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Everything posted by Intrepidation

  1. Not mentioning those stick-on portholes made this article lose all credibility. As far as vinyl tops go, they look ok depending on the car. Cars with a more stately design as opposed to more sporting. I don't mind the on on our Grand Marquis, but I saw a photo today of a 300M with one and threw up a little in my mouth. Cars that aren't pretty to begin with, like last gen Monte Carlos just add insult to injury.
  2. It didn't originally, but I saw you editing the post to fix it, so its fine now. However, since this is basically the same as the MT article, it's going to be merged with the MT thread.
  3. Link doesn't work.
  4. I looks right at home in the engine bay.
  5. Optimus is poorly drawn and therefore not worthy of getting my money.
  6. *glee* I got to hear it run today! Got the last few parts together...I can't wait! A photo of how it looks today:
  7. It's also the longest serving military aircraft in the world isn't it?
  8. Buy what you like, to hell what everyone else thinks.
  9. So the engine is in, only part left to get is the throttle cable and it can finish going back together.
  10. Glad things are looking up for you. If you get the G8 make sure you keep it.
  11. They should just lower the price of the Lucerne for the old farts to enjoy with it's old tech if they want to be cheap.
  12. Yeah, but I gotta tell ya, I'm not sue how good they'll look on a Miata.
  13. I hope the MiTo looks a little less bug-eyed as a Chrysler.
  14. Ever wonder what animal control does with all of that rotting road kill they collect? Now you know.
  15. Yep, friend of mine got food poisoning the first and last time he ate their "burgers" several years ago.
  16. You just leaned now that White Castle is unsuited for anyone's consumption?
  17. I'll be in Carlisle for the All Chrysler Nationals. First time...should be a blast. I'm going with a friend so I can't really o anywhere, but if anyone wants to come by and meet up that would be cool .
  18. I should have some nice upgrades to show everyone.
  19. What's that? We took a bunch of sparklers, shoved them in the sand and lit them at once. Burns super bright and very quick. It was awesome.
  20. I learned that Live Free or Die is a giant load of horse anal leakage.
  21. Nitro, Compass, Sebring should be on the list. The Sebring should be replaced by the 200C using the shortened LX platform. Of all of the concepts Chrysler has shown in recent history, it has by far gotten the most positive buzz. Plus using and existing platform as a starting point would save development money.
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