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In Hibernation
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Everything posted by Intrepidation

  1. I don't like the factory black on LH cars because it's not really black..it's more dark gray. Now a true black would look terrific.
  2. Cool.
  3. So I'm repainting he plenum and have come to a bit of a stumbling block. I forgot to get silver paint to outline the lettering. It's got Rust-Oleum high-heat primer, high heat flat black, and will eventually have high heat clear coat. For the silver. I have a can of Rust-Oleum Metallic silver. Could I use this for the lettering and cover it with the high-heat clear coat? If not, it'll have to stay black, as I want this to be dry tomorrow so it can g on the engine. I figured I'd ask to see if it would work or I'd have letters catching fire.
  4. The best GM would do with the new Malibu was make fun of a N-Body Malibu with an Olds badge.
  5. I concur.
  6. Got any pics of your CTS-V?
  7. Yep. Welcome to the site. (even though I see you've been here since `06)
  8. That was a much better post than your earlier ones. As for positions about Buick, you must know that there are differences of opinion, but there are plenty of us (myself included) who see the value of Buick. Buick can and should be the premium brand that bridges the cap between Chevrolet and Cadillac. The problem is that GM in its infinite lack of wisdom seems to want Cadillac to compete with the same customers Buick is going after. This proposed EPII Cadillac would be competing with the LaCrosse, and the the rumored Lambda Escalade would compete with the Enclave. Even with three brands, GM still is on the path towards overlap.
  9. The first two would horrify children. The C4 is interesting, and the Focus/Golf are good bets.
  10. One of the reasons why I love them I've seen RWD cars with worse proportions! -- Anyway, first coat of paint is on. Probably gonna do one more before I do several coats of clear.
  11. Yes, yes it does...
  12. I don't really want silver. It's too common, especially among LH cars.
  13. I won't be satisfied until it purrs like a kitten and looks as good as possible inside and out. :wink:
  14. That's a cool idea..I'll keep that in mind next time, but I've already got the primer on.
  15. So while my tire shine trick looked nice for a day, it already looks faded again. So instead I'm painting it. Primer's on, so next will be the black and several coats of clear.
  16. I actually prefer smk. At least he's right about some things, and doesn't result to childish name calling.
  17. The world has lost a great man. May his memory and sacrifice, and the sacrifice of countless others for the freedoms we enjoy today never be forgotten.
  18. You certainly came off as it. We euthanized our oldest cat because she was dying. It was to end her suffering. The is a distinct difference between that and killing a young, healthy animal, and making it suffer for your own sick amusement. If you can't tell that there is a difference well you've got problems.
  19. I think 4 or so at last count. I haven't forgotten. :wink:
  20. Maybe, depends on if I'm swapping out the plenum today or tomorrow. So it'll be one of the two days that I'll get a chance.
  21. It's rare to see a non 2.7 LH in the yard, and those that end up there get picked clean pretty quickly by those of us with the "lesser" cars looking to do upgrades. It is sad to see so many SE's end up there...I just can't fathom why a person would buy it new, then junk it instead of say, swapping an engine in, which costs a lot less than a whole new car. Most people just see cars as appliances sadly. I've a few "last gen" Impalas and even an Equinox in the yards I frequent. Then there's the classics that somehow wind up there. But their sacrifice will keep mine and others going...and improve them too.
  22. I know it was. I've certainly encoutered Chrytsle transmission problems. Had a late 90's Voyager's trans quit on me while I was test driving it. Then again, the Grand Marquis doesn't have reverse these days and I know a guy who's N-Body Malibu had to have a new transmission put in. Then there's that Toyota manual that gave out. It's all relative.
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