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In Hibernation
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Everything posted by Intrepidation

  1. They'll probably contribute as much to society as their parents, if not less.
  2. That's what I was thinking. In MA the other person's insurance company will pay for the rental that is equal to the size class of your car if they are faulted.
  3. If you get better than 19.9 mpg...you're getting better than my Cobalt.
  4. I don't like black wheels, the design whoever is nice. How much were they?
  5. "So is there any tread left on the tires or at this point would it be like throwing a hot dog down a hallway?"
  6. Wow, Jim Bob... "We love the ruffles and lace." Ah, now what we have hear is a classic example of a redneck couple who are god-fearing and can't keep their legs closed or believe in protection. I reckon.
  7. Well first, its battery will probably not die if it's not left in reverse. Second, as pointed out, Alfa Romeo isn't Italy's Chevrolet, it's higher up the food chain. Third, why are bitching about it? It's a limited production high-end flagship model. It's not a kit-car. It'll also probably have performance and an interior to reflect the price tag. Is it stupidly expensive? Yes, but so are Ferrais and people will buy them even if they are ugly. This thing is gorgeous...and since so few will be sold people will buy them for collector's value alone, not counting the fact that it is an Alfa Romeo. Only sucky thing is that, if it's like other Alfa Romeos, it'll depreciate faster than a Crown Vic.
  8. I had the same problem...it wouldn't let me post last night...saying I didn't have permission.
  9. They can build one hell of a large car.
  10. I change the oil in our cars every 3 months or 3,00 miles, whichever comes first...usually the latter.
  11. Dude, that sucks so bad, I'm sorry to hear it! Damn Curse! At least no one was hurt and the damage won't total your car, like what ocn was saying. The cost of repairs won't be nearly as much as the value of the car...it's also a plus that it was a low-speed accident. I hate stupid drivers.
  12. Cars and my family just aren't going well together lately. First the Prizm Then the Intrepid and the Shadow cooked it's oil the other day.
  13. My aunt had a red one of those back in the day.
  14. That reminds me, I took the Cobalt to Home Depot the other day to get some cable clamps. There was a silver C-Class that I had parked next to. On my way out I saw the owner with his key fob trying to unlock the car...I'm guessing either the battery died in the fob or the Mercedes has (shockly!) an electrical glitch. I thought it was hilarious as I put my old-fashioned key into my car with no power locks or windows and drove off! All cars should have at least one key hole for teh driver's door in case the electronics fail.
  15. The concept has metallic trim in place of the plood, which made it look 1000x better. The plood looks cheap, the fact that the door panels don't line up is cheap, the plastic arm rests on said door panels are chpea, and of course, the bloody center stack's lack of symmetry looks horrible (to me).
  16. Hey hey, I thought pornography was not allowed on this site. :AH-HA_wink: I'll ad to Holdens awesomness
  17. LAWL she couldn't even afford a Limited.
  18. That's was a very positive review, and their only problem with it was the middle-seat seat belts weren't adjustable...other than that they liked it a lot...no stupid negativity about it. The interiors are very impressive and the powertrains look very nice too...I like the Town and County's interior better because it's more upscale, but I do like the Dodge front end a bit more. They look like winners to me.
  19. I'm glad they didn't deploy, since I would have had more injuries from then than the actual accident (none). I didn't think they were supposed to go off anyway, but I was wondering since part of this lawsuit involves airbags not being deployed when rear-ended.
  20. A 3.5 does sound good...but I'm wondering...why does the 3.2 not have the same problems as the 2.7? Or does it but for some reason it's the 2.7 that gets all the attention? Anyway, as an update, installed again tonight...this time I was there to see it happen while Jessica was driving. Basically, she was slowing down somewhat quickly for a turn, and it just died. No sputtering, hesitation or anything...it's like when you pull the plug on a light. Just died....then didn't want to start back up again right away. From what she tells me, this is the only scenario where it stalls...not cruising or accelerating...just coming to/about to stop. When I drove it home I tried to get it to do it and not once did it even seem like it wanted to stall...I don't get it.
  21. Stupid question, but are airbags supposed to deploy when you are rear-ended? Cuz mine never did...
  22. I hate Rap something fierce...so that does nothing for me and does little to change how I feel about the car.
  23. Honestly, the way you worded the originally post, no.
  24. Vector FTW!
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