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Everything posted by Intrepidation

  1. So far it doesn't look like anything special.
  2. That is actually a very nice looking car IMO.
  3. Stupid move...it's not the way to go...they share enough parts anyway. next thing you know they'll all be badge engineered
  4. I'm bummed out that I never finished my chop Oh well, congrats!
  5. An awesome car hindered by stupid electronics and an ugly exterior/interior.
  6. I so want that Charger...I have the Camaro and the Challenger already.
  7. I always think it's ashame the real car didn't turn out like the concept...I loved that thing.
  8. In person, in Silver, it doesn't look bad. It's no where near my favorite but better than the photos. The interior looks nice, but those dead buttons and the feel of teh materials are below that of GM's offerings. For example, the A-pillar grab handles are made out of shiny plastic that toys are made with.
  9. That is awesome. Good to see GM not cost cutting like they used to. If the production car is as close as they say...well I may finally buy a Chevy I wonder how close the interior will be and if it'll have the corporate stereo or it's own unique thing?
  10. I love competition
  11. I remember reading an article in of of the auto mags back when Zetche came under control of Chrysler and said he wanted "Toyota Quality" by 2007...yeah right. It's ashame that many of their vehicles are not doing so well. I think mostly the interiors, and the recall issues they still have, plus a couple of pointless cars (Compass, Aspen) are to blame, in addition to the union costs, which are higher than GM and Fords now right?
  12. I know. It's pretty sad. Maybe it'll make the Camry look better though?
  13. I know, let's all pitch in like 5 bucks, then we all buy it and and it can be the official C&G car that everyone takes turns using
  14. Pretty funny story. Glad no one was hurt but serves him right for putting such stupid wheels on any car.
  15. What the hell kind of teaser is that? Or is Fly's post the official sketch?
  16. You do realize that car stopped production in 2003 right? Anyway, Nice car, one of my favorite Pontiacs (except that interior).
  17. LimeWire. Also, do what North suggested
  18. Looks pretty good. Dash panels look misaligned though.
  19. Wow that's very broken grammar. Dodge has ditched names like the Neon, Stratus, Intrepid in favor of more tough sounding names tog o with their cares, which tend to be bold, macho, etc. This is nothing new guys.
  20. Me or the car? Anyway, when you hit reply button it should automatically have the image source in it still, but if it doesn't do this: Right Click on the image. Select Copy Image Location (if on Firefox), then paste it into the text window. Then highlight it sand press the "Insert Image button" to add image tags. It should look like this: Hope that helps!
  21. Charger sales are up for the month, as are 300 sales. total sales were about flat. The only LX not doing so well is the Magnum, which is a real shame.
  22. They should keep the color options anyway, cuz some buyers may like the crazy colors.
  23. For those who thought the Avenger couldn't get any worse: Is that supposed to be a spoiler on teh front end? It looks like a rain shueld coming off a building!
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