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Everything posted by Mr.Krinkle

  1. Thanks for showing us the silver lining but maybe you should go back and sit at the kiddy table, now. Honestly, man...you are confusing the issues. Yes, dead lawyers...its a start...but this was a f@#k you to me and you and everyone else with the priveledge of internets and computers and onlines...Theres a bigger picture at stake here, and we all have to deal with it.
  2. Sounds good. Maybe ill throw it in the gas next fill up instead of the other cleaner... still leary of dropping it in the oil. Sometimes its the dirt and grime holding the engine or transmission together One day though...
  3. Its from a case study but wooo ooo.. you are a crotchety one. You have a habit of focussing on the wrong parts of peoples comments. You probably think im paranoid now. How do you know im paranoid? Did someone tell you that? Who told you I was paranoid?
  4. http://www.snopes.com/rumors/thecoup.htm thats where you lost me. but i agree with your last point...business as usual.
  5. Do you know who Aldous Huxley is and why I mention it? How about 1984? Thats actually a mostly true story. Not an attempt at humor as it was sad...This is a good idea in theory. But practical or even possible, beats me. Popular Mechanics had an issue with the flying car recently. They said not to expect it anytime soon. They can cloak cars to make them seem invisible, too. Dont be calling PepBoys and ask for it yet though. Its a fantastical notion... Just an idea of the sickness: ...These programs seem to be specifically designed to give select groups the power to undermine and torment the lives of any individual they deem as "undesirable" "Unchristian or Judeo/Christian" and "unusual". These programs have been promoted to a "Loose Cannon" status and are being given free reign to silence the truth and potentially get rid of anyone standing in the way of the current administration. They are using equipment which is normally Government Issue by it's nature which is probably purchased off of some type of "Black Market." Sub-Dermal "Wire" implants are being performed on US Civilians where after being drugged they are implanted with a small wire device under the skin near the area of the ear. This device operates off of a microwave broadcast technology and cannot be deactivated or turned off by the host recipient. You have probably been harassed by telemarketers-well get ready for a whole new level of torment. There is also another device which can control a host individual or wipe their memory clean so you wont even be able to remember what is happening to you. As if this was not bad enough, these groups are taking on a more sinister position on issues by using the wire device to keep people awake to the point of exhaustion. Harassment's which can last for years at a time. Harassing them with unhealthy broadcasts of unnatural frequency strength which can force someone to hurt themselves or someone else. Driving innocent people to the point of madness with these devices who sadly or unfortunately may not remember what has happened to them because their memories have been erased or augmented by another component which has even more frightening applications. A "Needle" or "Pin" chip is a small electrical device which is composed of two chemical components encased in a synthetic housing which when combined with the BTU Body heat of the living host result in an electrochemical power supply. The device is inserted into a small hole drilled into the skull near the back of the head and is virtually undetectable by nature. This area controls thoughts of movement and reasoning. The device once again operates off of a Microwave Broadcast Transmission Frequency and is virtually undetectable by most CATT Scans and X-Rays. The device is capable of overpowering the brains natural synaptic electrical firing pattern which can overpower the natural memory and consciousness of the host, as well as augment the memory of an individual. Quite literally these people have developed a technology where a host recipient of these devices can be literally "Forced" to commit acts against their wills. The combination of these devices and their respective applications have one singular end result= ELECTRONICALLY ENGINEERED SLAVERY AND MURDER. I myself was a victim of this implantation process while on a camping trip to the mountains in 1994 where after being drugged by two individuals I was implanted with these devices against my will while on a spiritual retreat. This operation took place in the back of an RV totally against my will and I have since that time been harassed and controlled against my will for extended periods of time. The most recent occurrence of which has lasted over four years-constantly every day and at one point almost caused me to take my own life. My basic human rights have been totally violated by these people and I am being attacked Now you tell me...
  6. I recently read an "article" that claimed the exact opposite. Now I dont know what to believe. What is the garbageblog anyway? and why would anyone care??
  7. I have no problems with Dream Theaters music. There was a rap album that had the same problem with the cover. Except the two were holding a remote control and pushing a detonate button with it exploding...Its no shock. Its the very reason it was attacked and destroyed. Its a target and a symbol of all thats right and wrong with America. You missed my point about why I dont care for SOAD in particular before you went off on the tangent--something I think we agree on. Odd for the sake of being odd.. Cant let this one go: Wall st. and World Trade are not the same.. They were giant office buildings that housed all sorts of tenants. Linking it solely to what you consider wall st. is plain wrong. Wake up. Innocent men/women/and probably children vaporized and pulverized into dust and breathed in by people like me and everyone else within ear shot. I can still smell that stink at times to this day. TV doesnt do it justice and I understaand being removed from it. I do. That attackwas a message to everyone in this country and if you fail to recognize that it is a shame. An horrible shame. Freedom of speech and healthy criticism is welcome. Music has always been political. I wouldnt have it any other way. CSNY, country joe, dylan, dead kennedys, RAGE(before he blew a fuse), reagan youth, ...almost any punk...so thats not my beef with SOAD. It goes beyond that and is more about the music like you said...Its warped and contrived and phony. Started off fine and then they became a let down to me. Their issues with America was only the icing. If I were to agree with anything else you said we'd both be wrong...Its gotta be nice to live that secluded and ignorant. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions but Razor, I think anyone who just read what you wrote is now a little dumber.
