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Everything posted by Intrepidation

  1. That's pretty cool.
  2. It's history? It's a Cobalt with a Pontiac badge....and the Cobalt sedan's tail lights. History lesson over. And I didn't even need to read about it.
  3. I love pie, it pwns. Pumpkin Pie especially so...it's my specialty...I want pie damnit!
  4. Personally, as long as it's the 07 Silverado you're talking about, either one is a fine choice I think...if it's the pre-`07...get the Ram.
  5. Wrongness God that looks stupid.
  6. The Fusion is getting a coupe?
  7. It's a bummer the SRX is such a slow seller, it seems to win every comparison it's put in, and the new one's interior looks quite nice. The STS sells so badly it seems, I hardly seem them. I agree that Caddy needs a larger RWD sdean, they also need a coupe...and if teh CTS is getting bigger, then they need a new smaller car under it. And most of all, they need to stop being cheap about materials and anything else. It's a luxury brand...don't cheap out on anything. If it costs more, charge more...people will buy it.
  8. And handle better too. I like it, looks really good.
  9. Unless I'm mistaken the Ram is all-American in it's engineering.
  10. go to htpp://themexp.org You also need StyleXP for some of the themes. It costs money, unless of course, you have a hack for it
  11. Looks great! Light years better than the Ion. I'm diggin' those wheels.
  12. Uh...well put that way why get the Sliverado? The new one is great and all, but the Ram has it beat in the important areas your dad is interested in. The Ram is nice truck anyway. The Ram also feels agile for the class and has responsive steering. The Ram also has, from what I've heard, solid build quality. SO why not go for the Ram? Although I agree with Northstar, he should test drive them both and see which one he likes. By the way the F-150, while a nice truck, has lesspower and is short a gear compared to the Ram.
  13. I have a katana...pay my airfare and i'll have some fun with them
  14. My problem with the 360 are 1.) There's no must-have games on it and 2.) None of the games have particularly impressive graphics. Halo 2 on the Xbox had just as good graphics as anything I've see on the 360 so far. As for the PS3, 4 words: Metal Gear Solid 4...yeah baby Let's all go play with our Wii instead shall we?
  15. 1280x1024
  16. Go kick trheir asses! And in the nuts! That always sends the message across clearly
  17. Japan is taking over America. Not through soldiers and weapons, but through technology. Many the big successful companies these days, particularly in the technology business, are Japanese. Sony for eample, sells TVs, DVD Players, Stereos, the Playstation, and more. We by millions of the products every year, and the profits go to Japan. We buy so many products from Japan, even pencils and pens...and cars. So yeah, in essance we're being taken over by the Japanese, if you wanna look at it that way. How many things are made in America by American companies these days?
  18. I hate the wussy tone of my gf's Prizm...it needs a better horn. I've always wanted to mount a train horn to a car
  19. Now it actually deserves the SS badges.
  20. They should have recalled the 93-97 models for cheap ass door handles (both interior and exterior). They are made out of horribly cheap plastic that tends to break. I've seen it on several Prizms and Corollas.
  21. A black pervious gen Civic with a key stuck in the driver's door...
  22. Although I would be a bit more generous and share some with family and close friends.
  23. Actually, the design of the X3's interior is one of the few recent BMW interiors I like. The other suck design wise.
  24. Why pay for something like this when i can make it myself in like 5 minutes? Again, nothing personal, if it's your thing, that's fine. It's just not mine. However, I love 3D renderings...Im currently working on my first 3D project...if anyone wants to see it I'll post it.
  25. Better materials maybe? That wood in the BMW I'm asuming is real..and it has the all impotant badge on the wheel, automatically making it better
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