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Everything posted by Intrepidation

  1. Dirty Jobs is a great show
  2. Since it's a her apparently, you've got no worries
  3. Somewhere in Nevada...
  4. Don't they have that program where they'll bring the car to you to take for a spin?
  5. I'd buy it! But I lack the funds
  6. That;s when you can justify a Hybrid...or any other small fuel efficient car that costs thousands less.
  7. The GP or the Century
  8. Well, he has to have some sense of style and self respect
  9. I'd rather have the Vue RL's good, clean exterior looks and excellent interior than the Equinox or Torrent. Build quality on these things suck, and the materials aren't much better (although the Sport at least gets a silver stereo unit to actually match the center stack).
  10. Wow, that's very impressive service!
  11. You know what? I sat in a used Vue (pre-refresh) the other day. Yes the interior looked horribly cheap, but I actually liked the location of the window switches...they fall right at your finger tips, and are within easy reach.
  12. Too bad they don't make a Civic Hybrid coupe eh?
  13. Unless you plan to make sweet, hot, rough love with the lower dashboard I don't see what the problem is.
  14. How well do those heated/cooled cupholders actually work...erm...nevermind How's the sound system?
  15. Chrysler = Evil at your place? Congrats though...but the Rendezvous? Why not an Outlook?
  16. We had this problem with our old Dodge Spirit..it was the fuel pump. It may be your culprit.
  17. But the Sebring is a piece of $h! isn't it?
  18. I knew you would be back to posting this stuff sooner or later Nice looking car though.
  19. What about Chrysler or Nissan? Did Nissan have these sort of problems?
  20. Their PR is godly.
  21. That's no excuse! Touché, but there's a difference between what a BMW driver thinks is "beautiful" and what a 18-23 year old with a spoiler the size of a 747's wing thinks is beautiful...or whatever they think it is.
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