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Everything posted by Intrepidation

  1. So what exactly happened? Anyway, if you need a cheap car you could consider a Geo Prizm. They are good cars, but ours has been a bit of a pain since both master and slave clutch cylenders needed to be replaced ($281.65).
  2. It's silly to be paranoid about animals. Most often they avoid you. It's only an issue if you're in real remote areas or places that are known hotspots for dangerous animals. In which case, do the smart thing and avoid them. And most of all, respect them.
  3. A friend of a guy of a dude who knows this person who works at this place said something will happen someday.
  4. That's what I was thinking.
  5. :rotflmao:
  6. Too bad the Caliber SRT-4 isn't out yet.
  7. Maybe because the Camry's 6-speed is too unreliable.
  8. Gross. On another note, I saw want a print of this:
  9. Meh, I never liked that Altezz/IS car...always reminded me of a Civic. If there were ever Japanese cars to lust over, these are my picks: (but I'd wait for the coupe) and of course.... As for that Dodge Daytona...I wouldn't mind owning one, especially after they got the new interior, which looked light years better than the old one.
  10. This is what you should have said BV: "So tell me: What's it like living in a constant haze of stupidity?" Man that person is a bias idiot. Consumer Reports...lol what a tard.
  11. The black one they feature on C&D's site looks pretty good...the 2-tone stuff doesn't and the name kinda stupid. They should have left it Freestyle.
  12. The colro isn't good for the car as sciguy said. The rest is ok. The front end is a big improvement I think. Montego never rolled off the tongue well...it'll hardly be missed since no one bought it. Sable is better...they should have named it that from the beginning.
  13. No comparison to any of the Lambda's exterior wise, the ymop the floor with this thing. I see the Sante Fe resemblance...so now Toyota is benchmarking Hyundai? That's priceless. So I guess if you crash a RAV-4 into a Sante Fe you get a new Highlander? It squints too. I like the interior though, except that ugly steering wheel.
  14. This car is excellent and IMO is more Pontiac than anything in the lineup save the Solstice...and I like this better. The new badge looks very nice. It has nice detailing and is far more interesting to look at than the tired, plain red one they currently use...I hope we see it in the future.
  15. The Highlander looks like a squinting RAV-4 that got into a front-end collision and was restretched. It's ugly and dumpy and not very original looking. Exterior wise it has nothing on the Lambadas. The interior I actually like, except the steering wheel. The xB is ugly, I'd almost call it worse than the original and I never liked that much either. The xD I actually kind of like.
  16. So wait...is the 500 and the Freestyle now called Taurus?
  17. This is the best looking Pontiac to come around in a long, long time. It's sexy as hell, and that new logo is very cool...a lot more intricate and detailed. This may be my new favorite car!
  18. It's a cute little truck. I was looking for one I knew of during the Scavenger hunt but couldn't find it. So any pics of that STS? What's wrong with it?
  19. For some strange reason I always thought it was a truck o_O
  20. If you guessed Intrepid...you'd be... Wrong. Not the Shadow either. (both of those Dodge's transmissions shift fine, much to those who say DCX transmissions are crap) It's...the Geo Prizm! Yeah that's right, the one with "Toyota Quality" Yesterday (which was freezing), I set off too school but first went to Shell to get gas. I pulled in and gassed up. Turne the car on and went to put it into 1st...and it wouldn't go. 2nd...no...3rd...no...4th...no...5th...that's be a "f@#k you asshole I don't feel like moving" no. Eventually I managed to force it into 1st and I was off to school. i got to the lights at R110 in Lowell (by Consumer Auto Parts for those of you who know the area), and come to a red light. I go tp put it into first and...nothing. I had toput my hazards on and wave people past until I finally jammed it into gear. When I got out of class, I put it in reverse and it did so...butonce again I ouldn't go into any of the other gears. The best I could manage was to get it into 3rd...so i drove to the parts store (CAP) and got some clutch fluid. Added some until it was to the top...which didn't take much. t helped a little but today I still am having probles shifting. What's strange is that when the car is off, I can move through teh gears just fine. But when it's on it gives me hell, and when I go to pull it out of gear it fights me a little. I also noticed the clutch seems to not have as much resistance as it normally does....I hae no idea what the problem is. The clutch was replaced back in July and the transmission was replaced in November. So...WTF?! Damn Toyota "quality". Moving in reverse...
  21. It's got 175k miles on it.
  22. Those cars were $h!boxes. I remember when I was in grade school someone owned a green one...aalways stalled at least twice trying to leave the parking lot after the mother picked up here kids. I've seen lots of them with stalling problems...was that common issue?
  23. I'm with Fly, and it's why our cars stick around in our family. Some moron would just destory them. I'd rather hang on to them since they have sentimental value anyway. I'd miss them, even the Shadow. By the way, what kind of condition is the STS in? ANy pics?
  24. I personally like the Olds better. I don't think I've seen that Datsun yet Sity8, any pics? Hell I'd buy it... but with the Prizm acting up (I'll post that mess later today). it looks like it'll be some time before I've got spare cash.
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