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In Hibernation
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Everything posted by Intrepidation

  1. How do you figure we're exempt? Have you ever taken a history class? It's kinda required...high school, college...even grammar school we took history...
  2. :rotflmao: The fact that it's a Ram makes it all the funnier! It doesn't have Hemi! The truck needs to play Cigaro.
  3. Well said.
  4. Kinda like the Magnum and the Charger are their own vehicles.
  5. Wow, sometimes you find some beautiful cars on ebay...I want it.
  6. So...will it be called Aura or Vectra? I like the name Vectra myself.
  7. MOre accurately, part of the end-of-semester college experience. I've been up working on my 3D animation since 9 or so..I was lucky enough to get a 3 hours nap...which is why I'm still able to maintain consciousness. On top of my 3D final I'm working on (critique due today), I have a social psychology paper due next week, probably 20 or so essays do for aesthetics (plus the final), and a photography project due Monday...then the final for that class. I also have a test in science next week. College...it sucks this time of year. Any of you guys experiencing this fun too? ...I see daylight....
  8. If it's only $70 you could always just pay for it yourself if you're that worried.
  9. Exactly...couldn't have said it better myself.
  10. How would you, in your obviously superior wisdom, classify the following as ignorance: This country was founded on people immigrating from other parts of the world, however the language has always been English. It's the primary language of the country. Now consider tech following: people have come here from China, Japan, Russia, Germany, and so on...you name it. These people came here, and they learned English so as to communicate with everyone else. Most of these people also came here legally. However, now we have all of these people illegally immigrating from oh say..Mexico, people coming from places like Puerto Rico, DR, and so on. Many of them don't speak English and seem to refuse to. In fact, some one who could barely speak English told my friend he should learn Spanish...we're both like "erm, no...you learn better English." I live in a town where 80% of the population here is mainly from Puerto Rico and DR. What I hate about this place(aside from the high crime, disgusting trash everywhere, poor roads, and of course, insane insurance rates) is that hardly anyone has an American flag up, yet they all have flags from the those to places. Anyway, as I'm sure even you have noticed more and more products, signs, and so on having Spanish right below (sometimes even above!) the English. So tell me...how come everyone else seemed to be able to legally immigrate here, learn English, get citizenship, and become productive, contributive members of American society...yet for some reason we have so many people from Mexico, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, and such who can't seem to do that. Before your high-and-mightiness decides to jump to conclusions and say I'm picking on them or whatever, 2 of my best friends are from 2 of those regions...but they know English, are nice people, don't throw trash everywhere, and so on...it's not that everyone from the countries are like what I mentioned, it just seems either a majority are and/or they are just the most vocal about wanting rights and so one when they aren't even here legally. I haven't pulled out statistics and all that happy stuff, so there may be some flaws to my analogy, but it's not totally false. But I'm ignorant and know nothing. That makes you arrogant.
  11. To all those illegal immigrants (most of which speak Spanish and make us adapt because your lazy asses won't learn our language)...Learn f@#king English assholes!
  12. Cobalt > Ion
  13. The insurance we have on our cars says we can make claims for damaged windshields and it won't effect what we pay.
  14. http://news.bbc.co.uk/cbbcnews/hi/world/ne...000/1759093.stm
  15. I love that shifter.
  16. This is still the same guy who choked on a pretzel...
  17. My bad, it was the washer fluid pump that was missing.
  18. From England, by ship. Do you know that one of the diaries my ancestors have states who fired "the shot heard around the world"? Anyway, I have no problem with peopme legally immigrating to America, and I have no problem with them becoming citizens. I do have a problem with peopel illegally coming here, not paying taxes, and then demanding all sorts of rights. They want rights? Become a legal resident at the least.
  19. If you remember a month or so ago my friend's (younger) sister was car shopping. This is the one who's dad is anti-American when it comes to cars. When she got the car finally...within a week she started bashing American cars and that that Civic was the greatest. Well tofday he told me she was on her way to work, and was near Boston...when the car wouldn't accelerate above 20 mph! It's in some shop near wheerever it was left and will cost $400 or so to fix. My friend doesn't know what's wrong with it yet...but he laughed pretty hard (serves her right for being so bias). Keep in mind that she paid 8 grand for this car...and at the time it was missing the wiper motors... I paid 2,100 for my car...and it never left me stranded. He told me his older sister was saying that it's "normal" because it's used. Funny, the Shadow is 18 years old and it's never had that problem...never left me stranded either...except that time the battery terminal wasn't properly fitted an I was on my first day of work... Also I doubt a Cobalt would have done that.
  20. I worked at McDonalds...it's not degrading it's just a ton of work...it also gives insight into how stupid the customer can be.
  21. Good policy, we should adopt it. If foreigners become legal citizens of the US then all is is fine, if not well...
  22. Intrepidation

    top gear

    Oh yeah? I guess he got sick of the Ford breaking down.
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