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Everything posted by Intrepidation

  1. not me
  2. My god that's ugly! It has a bigger chin than Jay Leno!!
  3. Hope so, cuz the current silverado is ugly.
  4. I have one extra space in my garage...I'd love to have one of those (like a Dodge Pheonix)
  5. I really like the Tahoe and the Ecalade...the Yukon is just ok. I hope the Sierra will not have a front end like that.
  6. maybe, but that's the only stsaement i'm planning to make about that. anyway, that hotel is sweet...looks awesome!
  7. If you notice teh driver's side has a grab handly built into teh armrest, whereas the passenger side doesn't. This is, as you say, because the designb the passenger side has would have blocked the controls
  8. Didn't edmunds do a road test with a Mini a while back? Also, I just have to say this: Shantanu, you're a racist idiot.
  9. You know this reminds me, in the junkyard I go to for parts, there's a mostly crushed 65 Plymouth Fury...on the way to school I always pass by an old firebird and a I also pass by an incomplete `70 Charger, and some other car I can't make out. That same place had a mostly complete somewhat restored Charger of the same generation
  10. I don't get why buyers jus opt for the 3.5 V6. Good power, good fuel economy...no engine fires...and you won't get made fun of for having such a PoS engine If you're investing in a new car, you're putting a lot of money into it, why be cheap? Spend the extra grand and get the decent egine. The you won't regret it later down the road as `95 Neons fly past you
  11. Not surprisingly, it's less bold than the concept was...and I see a hint of Korean design in there. Still, it looks quite nice. I really hope the Vue looks like this...why? Well first it looks way better than the current Vue, and if you look at the center stack...for the first time I've seen ina GM car...it's totally integrated!
  12. Well, I actually did play solitare...on my friend's PDA...in class cuz there was nothing better to do Dude where did you getthat avatar? I've been meaning to ask
  13. Still can't beat the ZChrysler minivans for practicality. The new ones will blow the competition away
  14. The Enclave's interior is the first Buick interior I can say looks gorgeous
  15. Ah the Wii (wee), we all know Nintendo wants you to play with their Wii...and their vibrator
  16. <-- plays Halo or Ragnorok. Last time I played Solitar...was years ago when I had a computer that couldn't play good games
  17. For those who don't thin any phyical activity can come from video games, I have 3 words for you: Dance Dance Revolution For those who think there's no imagination in video games, play Final Fantasy For those who think you can't be imaginiavtive, go play RPG Makeror a Tony Hawk game where you can build tracks. Video games a great way to releave stress, and on top of that, they let you do things you can't phisically, or legally do in real life. GTA anyone? Plus, most people I know wouldn't have a garage of 400+ cars, ie. Gran Turismo Try pulling the driving stunts you can in Burnout in real life...well you won't live long enough to tell which is the smarter thing to do. And for thos eof you who think video games are mindless, you obviously have never seen how sharp a gamer's reflexes can be...and no not just their hands. I can't wait for the PS3, though I dunno if I'll be able to afford one for a while. Still, I'll get one eventually
  18. It was a pretty positive review, I'm surprised they didn't complain about the wood being faux. That's insane. There's no reason it shouldn't be real. I saw a `93 Seville in the junkyard the other day and that wood was real. WWhy not the `Slade? Also, a lot of luxury cars have real wood, even if it is a thin layer...it's real.
  19. This is so true. Why is it that other everyman companies can market uber expensive cars and it's ok, but just because VW wanted a luxury halo car instead of s sports car they haf to get slammed for it? And Josh, it's not badge engineered, it's platform engineered. We've been through this before. There's a difference and you know it. I think it's a great car, and the fact that it was better than compareable Mercedes and BMWs of the time is saying something, and it looks better than the new ones do. I'd be happy to own one of these. You have to admire VW for trying, and not half-assing it, and you half to feel distaste toward the American consumer for their badge snobbery.
  20. I see evok's point about his definition of "gotta have" and why he says Toyota has a lot of them. However my (and Camino and the others) deffinition of "gotta have" implies more than being successfuls sales wise just because people think it's the best qualitty (Which, especially in the Camry and Avalon, is not true), or that groups like CR tell them Toyota is the best buy. Our definition of "gotta have" cars are cars that are bold, distinctive, and create a strong emotion towards the buyer/owner. Very few people lust after a Toyota Camry or Avalon because of the power, handling or "style" they have. To that end, I believe a few example of "gotta have" cars are thes three. Chrysler 300 Dodge Charger Ford Mustang They are prime examples of gotta have cars. Not only are they disctive, creative, different, and American in their style, but they have performance and value to back them up. RWD, powerful engine choices (excludng the base 2.7 in the 300 of course). People genuinely love these cars, and not because they are a Toyota, as most people who claim to love Toyotas state as their reason for loving them (most people I've talked to anyway). but because they are cool, different, and unappologetic. And to top it off, they sell very very well. (also the 300 recieved the most awards of any new car in history I believe). That, I believe, is our deffinition of "gotta have"
  21. <---17 year old cmpact with the original steering system, wheel and all
  22. Not in reference to insults, just the silly comment Charger made that spurred this thread. We're not even talking about pigeons anymore (not that anyone really was after the first couple posts). Personally...i wanna burger now...
  23. lol that's also common sese
  24. I love how you blame everyone else for this even though you started it before anyone made any sort of personal attack
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