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Everything posted by Intrepidation

  1. banana
  2. Better and more believable than a Town Car. <iframe title="YouTube video player" width="640" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/J1U4_pHCNQw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  3. From what I hear the Shadow may have sadly, finally died. Details are scarce at the point but it involves no start, oil and antifreeze, I'm guessing headgasket. If that's so then my brother will be looking into a replacement this summer.
  4. Me gusta.
  5. So, annoyingly, the rear passenger side brakes are making noise, almost like a grinding noise every revolution. There are grooves worn into the rotor. This pisses me off since those are new pads and rotors (good ones too). I don't know if rust from winter storage got caught in the pads or what. I wonder if I can get the rotors turned...
  6. Another day, another Cadillac flagship rumor.
  7. I could totally see it here as a Buick, what name I'm not sure but bring it on over.
  8. Great Article Z. For me I'd be looking at the Aveo or the Elantra's Mechanical twin, the extremely handsome new Rio. IIRC the Vera has been holding that title for a few years now.
  9. Which is fine with me, because IT'S A TRUCK! Trucks have always had wide-open grilles for air. Cars have only recently started using this styling cue because so many people have bought trucks/SUVs over the past 10 years it's now the trend for cars. Since cars are bottom breathers, there is no need for such large open grilles. I looked at the new 2013 Taurus & Taurus SHO at the NYIAS on Friday and most of the opening consists of plastic (like many of the other Fords using this styling trend)... it's not all open for air. Trucks = YES, Cars = NO. It's all a matter of opinion, but most of the cars you've been going nuts posting fish pictures about don't openings nearly that large as you exaggerate them to be. I wonder, do you have an issues with absolutely enormous grill on one the Terrain, or no since it has a GMC badge on it? You can always buy an old Passat though if openings bigger than 2mm are too much for you. Oh and if you consider 60+ years ago pretty recent then yeah its a new fad.
  10. I've got high hopes for the game since Gearbox is at the helm.
  11. Diesel pumps are usually different color around here. Gas pumps are black, Diesel is yellow or green, often has its own pumping station.
  12. Those are so played out though. Everyone and their Mustang / 4th gen Camaro has those.
  13. I think the rep system is doing a good job illustrating who is out of line. However, any further insults will result in a warning. Let's keep it clean from here on out.
  14. The Versa looks like a Chinese car with a Nissan badge.
  15. The Accent's styling is very clearly an evolution of the i30 I like the Rio better, but its not bad.
  16. These are still very mainstream and ordinary looking, IMO. And they lack the frameless door glass that was a Subaru signature detail for so long.. Mainstream and originality yet not very good looking. You know your product is hopelessly bland when its compared to the Rondo.
  17. I can only imagine what was going through Nissan rep's heads when the Rio was unveiled in the same show as their competitor. Probably trying to comfort themselves with more of that "small car buyers don't want sport or style" BS.
  18. Pretty much everything that needs to be has been. Check all of the above but don't worry too much.
  19. Though I can see it in this car, I see it even more in the truck in your sig... just sayin'. Yep.
  20. Either that or the decision was made a while ago and only now announced.
  21. Very good decision. Let Dodge compete with the Fiesta and Cruze. Chrysler should be targeting premium marques.
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