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Everything posted by Intrepidation

  1. I thought manuals were going to be available on both trim levels?
  2. Aw...I wanted the new Pontiac badge Oh well...I see the tail lights are red now.
  3. Or better yet...a high-res photo of that Silverado towing the Toyota racing trailer! (only as a joke though)
  4. That's a thought.
  5. Just goes to show how safe modern cars are...that guy's in deep poop though.
  6. Ok so here's the deal, my Graphic Design 3's latest class project is to make an 17"x22" poster relating to a social issue we feel strongly about. Mine deals with import bias...I want to make something along the line of "Rethink American" It has to be able to push that idea without making it look like I'm trying to sell a car...any ideas? Note: professor drives a Toyota so it's gotta be good! :AH-HA_wink:
  7. Which is why he never bought a Toyota or Lexus
  8. Is there a scan of that somewhere? I;d love to see it. The tagline is brilliant!
  9. A duck? Well that tells a lot about Canadians then
  10. He's so full of s**t
  11. Wow it looks really good...easily the best looking subcompact if it were brought over here. Lots of great photos guys...thanks for sharing!
  12. Many moths ago I saw a few reviews on auto123.com where they complained about the Canadian prices, because even with the exchange rate factored in there was still an overcharge...
  13. The text is hard to read, is a bit too large, is too plain of a font and needs better integration...what? I'm a designer Otherwise I like it.
  14. The way the car gets distorted in the photo makes it looks like it has a shorter front overhang which makes it look so much better. It's still a good looking car, but the short front overhang really helps the proportions.
  15. Yeah I found that to be a load of crap. Sure the Ion is very bad bad...but I'd take it over the POS Echo any day. Let's not forget those old Hyundais or Kias either. One cupholder sucks and I find it to be a valid complaint. I love thatthe Cobalt has 4 cupholders...and I make plenty good use of them. That's no excus to to have a center arm rest. Is one at least avaiable? If not than that is retarded...I hate not having one. Perhaps not but it's still nice...does it have an Info center that displays the temp like the Conalt? If so than that's okay...although I still like having an actual gauge. True Something is not right with the gearing if it's doing 4,000 rpm at 80...the Cobalt and my car are closer to 3,000 with their 4-speed automatics Well it is less advanced than the Cobalt right? Technically they gave the CTS an outstanding review (full test)...the CTS makes no compromises while the Atra does...and some of them it shouldn't need to. I love it though, and I'd take the 3 door almost over any compact. I agree with Oldsmoboi that they should bring the twin top over here...I think it's the best looking small hardtop convertible...much better than the oddly proportioned Focus for example.
  16. Beer of an form tastes like crap IMO....so you're basically drinking the same thing except carbonated.
  17. My that's a high beltline! It already looks better than the current dumpy LaCrosse....can't wait to see more!
  18. Well then that would take some real skill to drink from the tap
  19. I wonder they drink it from the tap? XD
  20. True enough, the paint isn't in bad shape at all...have you tried waxing/buffing it to make it shine a bit more though?
  21. So do you plan to get it a real paint job? How's the A/C these days?
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