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Everything posted by Intrepidation

  1. There's only one choice for me. Ok...well maybe two... or three...
  2. Looks nice, always liked that generation
  3. Blah, it's even uglier than the Quest, though in it's defense it's older. The Quest Concept looks damn cool...too bad the production version didn't come out as nice.
  4. Until they move their headquarters to the states...or any other import company, they'll never be "American" and therefor don't have the right. Even then, I dunno if I'd call them "American"
  5. gods I hope not....
  6. I like it a[ lot, and I like how it stayed close to the Concept X, which bodes well for tho EVO X. I really like the GTS...looks mean and aggressive. Good job Mistu.
  7. Orange Range's Asterisk
  8. Intrepid - 3 weeks Shadow - 8 years (I think)
  9. Congrats! I was never a fan of the refreshed nose... I liked the pre-03 style better. Nice find though! I found my car through Auto Trader
  10. People are so f@#king stupid. I can't name all the experiences I've had with stupid people. Here's one: people who wait foreber to turn then pull out rigt in front of you... Or people who pull right in front of you instead of waiting until you go by and there's no cars behind you. Today some moron in a 1st gen CRV cut the corner of the turn she was taking and came dangerously close to the front end of my car. I blasted that horn, let me tell ya.
  11. :rotflmao: :rotflmao: That was hilarious. I had tears in my eyes!
  12. Hmm, I see what you mean. Ok, I'll try that next time I fill the tank.
  13. That was retarded but in a clever and amusing way
  14. Those are some really good points you make. Still, these days demand isn't strong enough for many automakers to carry they option. Must people just opt for an SUV/CUV/Minivan. I personally, am not a fan of bench seats but much bigger a fan of buckets/console. Still, for those of you who prefer the bench, hopefully the few vehivles that have it will stick around.
  15. What is interesting to me is that for Dodge intrepids with the buckets and center console, there was a console shifter, yet they spent the extra money to move it to the column if it was order with a bench. I wonder if that costs a lot to do?
  16. Mine's a 2000 as well. What milage are you getting? Those are good suggestions. i'll have to take a look at some of the stuff, and perhaps a tune up is in order.
  17. That's how I did the calculations. Filled it to the top, drove it until it was to a quarter tank, filled it up again and drove another quarter. Then I take the mileage on teh odometer and divide it by the number of gallons. Final results for tank 2 is 260.1 miles. That comes to 15.3 mpg. An improvement, though still nothing stellar.
  18. It is about skill. It's not just cutting and pasting. Try looking at the details. Also it takes skill to chop and not make it suck. You try doing it.
  19. Still looks far better than the Aura. Man I wish I could see it with metal trim in that back interior.
  20. I don't drive it like I a stole it, neither one of us does.
  21. So far we've been through 2 full tanks of gas since owning the car. The first tank got 218 miles on it...divide that by 17 and the car got a mediocre 12.8 mpg. Considering this is the base V6 I'm scared to think what the 3.0 and 3.5 would get! In it's defense, this was mostly city driving. So far, on the second tank of gas I've got 250ish miles on the odometer with still gas left. This was more highway-like driving, since I took it to school this past week. Still, I don't think I'll break 20 mpg on this tank. What makes me sad is that Saturn's big new Outlook gets 20 mpg average in a mix of driving (according to Autoweek) So, and suggestion on way to improve fuel economy? I've heard K&N Air Filters can help, though I don't know if it's by much or at all.
  22. Very nice review. man that thing gets better mileage than my Intrepid Good Job GM! Now build a car this good.
  23. That's a cool looking concept..oh and the girl ain't half bad either
  24. A first-gen Neon? No wait...it has the gauges in the right place...and handles better. Wait! The Echo!
  25. I'm afraid
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