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Everything posted by Intrepidation

  1. haha
  2. You're joking right? This is lightyears better than the Malibu, and at least on par with the G6
  3. Lol that shart is indeed evil. I've taught my girlfriend to enjoy farts..lt took over a year to do Farts with guys are always funny, I know someone who can make a "laughing fart" It sounds liek either a laugh or a machine gun going off!
  4. No I haven't seen it yet. Today I was at the junkyard again, for a new backseat ashtray that i broke accidentlally. I found a new addition to the yard. A first gen Intrepid, which was almost commpletely intact save for a corner headlight and the radio. There's a couple other intrepids, but they're in pretty rough shape. WHen I went to open the door I heard a chirp sound, which lead me to suspect the battery was still connected. SUre enough The lights were on in the car. I found the keys hanging on the truck and stuck them in the ignition. Lights came on but teh egine didn't turn over. When I popped the hood I noticed a huge deposite of corrosion one one of the terminals. I would have cleaned it off but I didn't have anything to try. It's just sad to see car like that tossed away. Did I mention a few weeks prior whenm I was there I saw a late 80's Chrysler that still started and went in drive? It looked like it needed rear springs but that's it. As for that white Shadow...well they dented the driver's door moving it, and they broke the mirror off it. Oh well...So very sad.
  5. Intrepidation


    Since there's a lotta guys on this forum, and since it's not a particularly vulgar subject (so it has a better chance of not getting locked)...what's your take on farts? Do you love them or do you hate them? What's the best kind of fart? What's the worst kind of fart? Any fart stories you'd like to share? Enjoy!
  6. It makes it fly
  7. I remember I think it was Ford doing something like that once in a commercial, where they had this old pickup through most of the commercial towting how reiable the trucks were. I have almost 208k miles on my ride...to bad it's not a truck. ...or a Chevy... lol
  8. Thise aren't new
  9. Seems pretty safe to me.
  10. Good point, except that they don't share the same platform.
  11. http://www.thecarconnection.com/Auto_News/...175.A10334.html So, we can blame the damn Chinese for helping to jack up prices. On top of that our useless goverment isn't doinga thing to keep the prices in check, and Bush is just making excuses that what he is doing is better than what needs to be done. If nothing else, I'm glad I own a fuel efficient Shadow
  12. Oh, bummer... I missed that when scanning through the thread, my bad Have you considered a Charger? heh heh heh...or is that too pricy?
  13. seen it, on either compfused or planetboredom
  14. Saturns are 07's right? That looks retty good, if you're in the Market for a GMT900, well thing things are good too. There's also the Solstice GXP. Everything else in the GM lineup, sucks (as in nothing new, not taht they all actually suck). Meanwhile, I'm eagerly waiting to see what the new Sebring/Avenger will look like. Can't wait for the debuts!
  15. It's still badge engineering. So much for Lutz saying "no more badge engineering" Then again, no one else seems to get badge engineered stuff these days besides Pontiac.
  16. <-- turned 20 at the end of march Thanks everyone!
  17. *sings* It's beginning to lok a lot like badge engineering
  18. Looks good, if a bit too rounded in the back for my tastes. I hope they have a sedan version...wish the original Ion replacement hadn't be canceled.
  19. Go for it, The current Q is kinda ugy but the one you're looking at looks classy and nicely designed. Of all the Japanese brands, I respect Nissan/Infiniti the most. They're not arrogant, their cars are nicely designed, and they just make good cars. Go for it! To quote blackviper: "Sixty8... you will buy the Q45t... you will love it... just think... all RWD cars... Japan isn't evil... China is... " Get there car, it looks very nice, and since you like the one you have a lot, then you've got nothing to fear about getting another one
  20. No inspections, lucky!
  21. lol I can't remember
  22. That's too bad...doesn't it look cool?
  23. Dude, why buy a BMW when you can have something that awesome! Our cars actually had FM, map light, 2 speakers, and...AND A/C (I think)
  24. Well, first of all the Maibu is ugly. Second of all, it's ugly, 3rd of all it's got a cheap interior, 4th it's more expensive than the Optima, 5th, it only has a 4-speed, 6th it's ugly. Did I mention Malibu hurts my eyes? Anyway, I agree that this review is odd in that it's not very harsh, but at the same time, it's fair. He clearly states it's boring, it's V6 isn't worth buying over the 4, and it's not sporty. But then, it's mission is to be cheap, safe, comfortable, and fairly well built transportation. Which it does well. The other day I was behind a car that I thought had a really nice back end design, now I realize it was the new Optima. From the back, I like it a lot, it's like Lexus IS meets Mazda 6. The front I'm not so crazy over, but hey...it looks better than a Malibu!
  25. Yep, I know
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