I disagree about blaming video games/TV. I find tha a lot of people just use these as scapegoats so they don't have to take responsibility for their own mistakes. Granted, at a younger age it is important to moderate what your children watch and can play until their minds are more developed and they have a better sense of morals and common sense. Parents can use parental controls on the TV, and they can not get the violent game for their 4 year old.
When it comes to teens and so on, who should have an understanding of the difference between what's real and what's not, and are old enough to understand what's acceptible real world behavior and what's not, it's their fault for being rude, disrespectful, violent, and so on. If they can't tell the difference between a game or reality, or can't put the controller down and walk away when they get irritated at it, or try to emulate stupid things they see on TV...it's their own stupid fault. Certainly there can be some influence, but it's not the determining factor.
That being said, I do agree that their a lot of factors that can influence how a child will turn out. Good parenting, neighborhood, school, and yes TV and video games. The biggest influence I believe is the parents and the environment. Poor parenting and a bad neighorhood will lead to trouble. Good parenting that teaches the child respect and he ability to desern good from bad/ right from wrong.
Once we become old enough to understand these things, we have no one to blame but ourselves for our actions. The problem hese days isn't just a lack of respect, but a lack of responsibility and wanting to blame everyone else for our problems.