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Everything posted by Intrepidation

  1. What a terrible color to repaint a terrible car.
  2. Chrysler is being proactive and voluntarily doing the recall. Good of them to take care of it early rather than some companies who dismiss the known issue for years *cough* Toyota *cough*.
  3. Recommending a Vega...words fail me.
  4. Driving is a privilege, not a right, as dfelt said. Sure you have the right to travel. You can travel by bus, plane, train, ship, etc. But it is a privilege to operate a motor vehicle, one you must earn. Frankly, the privilege is too easy to earn in this country. Too many people on the road who lack the ability to understand something as simple as what a traffic light is and what the color of the lights mean are able to operate these machines. As far as self driving cars, go. I'd love the feature. While I enjoy driving, I don't care for commuting the same roads in the same traffic jams at the same time everyday. Something you could turn on when you wanted it and turn off when you didn't would be great.
  5. Clearly, I'm sure you much better versed in knobs than they were. you should offer to give them a few pointers.
  6. I would like to see a better effort on the part of journalists to fact check. Last night I was watching a review of the Dart by two of them, and one guy complained that it wasn't enough like the Giulietta (which considering how ugly the front of the car is is something to be thankful for IMO), right down to where he called the Dart's manual shift knob cheap wished it were from the Alfa's shifter. Problem is that if he had bothered to do some research, he would know that it is the same exact shift knob.
  7. What you want then is an older lawn mower, like a Lawn Boy or Toro. Their decks were made of aluminum and magnesium. Never rusts, very light. As for the Honda, its one of those cases where its overbuilt, and that's a good thing. If you get the push version it'll be quite light since the deck is made of a polymer called NeXite. Pretty stuff stuff too. Found this video demonstration on their site. http://powerequipment.honda.com/lawn-mowers/nexite-mowing-deck
  8. Yes but the waste management part of owning a goat stinks.
  9. The third video is the same as the second. I was very disappointed and I think I may have lost a few brain cells. That air looks mighty clean, being filled with black smoke. What the John Deere was actually impressive VS mind numbing.
  10. Unlike their cars this Honda is RWD. I'm torn on what I want to do with it. On the one hand it'll fetch a pretty penny (easily $200), but on the other hand it's a really nice lawnmower. Even cold start you give it a gentle pull and it fires right up. It's very quite, love the blade clutch, and I appreciate that even the small front wheels are actually ball bearing, rare for small wheels. I restored a Clemson reel mower a bunch of years ago. They're tricky to properly sharpen, but the give the best cut when they are. I can imagine. We had one when I was kid. Don't know whatever happened to it. When I was like 13 I mowed lawns and had a small collection of mowers. I knew a little about small engines then, but not nearly what I know now. Pity they're all gone, some of them were pretty neat. Even had a 2-stroke snowblower.
  11. Welcome to the posting world!
  12. Well if you really want to exercise you go with a push mower, or if you really want a workout a push reel mower.
  13. You can get them with electric start, the HRX217HZA for example, for the low, low price of $900! Higher end push/self propelled mower can be had with electric start. Toros and Troy-Bilts for example.
  14. It doesn't seem like you can go wrong with either Dynamat or Damplifier. Both work well. The thread on LHF is well worth the read. Some good info about different products he used, the budget, how and where he applied the products (with photos).
  15. I haven't used it personally, but a friend used Damplifier in the trunk of his Camaro to quiet the drown of his Corsa exhaust. Made a noticeable difference. If you're interested, there's a whole tutorial on LHF for sound deadening your car. http://www.lhforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=966
  16. Well you know how ugly the Cayenne is and the Uterus looks ok (they are based on the same platform).
  17. Balthzar guessed it. Yes it's a Honda Harmony HRB215. I got it along with another mower as partial trade for a Craftsman I was selling. I pulled out the spark plug, put a small shot of carb spray in it, put some gas in the empty tank, fired right up. I couldn't believe it. Everything on this thing works. This is a really nice mower, very quiet compared to the B&S and Tecumseh flatheads I've been working on. I really like the blade clutch feature (first mower I've had with it). The polycarbonate deck is pretty interesting as well.
  18. "It [the Estoque] was placed on hold because of a number of reasons, including the lack of a suitable platform." Just use a Porsche one. Seems to work when you want to make an SUV.
  19. I have to say its really nice. No wonder why people like these things.
  20. Stay outta my shed ok?
  21. Yeah, if you planned to do a lot of small things on a regular basis it could be worth it, but for one project seems be better just to have it done.
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