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I just received my new issue of CAR magazine last week and they had a quick drive of the new Sportcombi wagon. They said overall its still as quirky as ever and it still has the torque steer to end all torque steer. It had th 2.8L engine, so bascially they said go for the diesel. Which of course we can't get here in the States. Slight things that keep hindering Saab I think.
Nothing like stuffing your pockets as the ship is sinking and then heading for the nearest lifeboat. Disgusting! Take a page from Bill Ford, even though he is still getting money, take a cut, make some sacrifices, do something other than saying in the faces of all those 30,000 people getting axed... Screw You Guys!
I hope it is not as retro as the Challenger concept car. I would like to see something in more of a modern theme. Do something for the coming ages and not a design that digresses back to the original.
Yesterday on my way home from work, I work 3rds by the way at the Tech center. I passed an 07 Tahoe that was already smashed! It looked like to me somebody had hit something over the holiday weekend(maybe a deer?). The driver side of the vehicle was a mess! The complete headlight assembly was missing and the fender was torn open like a can, the grille was hanging somewhat but was still on the vehicle. Oops! I hope somebody didn't lose their job over this.
Well I must say I have been a skeptic of the new 07 suvs coming out. I am also sad to say I work at GM and I have not seen a actual model until the past few weeks. I did see the 07 in shell form quite some time ago which led me down the path of skepticism. My point... I saw an 07 Escalade in pearl white yesterday and I have to say I am impressed! It is an imposing vehicle in person. It is by far the best looking of the bunch, as I have seen the Tahoe and the Yukon already. Then I saw another one on my way home and the person driving it was 'giving er all shes got!' it sounded mean! It had to of had the 6.2 in it. Which I will tout personally as a very good engine...hint hint! I'm looking forward to this years Detroit autoshow!
GM should sell off the brand and then Saab would get credibility back. When GM bought them I know alot of people who owned Saab's at the time and their response was pretty much 'Oh no GM is going to ruin Saab' . There you go from the mouths of Saab owners. GM has to have their hands in everything and twist or mold a company into their own image and that is exactly what they have done. They basically said...hey you guys need an suv everybody loves suvs! And so and so forth.
16 November 2005 We’re going through a rough patch of road these days, and it’s attracting a lot of opinions about our Company and its future. Some of these opinions are thoughtful and helpful… others are less so, and in some cases, they’re just plain wrong. It’s those that particularly bother me, and I’m sure, many of you as well. One that falls in that latter category is the discussion by some of a hypothetical GM plan to declare bankruptcy. I’d like to just set the record straight here and now: there is absolutely no plan, strategy or intention for GM to file for bankruptcy. Despite the recent large losses in our U.S. business, GM has a robust balance sheet and strong liquidity – $19 billion in cash at the end of the third quarter, plus $16 billion in long-term VEBA* assets, which provides us further significant liquidity support. The large losses at GMNA are unsustainable, for sure, and require a comprehensive strategy to address them… a strategy that must be implemented promptly and effectively, to get our U.S. business profitable again. And, that is just what we are doing with our turnaround plan. The plan is well known to you: (1) exciting new products, (2) revitalizing our sales and marketing strategy, (3) major reductions in cost and improvements in quality, and (4) reducing our health care cost burden. And, we are seeing progress… as but one example, the historic health care accord with the UAW was ratified last Friday. There is, for sure, more to do. But these actions, along with other initiatives such as globalizing our key business activities and exploring ways to improve GMAC’s credit ratings, are all designed to get us back to a robust earnings and cash flow position. All of this certainly involves changes… in many cases, significant changes that affect us personally. But, in the challenging circumstances that we are facing in the U.S., it’s clear that such changes are necessary. What we do not intend to do is file for a bankruptcy reorganization. That is not only unnecessary; it would be clearly contrary to the interests of our employees, our stock and bond holders, our dealers, and our suppliers and importantly, our customers. What we are doing is taking the necessary steps to get our business profitable. Thanks as always for your support. Rick
It works for me. But I'll see what I can do.
Rick Wagoner speaks out about all the rumors circulating about the imminent downfall of GM. This of course is according to the media and their witchhunt to do in GM. http://leads.gm.com/thoughts/wagoner_111505.html
They didn't push the envelope like they said they were going to do. Not just with the Escalade but, with all the of the other new suvs. I was hoping for something more jaw droping than some grill, headlight, tailight treatments, and a few interior changes.
