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Everything posted by Intrepidation

  1. Sorry but this is one of the most asinine responses I've seen in a while. A life is a life, and she had no right to take it for the sake of her own sick and twisted amusement. There's a difference between killing for food and killing for sheer enjoyment. One is survival, the other is psychotic. We could take what you said and apply it to people too. "A person is a person, they weren't the top of their class and didn't succeed in getting to the top of their career so who cares if someone cuts them into little pieces" It's just a hop, skip and a jump from killing animals to killing humans (of course we ourselves are animals, and I would argue that other species are more intelligent than a lot of humans). Yeah, some of what I say is from emotional attachment. We have 3 cats and they are family. They're more loving and caring than most humans are.
  2. That is way too big for a sig.
  3. Funny, my girlfriend learned to drive with a manual and has never been in an accident.
  4. Yeah it's steel. I think it was going to go aluminum but the kept it steel for cost reasons or something.
  5. So I got a replacement plenum for my 3.5 yesterday. The guys at Jack's have been really good about letting me get parts that they forgot or were broken for free. The only had one though, from a`99 intrepid. This car's hood was opened to the point where it was laying on the windshield, and as such it's been baking in the sun for at least a year (its been there a while). Luckily the plenum looks intact, but the sun has faded the plastic. Before I put it on the car I figured I'd clean it up and see if I could make it look a little more presentable. Cleaning got the dirt off but did little to actually make it look nicer. Then I remembered I had a can of tire shine kicking around that XP gave me like 2 years ago. Sprayed it on and wiped it off. Here are the results: Hopefully it'll be on my car this weekend!
  6. I'm not sure where to check the traffic stats, but yes there was a big upswing in activity when Lutz said we would get the G8, which has fallen off in the wake of Fritz saying it won't happen. As for the front clip thing...load of $h!. I can understand the there might be enough differences from exiting clips to require cash testing, but all they would need to do is lop off the grill split of the G8's fascia and problem solved. GM is king of badge engineering on the cheap, surely they could do one more, and for once a car that didn't suck.
  7. The bias! Seriously though, great review. The CTS-V remains the Standard of the World. I just wish the rest of the current and future lineup would aim to be the best too...
  8. L family refers to anything based or evolved from the LX platform.
  9. I have nothing good to share about GM sadly, however for those of us who love RWD...this bit of news from allpar may brighten your day a bit. http://www.allpar.com/forums/index.php?sho...t=0&start=0 Enjoy!
  10. Don't remind me... staceface, good to hear from you!
  11. Letting her rot for the rest of her life in jail is slow and painful.
  12. Not if someone takes her out first...
  13. I can only wish the slowest, most painful death upon her. What a disgusting creature not even worthy of being called human.
  14. 214k, 196k and the transmissions are still going. I've noticed though that since the 3.5 went in, the transmission has been a lot more responsive. Probably something to do with some of the transmission fluid being changed out with new fluid.
  15. So if by "energy" you mean bean counter who sucks just as bad as Rick...then yeah he's got assloads of "energy"
  16. I would say, a good week if you don't count the time i spent sitting waiting to be worked on. Today the coolant system was flushed out with Dawn..the thermostat is a bitch to get to, let me tell ya. I've never had or smelt an engine bay smell so clean. I drove it around 20 miles or so and checked it around 8. It's much better than it was, but there's still some particles floating around. Tomorrow morning I'm gonna see about getting a plenum.
  17. You're all a bunch of wankers.
  18. Well, I followed the instructions listed above, then filled it with 50/50 water/Chrysler antifreeze. The thermostat is a royal PITA to get at. Anyway, drove it 20 miles or so after that. Just checked the coolant reservoir. It looks much better now, like it should. However, it looked like their were some particles in there still.
  19. Because I would know what GM makes for a car I don't own. It was just a thought.
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