  8. No band would cop to being anti-American if they want to sell a lot of records commercially. I understand they are anti everything. I Just wanted to add--I gave them tremendous props when they first started hitting it big. I thought they were different in a good way esp after the lameness of the late 90's music. that is still going on now unfortunately... Nirvana, Alice in Chains, Pearl Jam on and off-could prob write a book on them alone...Tool. etc etc. But these were too far and few. My Chemical Romance right now has some decent cuts. I listened not too long ago. Not the radio ones as much...Theres not that many others, imo. There are other examples but this was relatively easy for me to find in as much of the timing of it. A pretty quick pr campaign ensued shortly after and all was back to "normal" This was when I started to listen to them differently. http://www.villagevoice.com/music/0141,milner,28865,22.html It wasnt the time or the place. Bill Maher pulled the same $h! and it pissed me off, but him I dont mind now. SOAD never lived up to my own hype after that. I havent had the stomach for the latest stuff because it sounds too contrived to me. I still listen to the Dead Kennedy's for instance...with them its still political but the messages are more clear. Like i said at the start, for me it was with them being anti-American. Just didnt jive with me.
  9. A.D.D. for one. Mostly gibberish not worth my time really They did change their tune on the latest album if you were paying attention and was more about sex and drugs and just plain odd for the sake of being odd. Running out of ideas..terracotta terracotta banana pie?? Theyll be a footnote in music unless they do something worthwhile again...right now its nonsensacle gibberish. dont feel so bad. i remember when i found out jimi hendrix was dead. or heard the infamous l.a. forum concert. shoulda quit after sugar. la la lala lalalalalala lalalala. dont take it so personally. No ones out to get you, at least im not.
  10. I see you writing down there and its either going to be a novel or something im probably not going to care to wait around to read...maybe later.
  11. In short, i liked them--they could not keep up their sound and resorted to more gimmicky music and antics that is musically out of sync and awkward--disjolted erratic have nothing to do with being soft or hard. Try to stay focused ok id explain it to you but i have a feeling it would be a complete and total waste of my time. The nice thing about being that young is you dont even know yet what you dont know. Try not letting that interfere just because you may like something and they are anti-American. Thats a fact jack...you were what 10 when they first came about??
  12. haha one of my brothers favorite movies... I couldnt find the original thread. pioneer? The entire country of Germany? This is the USofA, not Germany. LA wasnt the first to ban smoking but like dominos it spread from coast to coast. I could personally care less. I dont eat fast food and for the most part do my own cooking... last time this topic came up it people here were going off in all directions...I just came to update you the proposal that was passsed. about the canola--i said i have no idea. I only know diabetics that avoid it for health reasons. Like eggs and salt this probably changes on a semi frequent basis. Theres a bigger picture here but im not seeing it yet...
  13. I was digging SOAD at first...but they became too anti-American for my tastes soon after. It was in that condescending worship us kind of attitude. A lot of their stuff now is just too disjolted and erratic for me to think of them as anything more than a gimmick...Probably put on a good live show and they do have lots of fans...If they plan on sticking around their next album will be an almost about face and entirely different, imo. the most ironic part i always found is that they are on the American Records label. http://youtube.com/watch?v=a04cKaUdlbs&mode=related&search= Ministry NWO
  14. ...is that the purple sh*t? Ive heard some good things about that...but couldnt tell you from my own experience... All ill say about the Lucas trans fix is that it has worked, on numerous occassions on numerous cars...and would reccomend it to anyone. It was that or nothing the first time when I tried it and it worked beautifully. The thought of anything else never even crossed my mind. Tranny honey or whatever other crap is out there. Would that translate into the oil stabilizers and what not? I dont know. But thatd be the first I tried--given the right situation. whats this marvel mystery stuff...Id like to hear some more.
