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Everything posted by knightfan26917

  1. *BUMP TTT* Still in "recovery mode" from my 11/11/2011 open heart surgery, I hope to have enough ENERGY to broadcast all 4 hours of my Holiday radio show. Guess we'll find out! CD SHOWCASE Christmas Eve broadcast DETAILS in 1st post or this FB EVENT: https://www.facebook...38294392906740/ I PAID the broker fee to WRMN... http://www.wrmn1410.com/ ...& re-familiarized myself with the studio & board, 12/21/2011. COMMENTS, 12/24/2009... ...Dave (twomanymontes), NY: "I was just watching the Muppets Christmas Carol last night! This is great! Now we just need to figure out how to get you a full time gig!" ...Bill, RacingOne: "You sound great, keep up the great work!!! Thanks for the show cort, nothing better to do on Christmas Eve then to listen to some great Christmas music while getting ready for Christmas!!!" & KUDOS for COMMENTS on WRMN's FB WALL, 2011... https://www.facebook...147178015304898 ...including... ...Anthony/Limey, IL: "I would really like Cort Stevens to host the Holiday edition of "CD SHOWCASE", 12/24/2011. I really enjoy the music and look forward to it!!" ...Kathryn S, Australia: "I'm excited to hear that Cort Stevens is doing another showcase. I live in Australia and loved listening in last year when he did his show - he 'introduced' me some music and artists that I hadn't heard before - It was a great afternoon of music!" ...Scott B, MI: "I would love to hear Cort Stevens' Holiday Showcase on your station for the third year. His show has become a holiday tradition for me and my family." ...JJ/Lisa, Las Vegas NV: "We love listening to Cort Stevens Holiday Showcase via online. Looking forward to another wonderful broadcast." MAYBE a NEW home for my regular CD SHOWCASE radio shows? http://www.wsdichicago.com/ Cort | 38.m.IL | pigValve + paceMaker + cowValve | 5 MCs + 1 Caprice Classic *** 3rd GEN MC (1978,1979,1980) FORUM > http://thirdgenmonte...s.com/index.cgi *** ** 6th GEN (2000-07) GROUP > http://autos.groups....montecarloclub/ ** "Remember that fat boy, bring that kid, if you want to see New Year's Eve" __ Mona Abboud, native/resident of Sleepy Hollow IL __ 'The Pretty Little Dolly
  2. * ROUTE 66 STORY ... TO BE CONTINUED...! Past Christmases: Caprice Classic, 2010: Cort | 38.m.IL | pigValve + paceMaker + cowValve | 5 MCs + 1 Caprice Classic * Radio.HolidayCDshowcase | 12.24.2011 | Noon-4p.CENTRAL | www.wrmn1410.com * "Decorations of red on a green Christmas tree" __ Elvis Presley __ 'Blue Christmas'
  3. low Cort | 38.m.IL | pigValve + paceMaker + cowValve | 5 MCs + 1 Caprice Classic * Radio.HolidayCDshowcase | 12.24.2011 | Noon-4p.CENTRAL | www.wrmn1410.com * "May your days be merry and bright" __ Irving Berlin/Bing Crosby __ 'White Christmas'
  4. Nice! MERRY CHRISTMAS, everyone! Cort | 38.m.IL | pigValve + paceMaker + cowValve | 5 MCs + 1 Caprice Classic * Radio.HolidayCDshowcase | 12.24.2011 | Noon-4p.CENTRAL | www.wrmn1410.com * "It's a pudding made of figs ... and bacon" __ Gonzo to Miss Piggy/John Denver and Muppets __ 'We Wish You A Merry Christmas'
  5. *raises eyebrow sharply* I guess I'm going to have to make a formal announcement because I've warned ya'll ENOUGH TIMES now ... my "big heart" is NO MORE. That noted ... goodness NO. Do NOT drag the Biscayne, Bel Air, and especially the Caprice, nameplates into Ch#$r%*et's Front-Wheel Drive Madhouse. That is NOT an acceptable notion ... IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM. I AGREE with you about all the things the new Celebrity/Lumina/"impala" has to be ... but dragging the other nameplates in is simply a no no. PERIOD. Cort | 38.m.IL | pigValve + paceMaker + cowValve | 5 MCs + 1 Caprice Classic * Radio.HolidayCDshowcase | 12.24.2011 | Noon-4p.CENTRAL | www.wrmn1410.com * "He came to town on a cold dark night" __ Collin Raye __ 'What If Jesus Came Back Like That?'
