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Everything posted by Intrepidation

  1. That's hilarious!
  2. I see several Boxsters down here
  3. That sucks hard, I brush fairly well too, and I'm only 20, but I've had teeth issues since I was little. I've had one of my front teeth chip when I was very little, and more recently another tooth chipped once, and then almost broke apart, they had to do a lotta work to fix it. I did have one bad cavity, but it was fixed, but yeah...sucks ass...teeth should be made of something stronger, or replaceable like a Shark's teeth
  4. :rotflmao: It's been like 2 and a half weeks since we filled the Prizm, and it still has a quarter of a tank of gas...and yes we drive it every day One thing tolove about that car.
  5. Very good logic, and exactly what has happened to my girlfriend's Geo Prizm...5 speed manual with only 1st, 2nd, and 5th that work...crapppy toyota
  6. me thinks you're right
  7. Prizms and Shadows take regular, so premium's not an issue for me But I know what you mean, I saw gas shoot up 20 cents overnight last week, it was insane!
  8. Yeah, taking another look at the interior shows just how good it is compared to any other C-segment car, looks like it'd be right at home in a larger, more expensive car, the exterior may be boring, and I still don't like the steering wheel, but the interior will be a huge selling point.
  9. Sorry things are going rough for you, what industry are you in?
  10. Ok so yesterday was like any other long day at work, except I was told I could go home early, which I was happy about, since I was tired, and that earlier in the day it felt like there was something stuck in my throat, just irritating it and making me cough. When I got to the parking lot to leave, I spit was felt like a bit of peanut or something out of my mouth. Didn't bother me, but when I got home and was laying down the inside of my cheek started getting caught on my tooth in back, you know like when you bite your tough or inside of your cheek by accident. It kept happening, and so when I felt around in my mouth, I discovered part of my wisdom tooth, which had only ecently come in, had chipped a bit, leaving a [/b]SHARP POINT. Everytime I chew food it digs into my cheek and hurts like a bitch. Of course it's like 2 weeks before I can go home, and I dunno if KS takes Blue Cross Blue Shield of MA. Why the hell are teeth no stronger?! Why did it chip when it's like one of the newest teeth?! Sorry, but I just had to rant
  11. Large Pickup Honda Ridgeline On the other hand th Charger and Magnum won awards, which is sweet
  12. gold Jaguar XK convertible, a black Z06, 3 2007 Escalades, several new Tahoes, a few Yukons, a dark blue Suburban, and a black SRT-4 CHARGER!!!!!!
  13. kinda reminds me of the tC...the interior looks nice except that steering wheel
  14. Meh, I don't like the Compass, so for once, I can't complain about the review
  15. Looks nice, although the Chevy is a little chrome heavy.
  16. Intrepidation


  17. Why is so much of America f@#king stupid? It's a piece of our history, it has nothing to do with Iraq or gay movements.
  18. probably not, but it's nice the arm rest s and some parts of the dash are softer.
  19. very nice. Hey out of curiousity, what if any parts of the Avalanche's interior are made with soft materials?
  20. That dropped silver one looks stupid
  21. Looks really nice, though I almost prefer the extended cab look over the crew cab.
  22. I like the utility of the LT interior but i much prefer the look of the LTZ one, nice that GM gave buyers choices. If you don't like one, get the other.
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