  15. No more trans fats in NY has been approved by the Board of Health. Fat's All Folks Canola and other oils are going to be used instead now. Someone brought up an intersting point to me earlier regarding diabetics... Canola is a no-no...I havent really looked into it but diabetics are not supposed to consume canola because it is transformed into gluccose... Are we trading heart disease for diabetes? 6 or half dozen of the other??? Or more importantly- am I going to have to go to Jersey to get a decent french fry?? Dont laugh...you might be next.
  16. does it? Any idea about the ridiculous amount of money they spend and what theyve actually accomplished? With one of the biggest budgets their F1 effort is regarded as a flop... so far. That is unless of course they dont want to step on Ferrari, Honda, Mcclaren, BMW, Williams, and Renaults toes just yet.
  17. Did you check the pcv valve? I know its kind of lame but fuel injector cleaner might help if you havent tried. Lucas makes a pretty decent one. I swear by the transmission fix. They also have oil additives if you arent adverse to trying that. I was skeptical about the trans stuff too but it was either that or say goodbye to the car...so i tried it and it worked very nicely. A couple of friends since tried it with very good results. I havent been in a position to try the engine stuff but the "tune up in a bottle" cleaner goes in the gas tank and might help. I had a bad cat converter and it scared the living jebus out of me...Rough idle, lousy acceleration ...id mash the gas and it didnt go anywhere when it got real bad towards the end. They heat up like a mofo too. The undercarriage was glowing red. Youd probably know if its happened once already.
  18. "Most people think that you've got to reduce sales a lot, but if you reduce any company's sales from [between] two to five per cent you've won. Having said that, it is very hard to reduce a company's sales by five per cent because it takes a massive degree of organisation.” Ralph Nader (Co-op America, 1989). This is way off topic at this point so ill try and keep it brief. I dont know how this got started and I didnt send it to anyone because it was a chain letter. Evidentally its been circulating for years. I find it interesting as a means of organization. The most effective way to control price is through your basic supply and demand. One reason the Sauidis cringe when hybrids, ethanol, and hydrogen come up and make them say stupid things such as "Theres plenty of oil for another 150 years" is because they know whats going to happen.... Record profits year over year will be a thing of the past...Something isnt right with that to begin with. and you better believe there are ongoing investigations into the matter since they predicted 100 a barrel. Never even got close to that point, yet--I hope they havent given up on getting some answers. Suffice to say cutting demand is the best method. Even if its a gallon at a time. or $18 instead of $20. If everyone did that the stations weekly or daily refills will become less and less. Probably wouldnt even effect you or me. Someone want to type it out and send it to 10 people? Oh and if you want a reason to boycott mobil aside from trying to lower prices...theres plenty. Not my cup of tea, but I go to BP anyway because its closest. But this is probably the real motivation for that kooky letter... http://www.exxposeexxon.com/whyexxon.html http://www.exxposeexxon.com/ Yes and if there are less people to buy your product the supply goes up. If they want to "sell their crude to someone" chances are theyll have to undercut their original supplier that theyve been buying from the whole time anyway. Which would then lead to the prices going down.
  19. Aldous Huxley would be proud. That is a really way out idea. Too far ahead of its time. I had a friend who thought of something similar to this only it involved the use of magnets. Hes since been comitted...sad really. Poor guy thought he was a glass of orange juice. No, thats true. He would flip out if you got too close to him because he thought you might tip him over and he would spill. Very unfortunate...It was a really good idea though But I digress. I dont think theyre able to do things like that. Not quite yet, anyway.
  20. Tommy the Cat w/ Tom Waits http://youtube.com/watch?v=09i5aig0IxI
  21. Im sure some of you have seen this but for anyone who hasnt read on:
  22. Fortunately for you in your line of work especially, its your reputation that precedes you. Your latest scoop or story is only as good as your last. Unless youre worried about being undercut by all the chumps who fell for this stunt I think youll be alright. You seem to have a good beat ont his stuff anyway.
  23. Whew! what is that sexy silhouette?
  24. Yes and no about the bass. He does so much with the bass lines the drums and guitars have little room to fill in the empty spaces. Ler Lalonde was a metal player in previous bands and does a tremendous job filling the gaps when you listen. Very talented and very neglected/underrated as a pro. Rhinoplasty is a good album for what it is. Different drummer--Brain, currently in GNR. Antipop is a superb album. That was technically their last. All the others up until Tales from the punchbowl are their best examples. http://youtube.com/watch?v=n8eRge7S2DM john the fisherman from Frizzle Fry the first studio release. If you can find a cut of Tommy the Cat from Sailing the Seas of Cheese with Tom Waits on vocals, youll probably dig it. I like scissor man and amos moses on Rhinoplasty. I think a live copy of Tommy the Cat is on there as well...not exactly the same.
  25. There are people here more qualified to answer that. The real issue here is the UAW and the plans for Spring Hill. Not the minivan.
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