Hmm well I have a story/mini rant to share along these lines.
For as long as I can remember it's been legal to buy and set off fireworks in NH but illegal in MA. I got to set off fireworks in KS a couple years ago at my gf's uncle's house and it was a I wanted to do it this year. Friend of mine had gone to Hampton Beach for several years because not only could he shoot them off but they had their own display.
We bought $52 each worth of fireworks last week from Londonderry, and yesterday headed to Hampton. Traffic around the beach was terrible, as expected, so we parked in a public parking stop across the street from another fireworks shop and about a mile from the beach.
We brought a picnic basket which ad some snacks and drinks and the loose fireworks inside, the box of assorted fireworks, a few of the launcher tubes.
We found a stop near near where the actual display would be. While we waited we set off a bunch of sparklers near where we sat, then went to the waterfront to launch some of the bigger ones away from people. It was great fin. Other people were doing it as well, and the crowd loved it...especially the big one we fired off.
We decided to save the rest for after the show when more people had cleared out, and plus it would give us something to do as opposed to sitting in traffic.
We watched the professional display which was nice, although the finale was kinda lame. We also saw other places putting on shows along the coast.
After the show, we started walking back to the car a mile away. We were going to launch them at the small beach near the car, but decided since Hampton's beach had cleared out pretty well, we might as well do it here and have less to carry back.
We fire off some of them in a wide open area clear of people. I would say we got about 5 set before a couple of beach patrol cops showed up in a gloried golf kart. They asked to see some ID. I figured they just wanted to make sure we were over biggie.
Instead, they tell us that it's illegal to set off and even posses fireworks besides sparklers in Hampton, and that there's a $300 fine. We were like WTF?
So we ask them why on earth are there fireworks shops down the street if you can't posses or set them off? He said "Oh well that's Seabrook, but you can't in Hampton.
Yet there are no signs anywhere that says no fireworks, and earlier when we were near the beach we walked past 3 cops and they said nothing.
So we were like ok...sorry we didn't know, can we just go to our car in Seabrook and fire them there? The he said we can't even posses them here, so, and because we do posses them its either let them confiscate everything but the sparklers, or get a $300 fine.
Naturally I stayed polite but at that point I wanted to light one off n his face.
So by the end of the night, $52 and my respect for the "Live free or die" state went down the drain.
It still angers me. The only consolation besides the sparklers is that we lit some off earlier...which no one had a problem with, and they forgot to confiscate the roman candles, so we fired them off in Seabrook before joining the long line of traffic.