Yup. Everyone grab a Desert Eagle and a Shotgun and shoot random people (start with Toyota Camry and large SUV owners)
Seriously though. I have no idea what should be done. Of course people who drive big gas guzzling SUVs who don't need them can get something that actually suites their needs and use less gas and most likely is cleaner running. We can recycle instead of throwing everything away.
As Oldsmoboi was saying, we can use more efficient florescent bulbs, not leave everything on, and stuff
Other than that it's mainly large companies that burn coal and oil...here in both America and China that need to clean up their facilities. Of course it doesn't help that our moron president lifted environmental regulations and still wants to drill for oil in Alaska. Did you know that America ranks with 3rd world countries like China as far as how much we pollute. We don't rank with the other modern nations that actually make efforts to clean up. I read about that in my world history class. Some food for thought.
The other problem, regarding oil consumption by cars really can't be fixed until decent electric cars or more likely, hydrogen-powered cars can be mass-marketed. Even so though, this still leaves the billions of gas burning cars that already exist.
There's no simple solution, unfortunately.