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Everything posted by Intrepidation

  1. That is just awesome!
  2. Yes, and as for population, I saw a video that recorded the world's estimated population for the 2,000 years. This was represented in dots. It increased slowly until the 1700-1800s and exploded in the 20th century. We're growing too fast...eventually there won't be any room left on the planet for us.
  3. But he hates this car because it understeers like a bitch. You saw it, that thinghad the wheels turned all the way to the right and the car was going forward!
  4. No fly, this is a sad statement. Good to see teh Outlander selling well, I really like that CUV and I've seen a few of them already.
  5. Yeah...why is that funny?
  6. Does should the threadtitle say "Audi will show revised Q7 V12...or not even have the word "revised" in it?
  7. And the Magnum
  8. Why do you need a gun? What makes Glocks and Desert Eagles rubbish? I suggest a 357 Magnum Now that gun, I hear, is rubbish..and ugly.
  9. America is just as bad as developing countries and we lag far behind other developed ones.
  10. That's not technically a minivan though...is it? Anyway it's a cool feature but I think DCX handled it better.
  11. "Version Update failed. Please try another car."
  12. Which goes to further proove that GM has yet to build a car that truly appeals to Europeans. One and the same.
  13. I just realized something...DCX actually has a segment first for the number of transmission gears! Astounding... It's also impressive that you can get the 6-speed on the mid-grade engine...DCX should do this with the Sebring and Avenger...hell they should stick one in the Caliber too. That leather in the T&C looks very nice too. Looking at the specs and features it really seems like they thought of every possibly thing! These will be hard for teh competitors to match that's for sure.
  14. What year is your Prizm? Our Prizm has the 1.6 w/ manual. It's no speed demon on the highway but it will go over 90 without much fuss.
  15. How do you know? (It's probable they're a lot of hard plastic, but not impossible their could be soft surfaces)
  16. I thought the Audi R8 was going to be the first production model with LED headlights? Oh well.
  17. IS that what the current Vue Red Line is anyway? Just an appearance and handling package? The only other Red Line is the one with the actual power boost: the Ion. So...I dunno...it's no more lame than the current one.
  18. The XLR outsold the Escalade
  19. Yeah, tomorrow I'm gonna wash my car.
  20. Cheaper too no doubt.
  21. Lol my bad Fly. Fixed
  22. Yup. Everyone grab a Desert Eagle and a Shotgun and shoot random people (start with Toyota Camry and large SUV owners) Seriously though. I have no idea what should be done. Of course people who drive big gas guzzling SUVs who don't need them can get something that actually suites their needs and use less gas and most likely is cleaner running. We can recycle instead of throwing everything away. As Oldsmoboi was saying, we can use more efficient florescent bulbs, not leave everything on, and stuff Other than that it's mainly large companies that burn coal and oil...here in both America and China that need to clean up their facilities. Of course it doesn't help that our moron president lifted environmental regulations and still wants to drill for oil in Alaska. Did you know that America ranks with 3rd world countries like China as far as how much we pollute. We don't rank with the other modern nations that actually make efforts to clean up. I read about that in my world history class. Some food for thought. The other problem, regarding oil consumption by cars really can't be fixed until decent electric cars or more likely, hydrogen-powered cars can be mass-marketed. Even so though, this still leaves the billions of gas burning cars that already exist. There's no simple solution, unfortunately.
  23. The ipod won't play with a normal cassette adapter? Personally I like my PSP. I can play music, games, video and more...plus you can upgrade the Memory Stick Du o if you want more storage. Of course I couldn't fill up 10 gigs of storage so I don't need something with that much space...if music is your main thing and you have assloads of songd the PSP isn't the best...plus it's bigger than an ipod for sure. Why not get a retarded-ass 5-years-too-late Zune??! "PR3S3NT1NG T3H M1CR0SUK ZUN3!1! W3 M4Y B3 5 Y34RS L4T3 TO TEH P4RTY AND L1K3 3 T1M3S B1GG3R TH4N T3H IP0D BUT 1T 1S T3H SUXKORZ 4ND W3 4R3 N0T!!1!1! "Fatal Syetm Error. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart."
  24. Good point. My requirements are based on a nice daily driver. Something I'm proud to own and use everyday but not an exotic/collector. As a beater...hell if it runs and drives that's good enough for me
  25. Leather is nice but it can be overrated I think...plus it cracks with age.
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