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In Hibernation
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Everything posted by Intrepidation

  1. What else are they going to call it? M5-with-a- lower-roof-and-sleeper profile or M6-with-two-extra-doors hardly rolls of the tongue.
  2. The Sierra is definitely the more attractive of the two. Shame it wasn't blessed with a different interior.
  3. Looks to me that the Rambox has a deep well near the back about the side of the Avalanche's. To me that just doesn't look very big. The real question though is why this feature that GM pioneered isn't in the new trucks.
  4. Again, I find it strange how that "ripp-off" (which is much larger, lockable, part of the central locking system, lit, drainable, and can be customized with different equipment racks) wasn't incorporated into GM's new trucks, especially now that the Avalanche is dead. While I do love the Hemi, I'd probably get the 3.6/8-speed. It's rated for 18/25 (the same as my car!), and you're no longer saddled with the base model, you can load the V6 right up, and it's got very respectable payload/towing capability, plenty for what I'd use it for. Camino you can always go monotone.
  5. Research has revealed that there is trouble in truth land. One of the Depue wells (8H) is severely flawed with a bubbling annulus. An annulus is the cemented layer between layers of steel, you know, the one that 'never leaks' and can survive cannon-type explosions as seen toward the end of the "Truthland" movie. Two more of the Depue wells (2H and 6H) have Pennsylvania DEP violations, which are shown below. Needless to say, it's not going nearly as well as all the "experts" interviewed in the Truthland movie led Shelly to believe it would! Depue 8H is located at 41.924375,-75.8729 in Franklin Township, Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania. The well (DEP permit number 115-20461) was SPUD on November 18, 2010 by Williams Production Appalachia. Williams subsequently spun off Williams Production Appalachia to become WPX Energy, which the Pennsylvania DEP currently lists as the operator of Depue 8H. The DEP cited WPX on July 28, 2010 for failing to file production reports. Depue 8H has been the subject of multiple DEP violation notices. On February 15, 2011, violation ID 604972 (Inspection ID 1950415) is described in the DEP eFACTS database as "Failure to report defective, insufficient, or improperly cemented casing w/in 24 hrs or submit plan to correct w/in 30 days". The actual inspection report notes "Failure to properly cement intermediate casing." (Inspection reports are not currently on-line but are available to the public through the DEP 'File Review' and 'Right To Know' processes.) The rest here: http://www.marcellus...e_in_truth_land More than a year later on March 20, 2012, it appears the problem was not fixed. In Inspection Report 2053535, DEP inspector Stephen Watson reports: "Well is online. Observed bubbling on 9" x 13" annulus. Can see bubbling at surface. Bubbling is consistent and visible on all sides of casing." Remeber how she said, in direct quote, "They said they actually are working hard and getting better every day."? That whoops. Oh and "The film and its “full-scale website and social media campaign” was planned from start to finish by the natural gas industry. Even its web domain, truthlandmovie.com, was registered by industry giant Chesapeake Energy. The origin of Truthland as an industry PR campaign is confirmed by EID spokesman Chris Tucker’s presentation to a meeting of West Virginia oil and natural gas industry representatives in May." So it looks like I was correct when I smelt a big paycheck watching that trailer.
  6. http://www.marcellus...e-Truthland.htm Whoops. Look which documentary is lying now.
  7. Couple things: I don't like the look of the crew cab models, the wheelbase seems to be stretched for them, and I don't like the wheels pushed toward the back look. As for the interior, the center stack shape bugs me and now I know why. It reminds me of the old Land Cruiser's shape. I don't like how the center stack and side vent areas look like cutouts. I mean if this was the work truck interior and they had a different design for the top shelf models like teh previous gen, it would be ok. But as for top shelf interiors, I much prefer these:
  8. Watching the trailers for both, one has a whiff of sensationalism while they other looks like someone got a mighty big paycheck to make it.
  9. Why is it that they haven't released any power numbers? They go so far as to knock the 300+ horsepower V6 engines in the other trucks for not being manly man truck engines and being based on puny passenger car engines, but make no mention of how they've made the 195 hp turd that is the 4.3 not suck by giving us numbers. Also, why is their no bed box storage like what the Ram has, or what the now dead Avalanche had?
  10. More evolutionary than revolutionary on the exteriors. which is disappointing. With that said, the Silverado has gotten boxier and uglier, the Sierra is definitely the better looking one of the two. Not really feeling the interiors. They look fine for a work truck but don't really look on par with the higher end ones Ford and Dodge Ram have. Speaking of the Ram, I see they've taken a page from it and put forward hinged doors on the extended cab models, great idea, too bad it was already done 9 years ago. Very forward thinking.
  11. You don't have to convince me of the benefits of NG heating, where I used to live we had one and it was great. No waiting for fuel delivery, when the power went out we still had heat and hot water. That said, neither the oil fired furnace or water heater create soot in our house. On the flip side oil fired homes tend not to explode.
  12. You do realize the US imports most of its oil from Canada and Latin America right? I wish we had Natural Gas in this part of the state, hate home heating oil. So damn expensive, I'd wager electric heating is cheaper at this point.
  13. I don't know who should be more insulted; Ford, Audi, or General Dynamics.
  14. It was the Freemasons.
  15. David doesn't look too shabby and neither does the Verano convertible.
  16. The fascias don't really need help, from both an aesthetic and practical standpoint the car's problem is more than skin deep: its the shorter wheelbase. Not only is it down on rear legroom, but the proportions are all off. I've been saying that since day 1 though. doingitright doingitwrong.
  17. That's be pretty sweet. Instant torque (the beauty of electric motors) and no noise.
  18. Besides the overdone lower fascias and the the same interior design they've been using since the 80s, I like it.
  19. Umm, CDs are digital also, and not crappy compressed mp3s... So the CD slot is in the glovebox? Weak...is it at least a 6 disc changer, or just one disc? Note the satire. At any rate, it still exists in the car so they aren't cheaping out. However, with mp3 players/smart phones becoming more prevalent, and the inclusion of Pandora built into the latest infotainment systems, CDs aren't the standard they once were, just like cassettes before them.
  20. You know what's a deal breaker for me? No 8-tracks. I mean c'mon people still listen to antiquated multimedia, why aren't automakers conforming to that instead of looking forward to mp3s? Digitized music, pah! Witchcraft I say.
  21. They are in great shape, much better than the ones that were in it. Interestingly, teh driver's seat sits higher and doesn't go down as low as the old one.
  22. Today while waiting for the radiator to arrive for my car..
  23. Like one of these? For the one in the Prizm,WHen the stereo is on, press an hold the dial down until it goes to the menu. To turn off teh display, cycle through the menu until you see "Demo" Same for the beeps.
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