I saw a black on black one at my dealership aswell, it appeared to be sold though..it was a cxs...
man the first thing that i thought when i saw the cx sitting 2 parking spaces away was, it's alright, but then as i was walking out of the door after they took the century in..I see this black car, and it stuck me like a lightning bolt..(the shitloads of chrome especially with the foglights caught my attention)..it took me a second to realise it was a lucerne..and a cxs as well..I looked it over, the 18's impressed me, as did the chrome accents all over the car....then i move to the rear end, once again, impressed, i dont know how but it reminded me of the century (dont ask how..i must be going crazy...maybe because of the 3 bulbs on both taillights lol?)
then i looked down and saw the MASSIVE duals....lol my first instinct was to try and see if I could fit my hand in there :P
The side profile was really nice too (woohoo chrome!) Then I looked into the interior....and the seats were dirty! (damn new owner :lol:)
but otherwise it looked amazing! the wood seemed darker than the one in the cxs...maybe it was the lighting..
the interior looked great..overall the car was very striking in CXS form, and the chrome strip on the trunk improves the back a lot compared to the cx, I still like the cx, but i'm surprised the cxs 'struck' me the way it did....