  6. Yikes.....thoughts/prayers en route for your friend, Chris ... as well as you..... Cort | 38.m.IL | pigValve + paceMaker + cowValve | 5 MCs + 1 Caprice Classic * Radio.HolidayCDshowcase | 12.24.2011 | Noon-4p.CENTRAL | www.wrmn1410.com * "I shiver when I see the falling snow" __ Merle Haggard __ 'If We Make It Through December'
  7. Definitely like the Charger. I've seen some used 2011s for ~20-25,000. *sighs* I still can't afford/justify a new(er) car, though. Ba humbug. Cort | 38.m.IL | pigValve + paceMaker + cowValve | 5 MCs + 1 Caprice Classic * Radio.HolidayCDshowcase | 12.24.2011 | Noon-4p.CENTRAL | www.wrmn1410.com * "It's coming on Christmas" __ Robert Downey Jr __ 'River'
  8. Indeed. I was just born in the wrong decade.... Cort | 38.m.IL | pigValve + paceMaker + cowValve | 5 MCs + 1 Caprice Classic * Radio.HolidayCDshowcase | 12.24.2011 | Noon-4p.CENTRAL | www.wrmn1410.com * "Will I be merry or will I be blue?" __ Deborah Allen __ 'Rockin' Little Christmas'
  9. * For the 3rd straight CHRISTMAS EVE, I will PAY (~$260 this year) to host a HOLIDAY edition of my radio show, CD SHOWCASE. Listen LIVE via... ...1410 AM, WRMN, Elgin IL ...ONLINE all across the world: http://www.wrmn1410.com (click "listen live" at the top right-hand corner) SATURDAY, 12/24/2011 1p-5p ... Eastern ... Detroit, Pittsburgh, NYC, Charlotte, Orlando, etc. Noon-4p ... CENTRAL ... St Paul, Chicago, STL, Oklahoma City, Dallas, etc. 11a-3p ... Mountain ... Boise, Salt Lake City, Cheyenne, Denver, Santa Fe, etc. 10a-2p ... Pacific ... Seattle, Portland, Reno, San Francisco, Los Angeles, etc. Like the past 2 years, I'll play a MIX of Holiday/Christmas favorites from various artists, including John Denver & The Muppets, Alabama, a handbell choir & MANY more...! Before, DURING & after the broadcast, WRITE to me via this Email: wrmnshowcase @ aol.com On Facebook? Post to WRMN's Wall that you will/are listening: https://www.facebook.com/pages/WRMN-Radio/147178015304898 Cort | 38.m.IL | pigValve + paceMaker + cowValve | 5 MCs + 1 Caprice Classic CHD.MCs.CC + RoadTrips.hobbies.RadioShows.us66 = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort "Have a happy holiday" __ Brenda Lee __ 'Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree'
  10. LOL! But, didn't you get a picture of it????? *grins* COOL! Any pics of these to share with us???? * NEW CHAPTER, RT 66 STORY I've written another chapter, #24, Surprise Meeting: http://whenthegoingisgood.com/2011/12/16/_thats-the-highway_-15/ All chapters for _THAT'S THE HIGHWAY_, in order... ...1-4, Potential Sale; Arriving; Goodbye; Preparation: http://whenthegoingisgood.com/2011/03/29/_thats-the-highway_/ ...5-8, The Letter; An Idea; A