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In Hibernation
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Everything posted by Intrepidation

  1. Considering summer doesn't start until 1:45am, one can't jump to such conclusions as calling it a "year without summer".
  2. I never took any photography lessons besides Photography I in college, which was more about the process of developing black and white film.
  3. Today was more humid than I liked, but considering all of the lousy weather, I'll take what I can get. I feel pretty accomplished as far as making use of it. Got some nice photos in the morning, and just got back from flying my plane with its new modifications. Rain's at the doorstep though.
  4. Top one is HDR, bottom is exposure blending. Glad you guys like them.
  5. Been meaning to do this since the foliage came back. get up or be up at sunrise and stake some photos while it was calm and quite. The lousey weather and lack of time made it impossible until I decided to pull an all nighter. My favorite two.
  6. Happy Birthday!
  7. I have no issues with the site besides the fact that when I click "build my your own" nothing happens.
  8. For once it wasn't raining, so I made a point to stay up all night so I would be awake at sunrise to take some photos at the river. If anyone wants to see, I can post some in a bit.
  9. One for Delta Force, hope you like it white. If not I'll redo it with a black Challenger.
  10. Here you go Farkas, hope you like it!
  11. That reminds me of a youtube video I saw. It's as hilarious as it sounds.
  12. Yeah I hate giant sigs too.
  13. Happy birthday!
  14. Oh I thought it was your GC that had the brake failure (hence the 100,000 remark).
  15. Happy 1000,000?
  16. I agree, besides the overhang it's not bad looking, but the front has always been an awkward part of the car to me.
  17. Awesome find!
  18. First one's done. Hope you like it!
  19. Your work must block photobucket, how was the old sig linked?
  20. So do you want a Lumina or a 3-Series in there? Lumina right? :wink:
  21. My 2000 Is at 196,200 BUt then, I know a guy whose `01 is at 500,000 miles, so we are all humbled.
  22. No odometer picture? Congrats!
  23. Well that um...blowed? Yeah... I see where they are trying to go with it, but the execution feels very lacking.
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