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Everything posted by Intrepidation

  1. Further proof that the Colorado/Canyon are junk and need a redesign sooner rather than later.
  2. The first time I went to Lowell Used Auto Parts, me and a friend were gonna take some pictures, but they wouldn't let us in with the camera
  3. The LX's rock, if I ever get the money I want a Mangum SRT-8 or Charger SRT-8 So..it's gonna take another generation of cars that came out after the 300 to "hurt sales" of the 300? That's pretty sad, hahahaha. Talk about playing catchup. By that time the 300 will be redesigned on the LY platform, and the competition will have to play catchup again! If these were fas their sales would have died off already, especially with gas prices. Yet they're selling better than ever. At least Chrysler didn't half ass the LX cars, unlike the Lucerne and Montego. They all have good powetrains (Aside from the base 300 and Magnum), the midlevel V6 will be getting a 5-speed soon, and the hemi just rules. They're RWD and handle better than the other cars, they are exciting and distinctive. Can you say that about the Lucerne or Azera, or Montego? Nope. Also, to each his own opinion, but the LX cars look awesome to me, far better than anything else in their size class. They blow the Impala, Lucerne, Azera, 500, etc. right out of the water
  4. I saw that coming!!!!!!!! Sadly I have no comeback, other than perhaps those are just for fleets... You got me though.
  5. actually this may be a blessing in disquise. Think of it, the immigrants will come back to mexico now that they can legally smoke/do drugs.
  6. Of course it's not that simple, but I suppose next you're gonna tell me there's no official national athem? riiiight
  7. that's insanely awesome
  8. Explosive Diarrhea, bomb
  9. You watched that show? It was crazy/random BV, have you considered riding that into town instead of a Bimmer?
  10. I like that new steering wheel, why isn't the LaCrosse getting it?
  11. At least Kia has an excuse
  12. Once again, it's bull$h!, it should be English, and those damn immigrants should be required to learn English, it' our nation's national anthem, and our nation's official language. Don't like it? Then get the f@#k out!!!!
  13. I agree the Charger is a better buy, but you know it's not just the grill that is different right? exterior wise, the only thingthe two cars share is the windshield. The interiors are someswhat different too, namesly the guage cluster (Which I much prefer in the 300's). Just poiting that out. meh, you'll find anything to complain about reg
  14. amen! stupid illegal immigants >.>
  15. it's not a merc, the platform may be based one the e-class, but it was thoroughly modified by Chrysler. I'm sure they're come up with a good redesigned, unlike most of ford and gm (i said most not all), they have talent on their side I'm gonna guess the Touring was tested.
  16. no way...
  17. uh, no, everyone that's not here legally should be kicked out. It just so happens that few if any of the illegals are from europe
  18. That van existed before the Montana existed, hell we bought it before the montana existed. I agree with the crappy part...it's like 10 years newer but the interior looks worse than the 86 caravan...sad but true. shame on you gm. If you get the car, fine, good luck with it, I just hope you have a job ready and waiting, what with our crappy economy these days.
  19. It just goes to show that a car doesn't need to be expensive to be cool
  20. nice Dodge logo But...looking at that, even I would take the bimmer over it, and i don't even like that thing much But anyway, since I'm probably included as one of the "ignorants" I'll simply refrain from further comments regarding the car. Obviously if our views don't align, we're the ignorant ones not him, such as with that damn prop on my van >.>
  21. I don't get why people even bother with this when teh redesigned Wrangler/Wrangler Unlimited will be coming out soon
  22. must make for a huge blind spot too
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