Return; Research & A Test: http://whenthegoingisgood.com/2011/03/31/_thats-the-highway_-2/ ...9, The Drive & A Revelation: http://whenthegoingisgood.com/2011/04/03/_thats-the-highway_-3/ ...10, Stall Tactic: http://whenthegoingisgood.com/2011/04/06/_thats-the-highway_-4/ ...11-12, To Make Connections; Plans Verbalized: http://whenthegoingisgood.com/2011/04/19/_thats-the-highway_-5/ ...13, Road Trip Rush: http://whenthegoingisgood.com/2011/05/12/_thats-the-highway_-7/ ...14, Late Night & A Whistle: http://whenthegoingisgood.com/2011/05/12/_thats-the-highway_-8/ ...15, Awakening: http://whenthegoingisgood.com/2011/05/25/_thats-the-highway_-9/ ...16, Train & Memories: http://whenthegoingisgood.com/2011/05/25/_thats-the-highway_-10/ ...17, Shopkeeper: http://whenthegoingisgood.com/2011/06/21/_thats-the-highway_-6/ ...18-19, An Answer; Return Visit: http://whenthegoingisgood.com/2011/08/11/_thats-the-highway_-12/ ...20, The Picture: http://whenthegoingisgood.com/2011/10/17/_thats-the-highway_-11/ ...21, Shaping History: http://whenthegoingisgood.com/2011/10/31/_thats-the-highway_-13/ ...22-23, Rebuilding Idea; Planning Stage: http://whenthegoingisgood.com/2011/12/09/_thats-the-highway_-14/ DECORATED VEHICLES Story + pics of my cars... ...1979 MC Landau (1996/1997/1999) ...former 1988 MC LS (1996/1997) ...1976 MC Landau (1999) ...AND 1979 Caprice Classic (2010)... http://www.motorgnomes.com/2011/12/decorating-vehicles/ ...& I found these 3 additional examples at the Kuipers Family Farm, Maple Park IL, 12/15/2011: Cort | 38.m.IL | pigValve + paceMaker + cowValve | 5 MCs + 1 Caprice Classic * Radio.HolidayCDshowcase | 12.24.2011 | Noon-4p.CENTRAL | www.wrmn1410.com * "Take my way, it's the highway, that's the best" __ John Mayer __ 'Route 66'
  11. BINGO! Still FWD ... still just a Celebrity/Lumina. *shudders* Cort | 38.m.IL | pigValve + paceMaker + cowValve | 5 MCs + 1 Caprice Classic * Radio.HolidayCDshowcase | 12.24.2011 | Noon-4p.CENTRAL | www.wrmn1410.com * "Somebody snitched on me" __ Barry Gordon __ 'Nuttin' For Christmas'
  12. Hmmm....probably a bit "late" to get you in the spirit, but how about my Christmas Eve radio show (see my sig)? Posting a new topic about it in a bit....! Cort | 38.m.IL | pigValve + paceMaker + cowValve | 5 MCs + 1 Caprice Classic * Radio.HolidayCDshowcase | 12.24.2011 | Noon-4p.CENTRAL | www.wrmn1410.com * "Yuletide carols being sung by a choir" __ Nat King Cole __ 'The Christmas Song'
  13. WINNER! Cort | 38.m.IL | pigValve + paceMaker + cowValve | 5 MCs + 1 Caprice Classic * Radio.HolidayCDshowcase | 12.24.2011 | Noon-4p.CENTRAL | www.wrmn1410.com * "Welcoming in the new year" __ Vonda Shepard __ 'What Are You Doing New Year's Eve?'
