It's just like at any job...some things are meant to stay within the company...release too many details and you're liable to get fired.
It's common knowledge that most people perceive Japanese vehicles (namely Toyota and Honda) to be reliable, well built (although with the recent issues that Toyota is having, that is subject to change) cars that lack the striking design many American manufacturers put out. This is of course, subjective, but by and large most people think of them as bland. To compare with a few examples: there is the Honda Accord and Toyota Camry VS the Dodge Charger, Saturn Aura, and NG Malibu. In the SUV department there is the Toyota Sequoia VS the Tahoe and Expedition. In the compact SUV/CUV department there's the CR-V VS the Nitro. In the roadster department there is the S2000 VS the Sky and Solstice. Then there's cars the Japanese can't even compete with (meaning they don't have a vehicle in the segment) like the Viper, Corvette, Mustang, and Camaro. Many of them can be regarded as show stoppers...when's the last time a Japanese car stole the show?
As far as "refuse to try" maybe he meant that for so long, Honda (and Toyota) have sold their cars on quality and reliability that there's been no need to try designing an exciting car...but now that is changing as the quality gap closes. If the domestics are truly closing the quality gap as much they seem to be, than that nullifies Honda's (and Toyota's) biggest selling point, and combined with designs that most people find more exciting, Japan Inc. had better be worried.