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Everything posted by Intrepidation

  1. Great cleaning job! looks like it just rolled off the assembly line! Could they be sanded?
  2. Maybe whoever stole it did so out of pity for the car, plans to take those stupid ass wheels off and put normal wheels and suspension it, then donate it or something.
  3. FWIW the guy fixing the Intrepid paid $200 for the front section...
  4. That's a shame.
  5. Find someone you know who does good welding.
  6. Yep, there's photos floating around with prototypes wearing Eagle badges. Naming it the 300M pissed off a lot of traditionalists since it didn't make at least 300 horsepower. But, especially in the later Special form, it was one of the best handling FWDers of its time.
  7. Not to hijack the thread, but I would love an Eagle Vision. They're the most rare of the LH cars, and my favorite of the first gens. Plus it had the sportiest suspension tuning of the first gens. There's one in the next town over for $400, but I are poor.
  8. Only in your fantasies.
  9. The only thing you beat is meat.
  10. I have plenty of time to kick your design's ass. With your track record I've got a good 7 months to come up with something.
  11. I accept your challenge!
  12. I've still got my old Genesis kicking around. Ah the good old days of blowing off the cartridge to make it work.
  13. I wonder why?
  14. Well dude, I understand GM closed it because it made business sense to them. They had to do it. However one has to stop for a moment and think. Sure it's "10 whole people" Well GM and the rest of the Domestics probably said that for decades.
  15. Emulator FTW
  16. Sucks dude. There's a guy on LH forums whose got a first gen Intrepid with front end damage...it was totaled. not as bad as yours looks but he hacked the front end froma nother car and welded it up. But it depends on how attached to the car you are.
  17. The internet is serious business!
  18. Sloppy seconds for YJ.
  19. Y'damn whipper snappers and your newfangled whoziwhatsits and shenanigans.
  20. I may do it too...haven't entered one in like forever.
  21. Well that would be cost effective. However I would like to see/try making the Sky into a coupe.
  22. Hey..bite me.
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