimated $85 billion and $60 billion in 2006, respectively. The US trade deficit with the European Union has increased from $97 billion in 2003 to an estimated $135 billion in 2006. Finally, the US trade deficits with China and Japan have soared from $124 billion and $66 billion in 2003 to an estimated $250 billion and $90 billion in 2006, respectively. http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Global_Economy/HK18Dj02.html Aside from the anti Bush rhetoric thought it was an interesting read. A lot of this probably can be traced back to Nixon. But I think it when GHWBush threw up on the Japanese Prime minister that it really started to go down hill.
  18. I think the message is if Cadillac were a dog theyd be standing on their hind legs right now. The CTS and the Escalade are fine examples of good product that the market has welcomed and embraced. The SRX has been fixed up but how much longer is it going to be here? The STS, while I like it better than the CTS, is not really drawing in the sales like it should. The value just isnt there for people with Mercedes or BMW on the brain. I dont doubt that theyre going the right way, and the upcoming refreshes should help their cause but right now they need to be back down on all fours. Just to mention, I see a whole crapload of Escalades now. They look tremendous and many have been cheufeur(?) driven. I didnt notice if they had TLC plates but the point is it is becoming a standard again. The ones I have seen were in very ritzy places with very seamingly wealthy passsengers. It was their choice to go with Cadillac. The pronounced grill and larger than life emblem on the back make the perfect statement...and they have to now continue to build on it. Believe me, I dont think the folks at Cadillac have uncorked the bubbly yet, ya dig?
  19. I was more distraught about how he looked and how he seemed to be handling/dealing with it afterwards. I dont believe hes a racist. I dont think its right what he said because it wasnt funny the way it came out of his mouth.
  20. I dont think this is here but please remove if it is. http://www.chicagotribune.com/business/chi...hi-business-hed I didnt put this here to bash or criticize. Without stability control you can not even be considered as a top pick--guess who does not have stability control yet. These results are based on that, among other criteria. But mainly this stuck out to me for this reason sound like it could be familiar?Theres a certain type of arrogance there, like with the child safety latches not too long ago. Here theyre being told somethings no good and yet they say it works just fine so why should we have to change. Let it be tested again but the IIHS isnt going to change their standards. From the great marketing, I would never have thought otherwise. Im not being sarcastic, Toyota keeps telling us to think smart and all their commercials incorporate safety (and gas mileage) into the message. A reminder that if told something enough times you can start to believe it. I guess this should be in Industry News but since the most marks for good and bad went to Asia its here.
  21. Crystal Chandal Lear. Some parents are just cruel. Even worse when the first and last names rhyme.
  22. ahh, the downsides to free healthcare.
  23. The Subaru commercials here are geared towards women/lesbians. The lady comes on the radio and starts telling us about the NY state official bug--the lady bug, the official animal --the beaver. I forget the rest but they get great mileage too. Its a stereotype that happens to hold some truth to it but I cant recall a time when Toyota held the press conference to announce this. Same with VWs geared towards the gay community, for a while anyway--i dont watch much tv and i dont hear many VW ads on the radio. Except for those stupid first act guitars. It just seems like a bonehead move and would like to know how they reached the conclusion this was the way to go. Besides like has been said numerous times here, a good looking car with some style or panache or class or elegance will attract the only color that matters. Your green.
  24. Good point but I think its a mock up like the shots they showed of the CTS on 60 Mins. Im fairly sure that a-post ends right where you see it in the pic. Hence the angle and what appears to be a lack of a hood.
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