  14. I'll take the snow, but not the cold. Hey ... any other year, I'd be saying to keep the snow away for a while yet (at least until Christmas Eve or so), but since I had to put my MCs away for the winter before my open heart surgery this year in early November ... I want snow and I want it NOW. Not a small 2" like we got overnight (though, you would think we got 15-20", given the accidents around.....no further comment, YET), but 10" or so would be nice..... *sighs* Cort | 38.m.IL | pigValve + paceMaker + cowValve | 5 MCs + 1 Caprice Classic * Radio.HolidayCDshowcase | 12.24.2011 | Noon-4p.CENTRAL | www.wrmn1410.com * "Another year comes to a close" __ Sylvia __ 'Reflections'
  15. Same here! Though, I like the headlights/taillights of the '89-'90 Caprice Classic sedans. Some friends of ours had a '79 Caprice Classic coupe ... white with light blue interior and vinyl top. Recently, I saw a "reverse" of that on Craiglist ... blue with white interior/vinyl top. When I was looking for my "winter beater", I had my mind set on a '77-'79 Caprice Classic coupe, but found none. Almost bought a '77 Impala coupe, but I already have 5 cars that have a nameplate irrevocably tied to FWD ... don't need another! Instead, went for the '79 Caprice Classic sedan ... and wouldn't change that decision now. Cort | 38.m.IL | pigValve + paceMaker + cowValve | 5 MCs + 1 Caprice Classic * Radio.HolidayCDshowcase | 12.24.2011 | Noon-4p.CENTRAL | www.wrmn1410.com * "Rockies are calling, Denver snow falling" __ Steve Wariner/Alabama __ 'Tennessee Christmas'
  16. Oh, INDEED! Thanks for posting it to my FB wall! Holy cow.... So, who is going to buy this for me? PLEASE!!!!!! And, correct ... EFI only in the 4.3 V6 '86-'88 LS models. (and) AMEN! Cort | 38.m.IL | pigValve + paceMaker + cowValve | 5 MCs + 1 Caprice Classic * Radio.HolidayCDshowcase | 12.24.2011 | Noon-4p.CENTRAL | www.wrmn1410.com * "Yuletide carols being sung by a choir" __ Nat King Cole __ 'The Christmas Song'
  17. Hmmm....this is about as acceptable as Ch#$r%*et STILL being in business. *shakes head* Um, no. Cort | 38.m.IL | pigValve + paceMaker + cowValve | 5 MCs + 1 Caprice Classic * Radio.HolidayCDshowcase | 12.24.2011 | Noon-4p.CENTRAL | www.wrmn1410.com * "Remember that fat boy, bring that kid, if you want to see New Year's Eve" __ Mona Abboud, native/resident of Sleepy Hollow IL __ 'The Pretty Little Dolly'
  18. Wow ... haven't seen a LUV in YEARS! "Back in the day", my Dad wanted one ... just never bought one. Cort | 38.m.IL | pigValve + paceMaker + cowValve | 5 MCs + 1 Caprice Classic * Radio.HolidayCDshowcase | 12.24.2011 | Noon-4p.CENTRAL | www.wrmn1410.com * "No store bought gifts to open, but there'll be Christmas just the same" __ Kenny Rogers __ 'Kentucky Homemade Christmas'
  19. I've always wanted a convertible ... and the '75 Caprice ... just looks good to me. *shrugs* Saw this one at a car show/cruise night in the Pittsburgh PA area a number of years ago now: Cort | 38.m.IL | pigValve + paceMaker + cowValve | 5 MCs + 1 Caprice Classic * Radio.HolidayCDshowcase | 12.24.2011 | Noon-4p.CENTRAL | www.wrmn1410.com * "The children want to know why we hung the mistletoe" __ Ronnie Milsap __ 'It's Christmas'
  20. Unfortunately, I don't know. A friend forwarded it to me ... but it was "unknown" as to the author. lol Sounds like you and I think alike, somewhat, at least ... glad to know I'm not the only one. * 1 MORE QUOTE: "Try to look at the optimistic side of life, but be realistic enough to know that life is a complex matter." Those of us with chronic health issues and/or who've endured some type of surgery (open heart surgery, knee surgery, back surgery, etc.) know very well the difference a POSITIVE attitude can have for recovery/survival. Yet, we can lose sight of that at times, particularly when we're not feeling well or are frustrated with different aspect(s) of recovery or the financial strain or just feeling all alone. It's not always easy, and sometimes what others perceive as a "positive" attitude ... doesn't feel that way to us.... Some of what helps me keep things in perspective (including the SONG QUOTE in my sig below)... ...music ...road trips/meeting people ...writing: Charging Forth... http://www.motorgnomes.com/2011/03/charging-forth/ Sparks That Tie... http://whenthegoingisgood.com/2011/04/15/sparks-that-tie/ Rt 66... http://whenthegoingisgood.com/category/route66/ ..."Nephew Time": 12/06/2011 10/2010 10/16/2011 11/05/2011 11/05/2011 ..."Car Time": L-R = 1979 Caprice Classic, 1972 MC, 1976 MC L-R = 1979 MC, 1981 MC, 1987 MC WHAT KEEPS THINGS IN PERSPECTIVE FOR YOU? Cort | 38.m.IL | pigValve + paceMaker + cowValve | 5 MCs + 1 Caprice Classic CHD.MCs.CC + RoadTrips.hobbies.RadioShows.us66 = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort "Happiness is something we create" __ Sugarland __ 'Something More'
