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Everything posted by Intrepidation

  1. Doesn't the B-59 have a B-pillar?
  2. Accept for one critical difference...well several....but mainly...the Magnum isn't a hideous crime against humanity.
  3. So let's have a bland vehicle instead! No thanks. Go buy the E-Class or a Subaru
  4. I'm sorry to hear that.
  5. The other white meat
  6. My friend has the Hummer bike...he bought it because it actually fits inhis Corolla. The way the frame literally folds in half is very cool. So is the front disk brake.
  7. It looks very, very good.
  8. That thing gotta HEMI?!?!?! Or at least a tarp?
  9. He said he wishes it had manual mode.
  10. I dunno the take rate, but choice is good, because there are people who would buy them with a NAV system and who would use it, and I'm one of them. And it isn't fine, because even if I wanted one, the option isn't available on the Aura or Malibu.
  11. That's my biggest turn-off to GM's new Midsizers. They're great in most every other espect but th omission of a NAV option is inexcusable. The Fusion commits the same crime as well. A lot of people will agree. I know when I go new car shopping down the road I want one with a NAV system. I don't want an aftermakret one stuck on my dash...and OnStar isn't the same. The have a NAV system...they put it in the Lambdas and GMT-900s...so why is it so hard to put it in the Malibu or Aura? Hell, the new Lancer can be had with one.
  12. Something GM still does not put in many of it's vehicles
  13. I agree withe the blocky shapes...I have never been much of a fan of the Magnum/Charger interior design. The materials themselves were fine to me...soft dash, armrests (all of them) and upper door panels. The lid for the center console however, seemed cheap and flexed when the lid was all the way open. However on models with the DVD player, it is much better. It's reinforced, doesn't flex, and locks in the up position. The knobs could be a bit better...like rubberized like that of the Avenger. Steering wheel is too big I think, and the cruise control his very weird, so is the location of the turn signal stock. That being said, the materials are supposed to be upgraded for `08...and judging by the pictures they look better. The SXT also got a 5-speed automatic with the 3.5L in late `06...which no doubt makes the experiences better. Dimensionally, I wouldn't change a thing.
  14. So did did it ever get fixed?
  15. The seatbelts do seem silly...so do the gold wheels
  16. Try the Fleshlight
  17. I think the rear windows in the Cudas roll down...but I'm not totally sure
  18. I thought Linkin Park and Dodge had got together for some promotion when I first read the title.
  19. Damn you, I didn't fix the typo fast enough Ideally, I'd like a Charger SRT-8, Camaro and a Challenger...
  20. They are referring to a fixed hardtop not a vert. Also it should be noted that if the car was designed to be built as a hardtop to begin with then there would be no need to recertify/validate it because it would be designed that way from the get-go. Still, there's no arguing that alll aspects of car building are very expensive. I'd like to add a few counterpoints. The Charger pissed off the Charger faithful because it had 4 doors..which if I were so anal about such things I'd find a pillar much less offensive than 2 extra doors. Despite the moaning and bitching, the Charger sells very well. You're underestimating the power of design that most people will gladly pay for even if a few diehards are too anal to not buy one based on a piece of metal. It's a small piece of metal... The Camaro hasn't been revealed yet. It may or may not have a pillar I know some of you guys are very passionate about hardtops and yes they are nice and quite distinctive...but c'mon...let's be happy we have cars like the Camaro and Challenger back.Oh, and Sixty8...I like chocolate too...
  21. I know, it's a very impressive system that GM, Chrysler, and BMW have developed...the pun and it's components were a shot back at the "let's make fun of the Durango..even though it's using the same system the Tahoe will be using" routine. But it's ok...because the Tahoe gets like 80 mpg anyway...rendering far superior...with it's 4 speed automatic
  22. Lancer sales for the month were 3,860, up 263.5% compared to April 2006. This was the largest sales month for Lancer in nearly three years (May 2004). Other April sales highlights: Outlander closed at 2,047 units up 152.4% from last year's volume. Endeavor sales were 1,375, up 3.4% from April 2006. For six consecutive months - and nine of the last ten months - Mitsubishi sales have increased compared to the same month of the prior year. LAWL This is more proof that people will buy products if they don't suck.
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