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In Hibernation
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Everything posted by Intrepidation

  1. FIX EET
  2. I always thought the Milkman concept was neat. Before my time though.
  3. More people who will never buy a GM again.
  4. Yup, I hear this exact thing as well.
  5. That sucks. I've heard that story a lot with many cars, from LH cars to Panthers where the transmission is fine until the itgets flushed and then it goes to hell. Yes because according to JD...brake dust is now a serious quality problem.
  6. You could always see what Brembo makes that might fit your Aztek. Some people over on LHforums have upgraded to brembos and say they are worth every penny.
  7. Man, you guys have all the fun. I wonder why GM bothers to covor up the B-Pillar? I it to just tease people who liked the hardtop look?
  8. I think she should have paid a little more attention to where she was going. I mean, unless your peripheral vision is terrible, you can see the ground ahead of you even looking straight ahead. With that said, there should have been cones up from the beginning, and it was irresponsible of them not to do so.
  9. Like I said, White Castle isn't even real food, and a friend of mine got food poisoning the first and last time he tried it.
  10. Wow, 2 pages of this.
  11. Didn't forget, just been preoccupied with a big work project and my little car issues. Good things come to those who wait. :wink:
  12. Maps are useless when you're driving through a bus city and there's no place to pull over and check...especially if you are unsure what your position is!
  13. IMO the car's only real styling issue is the front, with an MCE could easily take care of.
  14. I spy exhaust tips!
  15. I'm that crazy guy who repairs his cars even after they've been totaled.
  16. You and me both!
  17. That sucks dude, some friend huh? Hope it works out for you. Gonna try to fix your car or send it to the crusher?
  18. Where's the pics and story of what happened to your Firebird?
  19. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...0Scanjet%205590 Rating: 2/5 with 25 reviews. I would search sites like newegg and read the product reviews before choosing one.
  20. Lawrence, being the $h! hole it is, has no sub shops. The Pizza place I worked at does subs too, but they just aren't as good. There was a place in Lowell I went to once that made a terrific Italian chicken sub...but I forget what its called or where it is besides being way downtown...and I'm not going that far out of my way to try and find it (plus pay for parking) when there's a Subway right next to the place I work.
  21. I would never leave the unit on the windshield...that's just asking for it.
  22. Staring contest.
  23. That's cool, my eye color changes seasonally too.
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