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In Hibernation
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Everything posted by Intrepidation

  1. Sex on wheels....love that they kept the logo. The car is awesome...I want it.
  2. Same here. What region is i not selling well?
  3. I love it...looks awesome.
  4. And the government probably won't do $h! for them.
  5. I have a final project for Advanced Animation due Tuesday...I've been working on it for weeks and I still don't know if I'll get it done in time. I have a Photography final due Wednesday. It sucks. Hard.
  6. Actually, I can attest to this...our microwave is ancient...more than 20 years old...still runs like new.
  7. That feller's goof at goin' `round circles, I `reckon.
  8. This happens every year...it's not global warming.
  9. By his definition...probably But he already owns a Volvo so he doesn't need another.
  10. I will speak for dishwashers...the one we had before the current was liek 15 years old and was a piece of junk...a few years ago we bought a Maytag...what a difference. Same with the clothes washer...much better than the one it replaced
  11. That's nothing, try the life expectancy of a computer! As soon as you buy it it's obsolete. Of course if you build a good enough one it still is a powerhouse for a while :AH-HA_wink:
  12. No rush, but if we succeed I say we drive it and the Buick down the street and take photos!
  13. Why not just say the whole exterior?I love the styling and wouldn't change much at all. I love the G8 but for different styling reasons...both rock.
  14. Makes me happy my girlfriend no longer lives in Kansas...the storms were fun to watch last summer but this is just insane. Is that a `Cuda?
  15. Rear windows wouldn't be able to go down still.
  16. What happened to the `76 LeSabre?
  17. My take on wood VS metal. Wood looks bad to me when it is used in a dark, monochrome interior. Dark interiors liek that look much better with metallic...but tan or 2-tone (half dark have tan/light) wood works. Like I said..my favorite cars are the ones that use wood and metal. I think the Aura is overkill on the fake wood...it looks so much better in metallic.
  18. Well the whole key to me putting money in them is if/when they are put in my name. They are in my mom and dad's name right now...and they are in the middle of a divorce. I figure I'll reason with mom that selling them is pointless because you don't get much for them unless you put a lotta money in them to restore them...and reason with dad that mom would sell them...but i wouldn't...plus he once told me he would pass them on anyway). I plan to start the `69 up this summer..an put my plan into action. assuming the `69 still is roadworthy...I'll register it the day I get it in my name :AH-HA_wink:
  19. You don't think the Cudas are good looking?
  20. Metallic > wood Unless the wood is real...and then I'd like metallic and wood.
  21. My hardtops...
  22. Although I would like to learn Japanese.
  23. How is that overwrought? Oh well, to each his own, but I myself would have no problem buying a Saturn...in fact I'd much rather buy their new products than anything they had in the past.
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