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Everything posted by Intrepidation

  1. Can I get it without the font? Or better yet, a wallpaper-sized version of your sig? It's awesome.
  2. The Neon SRT-4 Fly mentioned should definitely become a collectible. It represents the first time a US automaker has challenged the import rice burners and not only won, but blue them out of the water. It's not beautiful by any means, but it fulfill the mission so many cars before it failed to.
  3. What he said may have been wrong..I dunno exactly what he said...but we're all so politically f@#king correct these days anything can be taken offensively. It also pisses me off that while it's not ok for some people to insult other groups it's ok for others. Example: Not ok for a white person to insult a black person...but no one minds if it's reversed. I hate that so much...double standards.
  4. The Prizm's 1.6 makes good heat. It also gets 40+ mph highway and 30-ish mpg city.
  5. Well if they're anything like the Nitro's...than they suck pretty hard. Build quality is pretty good but materials aren't...the poor bastards in back don't even get soft-ish armrests (the front do).
  6. Sad part is the Shadow had way more soft touch surfaces.
  7. Intrepidation

    top gear

    Besides your obsession with his waist, he's a funny character with his other partners...and their sesne of humor ispriceless. SDO he's an arse...he's still better than any lame ass American host. Top Gear isn't Top Gear without the 3 of them. Oh, and he's so anti-American that he owns a Ford GT.
  8. I think the LH cars...they were breakthrough designs that the rest of the companies tried to copy in the 90's...plus they were and are excellent handling cars...
  9. One of my favorite Pontiacs of all time and my favorite Grand Prix. I actually looked at a black one while I was car shopping...the interior was a letdown but the car itself is still very handsome to this day.
  10. Intrepidation

    top gear

    Exactly...his humor is what helps make the show so popular.
  11. A red Sierra regular cab A gray Silverado extended cab A white Ford Edge 3 B9 Tribecas (2 silver 1 gold)
  12. Intrepidation

    top gear

    If they don't have the current hosts then it won't be the same. American "humor" will probably suck anyway...with hiip-hop overtones. Just air the series in America as is.
  13. Whenever I glance at the thread title I swear it says "Toyota Anus"
  14. 2 words: Flagship model.
  15. I like to think of the Bible as w work of historical fiction...Camino might agree
  16. Guys... scary observation...with the exception the the rounded guage cluster...this looks alot like the Shadow's interior... Look it even has storage at the top like teh shadow and the upper dashes are both "stepped". Retro baby!
  17. Say what? I won't argue that teh Nitro or Liberty have great interior materials...but they present themselves way nicer I think than the monotone, bland, and shiny plastics of the Xterra.
  18. Wow, that is a stunning Buick..and that interior is gorgeous. This is better than anything Buick NA has...bring it over here just like this..name and all! Check out the fully integrated center stack!
  19. In a follow-up report we have learned that the dog is more intelligent and overall better president than the real one.
  20. Erm, no...the Xterra's interior is a pile..compared wih it the Liberty's looks luxurious. That was the (obvious) point he was making.
  21. So far I like what I see...especially the front.
  22. Dudes, happy birthday!
  23. It's the Cherokee in other countries like Europe...honestly I have no idea why they dropped the name since they uses it's basic design as inspiration for so many of their vehicles these days.
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