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Everything posted by Intrepidation

  1. It's on the front page of Yahoo news now.
  2. Unless a cult following shows up for a middle-of-the-road midsize car with bugs bunny grill and a giant wing....I can't see it being a collector. Especially when the G8 and Solstice shared the same showroom floor, two cars that will most certainly become collectible.
  3. Yeah I'm planning to go see it again with a friend at an iMax theater.
  4. They should have kept Bumblebee as the main kid friendly character. That has always been Bumblebee's role. Either that or have not made the twins such foil mouthed retards, and base them on the Volt and Cruze.
  5. I just realized...I think I saw the Volt all of one time and I don't remember seeing it transform or in robot mode after that.
  6. Also mister high and mighty on CNN might want to proof read.
  7. I saw it this morning. I wasn't going in expecting an epic story the questions the very essence of our being. Really I wanted to see more robots and less people with fight scenes that actually occurred on screen. It didn't disappoint in that area. The biggest detractors were the "Twins" which were annoying little redneck robots, making more of the characters memorable, and sometimes it was hard to tell what was going on. Some of the characters were great. Jetfire was a class act grumpy old man. However I think they only said the name of Megatron's superior once, and I missed it. I also don't remember the names of the Autobot disguised as the Corvette concept, the Twins, or the little robot the turns into an rc truck. As far as plot goes. It's all there, but not told as clearly as it should have been. They didn't explain what Energon was until well after the name first came up. Ratch has no lines in the whole movie. Barricade wasn't there, and a few other continuity errors. Still, the fights were a lot better this time, and there was a lot more of them, there's plenty of dialogue between the Transformers that pay homage to Gen 1, as well as plenty of symbolic stuff. Which is what I went there to see.
  8. I like what I see so far!
  9. And I respect your strange sense of taste.
  10. The Aztek stood out from the crowd too.
  11. It doesn't look as bad in motion, but man that grill is still too big and too ugly.
  12. True it is a lousy photo, got another one in mind Camino?
  13. I have set of Continentals on the front of the Intrepid and don't like them at all. Lots of tire roar and the handling is a step down from the Eagles it had originally. If I ever get my car back they're being tossed for better tires (and wheels)
  14. I should have made a bet with deftonesfan867, I would have won.
  15. Another wreck?!
  16. It's one of my favorite blues.
  17. This right? Just so you know it will probably not be 100% exact but I'll get it as close as possible.
  18. Pick a color and I can make it so.
  19. I talked to him a couple months ago. He said his computer crapped the bed and hasn't had a chance to replace it if I recall correctly (he was messaging through his cell).
  20. Well I figured my little story would not be the best one, but you know what? You guys can keep them.
  21. So Camino, if a post a photo of the tree in my yard will you be able to name it?
  22. My Intrepid of course, but I love all of our cars.
  23. No beer (although I hate beer) and no indoor grill.
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