Just saw an XLR-V yesterday. Sweeet!
Well they better have the G6 'vert released in spring as promised, so they don't have a debacle of a release like the Solstice. You remember the Solstice was supposed to be released in time for summer. Their releases need to be released when they promise them. It is vital for GM to do this if they want a turnaround!
What a bargain! I just hope the chassis is up to the power of the engine and it does not twist like a Pepsi can.
I got pulled over by some cops last week(long story)and they found out I worked at GM. They asked me when is GM going to come out with a proper cop car again. I told them I didn't know but I said you can get the V-8 in the Impala. They were like it is driving the wrong wheels right, enough said. Oh I didn't get any tickets or get handcuffed btw. So a happy ending.
I saw one on a car carrier the other day. The grab handles on the back of the vehicle looked like something out of a shower you would have seen in the '80s. Terrible vehicle just terrible. What happened Jeep?
I live close to Auburn Hills...Michigan that is. The Auburn Hills police already have a Magnum wagon in use. Very cool looking in the traditional black and white paint scheme. And the car sounds great too!
It just upsets me when someone that believes another persons opinion without knowing the facts. To me they feel threatened because someone else is doing a better job than them and actually likes what they do. I don't make a whole lot I will be honest but I could also be unemployed, so my job depends on my actions. A lot of 'other' people make way more than I do and they have let it go to their heads and their work ethic reflects that. So GM needs to in my "opinion" root these people out that are weighing GM down.
Well lets see I can tell you from firsthand experience. I am a contract worker at GM. Are you implying that I'm a scab?! I work my ass off every day at work! I love my job and if I didn't have it I would be probably be on the street or doing some job that I hate. We get treated like dogs while some(not all) of the "precious" GM salary guys sit on their asses and get away with murder!! I work with a great bunch of guys that are contract and do their job to the best of their abilities every day!!!! 90% on my shift are contract, but we do have GM salary guys as well on my shift and they do their jobs and we all get along great. I'm even friends with some outside of work. Believe me though there are contract guys that should not be here and don't know their way around anything!! They couldn't even ask if 'would like fries with that?'. And there are some GM guys that hate contractors and will be nice to you one minute and stab you in the back the next. As far as the unions, we can't even get a lightbulb changed around here until its time and a half or double time on the weekends. And it takes 2 guys to change one! You probably think I'm making this up! Well I'm not. So yeah I'm a little steamed when someone attacks what I do personally!!!! My dad was GM salary for 32 years and GM put food on our table! I own a Chevy truck! All the contract guys I work with own GM vehicles! Alot of their mothers and fathers work for GM or worked for GM and are now retired from GM! If I could get hired by GM directly I would be one happy dude but, I can't and thats the way things are and I can't change them! But you know what I still come in everyday and do my job!!!!!!!!
More lewding, and people lining their pockets at the top while everyone else gets flushed down the toilet.
Saab lost credibility in Europe when GM bought them. Now Vauxhall on the otherhand and Opel seem to gaining more an more. This might be an indication that GM is slowly killing off Saab. Look at how much development money is going into Opel & Vauxhall and Saab gets a lukewarmover on the 9-5! Hmm seems strange to me.
Just 'cause it has more power what makes them think they can sell it for 100k? They can't sell the standard car for 75k. Drop the prices on both cars like 10k and they might have some movement in the showrooms. Hopefully the movement in the showroom is not somebody sh*ting themselves when they see the window sticker!
VW needs to cut, chop, torch, I don't know...get rid of the weight somehow in their cars. They used to have some of the most pure and inspiring cars to drive. Now that they have been in the american market so long they feel that they need to make everything bloated. Is that a slam on american cars hmmm....I think it is. The Solstice has been the only true american car to come out in a while that is somewhat light. The Corrado though was a kickass car and so was the Scirocco. My friend had a 91/92 GTi and that car was so fun to drive and then like Kirstie Alley the pounds came 'a piling on.
Mercedes needs to stick the basics like they used to. They are trying to go in too many directions and enter too many niche markets. All these vehicles are unecessary. Make damn good sedans like you used to and convertibles as well. Go back to being thee highest quality company you once were cause you really don't have a whole helluva lot anymore! Mercedes at one time were very highly regarded, man did they lose that status!