  21. * ROUTE 66 STORY I've written a couple more sections, #s 22 & 23: http://whenthegoingisgood.com/2011/12/09/_thats-the-highway_-14/ Entire story here: http://whenthegoingisgood.com/category/route66/ HOLIDAY DECOR More (+ pics) here: http://www.motorgnomes.com/2011/12/decorating-vehicles/ So, how 'bout it? Do you decorate your vehicle(s) for the holidays? If so, how? And, what is the oddest and/or most-creative vehicle decoration you've seen? Cort | 38.m.IL | pigValve + paceMaker + cowValve | 5 MCs + 1 Caprice Classic *** 3rd GEN MC (1978,1979,1980) FORUM > http://thirdgenmontes.proboards.com/index.cgi *** ** 6th GEN (2000-07) GROUP > http://autos.groups.yahoo.com/group/y2kmontecarloclub/ ** "Maybe I'll drive so far they'll all lose track" __ Dolly Parton __ 'Hard Candy Christmas'
  22. * FINALLY! I'm starting to get a BIT more energy ... and finding some comfortable sitting/sleeping positions, even with the pulled/aggravated muscle near/at my left breast. Slowly, but surely, despite the frustrations ... and hopefully soon will DO a few things.... My next APPOINTMENTS... ...12/22/2011 w/regular doctor (PCP) ...01/05/2012 w/cardiologist, including an echocardiogram & pacemaker check I doubt I will have a POST-SURGERY PARTY; too much with the holidays and returning to work. My Aunt Chris and I finished a puzzle she gave me for my OHS in 2 afternoons, 11/30/2011 & 12/09/2011. "Winter" side of the puzzle, w/clockwise, Fall, Summer & Spring: Also on 12/09/2011, Aunt Chris, Uncle Carl and I went for a walk in Hawthorne Hill Nature Center, Elgin IL. Pics I took there can be seen (whether you are on Facebook or not) w/other OHS-related photos, including my PRE-SURGERY PARTY; the Nature Center walk pics are the last 5: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.2636895683885.2152619.1300282613&type=1&l=7f835748ff I've appreciated VISITS from friends... ...12/04/2011 = Jonny, who drove his 1978 Ford LTD Country Squire wagon to take me for a cruise: ...12/05/2011 = Drew, who was in town on business from Pittsburgh PA: ...and, of course, "Nephew Time", pic from 12/06/2011: Cort | 38.m.IL | pigValve + paceMaker + cowValve | 5 MCs + 1 Caprice Classic *** 3rd GEN MC (1978,1979,1980) FORUM > http://thirdgenmontes.proboards.com/index.cgi *** ** 6th GEN (2000-07) GROUP > http://autos.groups.yahoo.com/group/y2kmontecarloclub/ ** "When you kiss your little baby, you've kissed the face of God" __ Kenny Rogers/Wynonna __ 'Mary, Did You Know?'
  23. curious Cort | 38.m.IL | pigValve + paceMaker + cowValve | 5 MCs + 1 Caprice Classic CHD.MCs.CC + RoadTrips.hobbies.RadioShows.us66 = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort "Have a happy holiday" __ Brenda Lee __ 'Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree'
  24. Saw this a few days ago ... and couldn't believe it. If this was supposed to be a promo for a new Caddy dealer, it'd make me run far, far away from it.... Cort | 38.m.IL | pigValve + paceMaker + cowValve | 5 MCs + 1 Caprice Classic CHD.MCs.CC + RoadTrips.hobbies.RadioShows.us66 = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort "Decorations of red on a green Christmas tree" __ Elvis Presley __ 'Blue Christmas'
  25. Not particularly. If I could afford it, I'd buy a 2011 Dodge Charger. I wouldn't mind having a 1989 Caprice Classic, or a '75 Caprice Classic convertible ... or a coupe version of the '77-'79 CCs. Cort | 38.m.IL | pigValve + paceMaker + cowValve | 5 MCs + 1 Caprice Classic CHD.MCs.CC + RoadTrips.hobbies.RadioShows.us66 = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort "I don't know if there'll be snow" __ Burl Ives __ 'Have A Holly Jolly Christmas'
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