You've told me to grow up once...yet you say you'd laugh if he'd get in a wreck? I've got two words for that...and they're not "good morning".
Anyway, I hate cell phone driver's because every one I've ever seen drives like morons. The drift in the lane, ride the shoulder, tailgate, drive to slow or too fast, don't pay attention to stop lights and stop signs...
I used to never drive with a cell phone even on. But my job requires I have it sometimes I do need to answer it. It's quite a chore between holding the phone, steering, and shifting...needless to say multitasking is a necessity. However I will not answer it if the road is busy, only when it is relatively clear...I'll just miss the call...I can always call back.
BV, it's impressive that you can somehow text and drive without getting into a wreck...but my question is why risk it? Even if it's not a risk in your opinion...why respond right away? They can won't kill them...if it's an emergency, I'd think they'd actually call (you know...what phones were originally designed for).
By the way...speaker phone is a great's just too bad the Prizm has no place to put it (the cupholder's block the little storage spot when it'd be too far away fr hearing clearly).