So finally, my girlfriend and I had a chance to take the LeSabre out for a spin and snap some shots for Fly. I drove it there, she drove it back. Gotta say fly, it's one sweet, floaty ride. :AH-HA_wink:
It takes a couple tries to first get it started from a cold start, and it did stall once, but once it warmed up it ran fine...although I think it runs a bit rich. The transmission shifts very smooth and she ride and steers well...although I only went up to about 40. We went to the baseball field parking lot, followed by the next door car wash parking lot, followed by a quick rinse (and major wash for the Intrepid, to get the 4,300 miles of dirt and splattered bugs off of it). With the cars all wet and even more shiny, we took them to the store parking lot and took some face-to-face photos.
Modern meets old school, Mopar meets the General.
It's an awesome car, in that floaty, giant sorta way, I love it and I want my own
I also got a quick video of the car running and a walk-around to give you all (especially Fly) an idea on what she sounds like. I've got a bunch of photos, and there will be even more tomorrow when I take some daytime ones.
Enjoy Fly! (note the KS plate )