I figured "boys" would get you in here faster than "guys" :P No idea.
Okay, another girl thing. This is something that Nick would post (no offense dude, I don't mean it in a bad way.. if I did, I wouldn't post this!) and I'm lost too.
About 2 or so years ago I liked this girl, Katie, quite a bit. Her cousin's family (she's real close to her cousin's family) and mine were cool with each other and hung out. Well, I hooked up with Katie. It was a bad relationship all because I had no idea what I was doing as a boyfriend. I didn't call, hang out with her, or anything. I was terrible and I admit it to this day to anybody. I had NO IDEA what the hell I was doing.
Lately I started liking Katie again, but I've wanted to prove to her that I was going to not lack boyfriend skills like the last time. I've called her and I even stopped by her cousin's house the other day with my friend to say hey.
Now.. stop.. give me analysis of the above. Then read on.
I like this girl, Jen. Some of you might have seen my posts in the "Exorcism of Emily Rose" thread. I met her last week and talked to her throughout 5th hour and saw her each morning, walking her to class. Well she's new to the school and very much a sweetheart. I stayed out with her Saturday night (2 hours past curfew) at that movie and returned with my parents pissed at me like crazy. Well, after they met Jen, they liked her so much that they ungrounded me THE VERY NEXT DAY after being 2 hrs late.
Well, now Jen comes up to me and says, "I heard something about you." Well, to my luck and disadvantage, it's Katie's bestfriend who is still holding a grudge on me for being a bad boyfriend to Katie in the first place. She told Jen that I was a "bad choice" and the next day told her that I "stalk" Katie. After Jen told me that I like broke down. Jen's absolutely amazing in every aspect of the word and now I have some other girl trying to pull me down. I don't get it.
So I avoided Jen the last hour of the day and didn't know what to do because I didn't want her to think I was "stalking" her by saying "Hi... how was class." So she called me after seeing me avoiding her and asked what's going on. I told her.. flat out.. what happened and why I avoided her and how I didn't want her to think I was stalking her or w/e. I told her I like to give girls extra attention.. it's just my thing and how I do stuff. She told me that she didn't care how I was with Katie and that she doesn't care if I give her extra attention. And that I am weird.
I want to ask her out though. She's really materialistic and seems to like flowers and cookies. How can I do this very sweetly, guys? I'm thinking to bake some cookies for her and bring them over with a couple flowers and ask her out, but would that be corny because she said the other day to give those 2 things to my mom was an apology for my disobedience of the curfew.
I just want things to go right. I can't have people pulling me down. I reallly want this girl and I can only assume she wants me back considering she accepted to hang out with me, accepted to go to the movies with me (actually, she more or less just said she wanted to go and I went with her right after that), and, furthermore, asked for MY number in the first place.
Ahh I feel sick.