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Everything posted by Intrepidation

  1. So, parents let a 6 year old try and pour highly flammable gasoline on a fire and are surprised when he got burned? Yeah, real legitimate way to make a case for yourself.
  2. Before it gets started, let's keep politics out of this, ok? There's a section just for that.
  3. Not if its solar powered.
  4. Yes but you probably have a library of old car information at your house and in your head.
  5. Well if they'd like to pay me to build a climate-controlled 4 car garage then by all means.
  6. You have no chance to survive, make your time.
  7. So I bought a 5 gallon CARB can for diesel yesterday. Cost me $16. Filled it up, took it home, poured the entire contents into the filler neck. Not a drop spilled. How is this possible? HAXX? Joking aside, I liked how the nozzle doesn't allow fuels to vent out, which meant that the car didn't smell like diesel when I got home. I may have to do it again tonight, just to be sure the furnace doesn't run out before the oil truck comes tomorrow. With these frigid temperatures lately the furnaces has bee chewing through oil. Honestly I don't recall Natural Gas being that costly last winter.
  8. Always liked the Acadia, but the rock hard dash was disappointing. Is it still hard plastic in most places?
  9. Balthazar has found his calling.
  10. I see a red one, so that could be used to hold gas. All of Camino's problems are solved. Live is wunderbar. THANKS TO THE POWER OF THE INTERNET.
  11. It was -20 below this morning. UNPLEASANT. However both the Prizm and the Grand Marquis fired up. Let them warm up for 25 minutes though. I could barely move the Prizm's shifter when I first started it. Also a hot water pipe froze.
  12. Epic thread is epic.
  13. Intrepidation


    I don't find it offensive. It looks like an S-10 sent through the copy machine at 150%. Of course, as far as S-10s go I much preferred the boxy 80's generation to the 90's generation.
  14. The Prizm is more pale white and gray than red these days. Needs a wash, but I'm waiting until after yet another big storm pass.
  15. I was grown in a tube and fed information through a needle in my brain.
  16. I quite liked the Accord coupe up until the refresh. The changes they made to it make it look much worse IMHO.
  17. I'm surprised FapTurbo's entry lost. He's going to be deviated. Congrats Z! Short and stubby trucks were never my thing, which probably didn't do me any favors with my entries, but oh well. Enjoy the watch! It was nice to see the design competitions alive and full of entries again. Hopefully this is a preview of things to come.
  18. Single digits? That's downright balmy! They're saying Monday morning we could be at -21!
  19. Supposedly there's also a Jetta coupe coming (unless I'm mistaken). That I think could make me forgive all the sedan's shortcomings, especially if it looks like a baby A5. As for Dodge, they gave up the coupe market when the first gen Neon was replaced, however with Fiat in the mix, and their acess to a variety of small vehicles and platforms, maybe we will see a coupe or 3-door. I'll just be happy with a good looking sedan at this point.
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