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In Hibernation
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Everything posted by Intrepidation

  1. Here's to not breaking down too much!
  2. I love it...but I'm not sure which I love more...used to be the saloon, but the SportCombi looks awesome...especially in black.
  3. The Corolla's interior is actually pretty nice, but that exterior is just meh.
  4. What does the Prius have to do with this? Besides that it sells well, and since you're comparing the two in that way that means the Avenger sells well too.
  5. The Cobalt sedan looks 1000x better than any Corolla. You picking the Corolla over the Cobalt styliztically brings your sanity and judgment into question.
  6. There's one of those for sale at a used car dealership downtown.
  7. They are both gray? I like the Sebring's interior and think it's pretty nice, but the exterior is just too out of harmony. The Malibu and Fusion look far nicer, but I admit they are both pretty plain, which is why I like the Avenger.
  8. "Man shats his pants and the proceeds to have an ass race with the family dog" Is that kinda stuff headline material in Canada?
  9. You lusted after one of these ugly things, you have no room to talk.
  10. I would have just bought a used car over a Corolla. Or alternatively, I would have bought I car I liked enough to keep for a long time, not piss my pants over how much I can sell it for in 2 years.
  11. LOL!!! Hey knightfan, you should have asked him why he bought a less fuel efficient truck, and if he's so concerned about fuel economy why he is driving that big ugly $h!brick in the first place. Then tell him you hope the camshaft explodes and flies through his head. I have not had the pleasure of meetings someone like that yet.
  12. I will take this over either one, thank you.
  13. I must have one! Seriously, I would consider this over the new CTS. The updates really clean up the car and make it look so much better. In an age where everyone is going for odd shapes and designs, the 9-3 looks clean, cohesive, and beautiful (try and find a BMW that can say the same). GIVE MEH!!!
  14. I thought it was real until I got to the part where the horn kept going after the battery was disconnected Seriously, they have so many it's easy to believe this was just another one.
  15. Really, really small.
  16. Yeah I know it `03 was the refresh year. It's a `95 I think.
  17. The mothership was probably made in China due to material and labor cost in your alien world...it'll fall part before it ever gets us.
  18. That's fine piece of high powered machinery you got there! The HD must have like, a KB of space! We have one of those in the attic somewhere
  19. Sad but true
  20. I hate you
  21. Although GM didn't exactly do a great job with the Malibu's butt.
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