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Everything posted by Intrepidation

  1. It's middle scoop is to aid air intake, the two side vents (they aren't scoops) air for letting air out. Assuming these are functional, they there's every reason to have them on their...as opposed to the tacky, useless ones on the Grand Am.
  2. But...but...I have no floppy drive in that comp...
  3. Problem is my old comp is ATA...this one is SATA.
  4. Not exactly...it's been many years since I used DOS Edit: Nothing happens when I held F8...it starts to varify DMI Pool Data... Then it goes to this: Adapter_Init: Phy not initiated by SMU Adapter_Init: Calling PhyInit Then it just stays... I can reformat the computer if I have to...but I really need access to the files(some of which are for my school stuff).
  5. Cuz Buick's FWD products are so exciting now!
  6. My computer is royally f@#ked...I can't get into windows...is there a way to access the files from say My Documents using DOS or whatever and copying them to another HD?
  7. F is for f@#ker...or f@#k-her or potato. `75 monarch if I'm not mistaken
  8. Not quite sure how this: and this: Come anywhere near sharing body panels....note the lack of stupid ribbing on the Caliber.
  9. I never said was perfect and at least I can admit when they make stupid mistakes or otherwise show "imperfection" When was the last time you ackknowledged Toyota did something stupid and/or made a mistake? Toyota's perfect of course...which is why the Fusion has a better interior and why half a million Tundras were recalled...or how about the newer, bigger, slow selling Tundra?
  10. Looks pretty good to me...but then I like the Caliber's exterior to begin with. Should be a real monster if they somehow figured a way to manage torque steer and understeer without the aid of AWD.
  11. Many of them do. However I see a few ES Shadows around campus that are still in good shape...there's also one that looks absolutely horrid. Most Shadows I see these days are base model 2.2L Shadows...many without painted bumpers...they look like $h!. I have seen a few 2.2L Turbos...and sometimes V6 ES models...although those engines were oil burners (and the 4-speed auto had issues..thanks Mitsubishi on both counts). It's rare to find a Shadow older than `91. I have never seen another black Shadow in person...strange considering the name
  12. Sent you a PM with info that should be helpful :AH-HA_wink:
  13. As much as I'm sure you don't want to hear about it (because god forbid we talk about cars), I can relate. $10 part (gasket) for the fuel pump but because they had to drop the fuel tank to get at it it cost me like $260 in labor. The experience we had a while back was that the car (Spirit) would start up with no problem but after a certain amount of time would die...so does the way a fuel pump fails vary? (Starting right up then stalling later as opposed to not wanting to start most of the time).
  14. I know, they have their language as well as English and special characters/symbols not found on US spec keyboards.
  15. You guys make good pizza Dude the Japanese have an awesome keyboard! I want one of those.
  16. I must respectfully disagree since I've never found the current generation Monte Carlo to be remotely attractive...and the only thing that looks good about it now is the front end. The GP is alright but somewhat of a step back from the previous gen's styling. To each his own of course.
  17. Then uh..don't read the posts them..no one is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to read about them. Nicer than Malibu, a Cavalier, a Sunfire, a Taurus, an Escort, or a Neon of comparable years. I've ridden in or driven all of the mentioned. I know better. And no $h! there are nicer cars out there, but I doubt you'd find many for that low a price.
  18. Me too...I was expecting a rust bucket with a mismatched wheel Looks good..now get it fixed!
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