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Everything posted by Intrepidation

  1. Thankfully, the browser reduces the image sizes so they, you know fit on my screen. Clean car overall, but what's with the white dots on the passenger side? Poor touch-ups?
  2. I have never tried egg on a burger, though there a few places around here that do it.
  3. Well it looks like you'll find plenty of spare parts at the junkyard. The Prizm had a seat issue where the cable came off so only one track worked. Easy enough to fix but required taking the seat out. Ever since the accident it's been messed up though. When we first got the Grand Marquis the previous owner had somehow managed to break the seat frame, separating the upper part from the track. I've not yet had a seat issue with my car, but they are a pain to remove, because you can't get at the rear bolts unless the seat is all the way forward, and the fronts unless it's all the way back. Not an issue with manual seats but a bit more so with power seats.
  4. The actual track broke?
  5. Have I ever mentioned how I despise the throw away mentality of our society?
  6. None of my cars will ever see such a sad fate.
  7. Yeah, an example of flawed logic is at this photo: Greenbrier Volkswagen, Chesapeake VA Notice how none of those are VWs, not even foreign. That poor GC and CV.
  8. If you've ever had the misfortune to actually come across /b/ you'd know that this is nothing compared to it.
  9. Could be worse. When the Prizm sat before it was put back on the road and later given to my girlfriend, it had mice in it...and not just one.
  10. Yep.
  11. I don't think it's beef so much as road kill. I think they are the most vile, disgusting, pathetic excuses for "food" in existence. But to each their own. Now as far as burgers go, Sonic has good burgers, although they tend to go heavy on the mustard when you ask for it. Closest one is in PA though. I also enjoy Red Robins...they have awesome onion rings as well. Too bad none are around here. Spangles is good too.
  12. I do not like the flat, shapeless seats. Looks like a sofa.
  13. http://www.finalgear.com
  14. I tried 2 Sam Adams and a Heineken on three separate occasions. probably had all of 2 sips of each. Beer is disgusting. If I want to drink carbonated piss I'll piss in some soda water. I have only done a lot of drinking once, where after I turned 21, my cousin, who enjoys making various drinks, had me try all kinda of creations and shots. I would say I tried about 15 different things ranging from Whiskey to something called Chocolate Cake. I didn't really even get a buzz before I decided I had enough. That was the most I ever had. I prefer "sissy" drinks or whatever they're called. Ones that are fruity or whatever, and that aren't that strong. I want to like a drink right off the bat, not have to get used to it. Drinks like daiquiris, pina coladas, kahula, and such. I've tried red whine and didn't really care for it, although it's great for cooking. I'm willing to try any drink though.
  15. White Castle makes McDonald's look like the best, highest quality food on earth.
  16. Wow. I mean it's neat for what it was, but you have to have mental illness or a lot of money to blow if you're going to spend $90,000 on something from the 80's.
  17. I had a set of Goodyear Eagles that I was content with. The fronts now have Continentals and I hate them. Lots of the roar and the squeal easily.
  18. Yeah the clutch is definitely bad, so most likely that's the culprit. I want to take the belt off and see if the noise goes away but its so damn humid. I'll either try in the evening or get up early tomorrow.
  19. So here it is running, as you can see, there is clearly a clanging noise going on. The general consensus seems to be either the idler pulley or the compressor clutch are bad. Going to take the belt off tomorrow hopefully and see what's what.
  20. Anyway, this was a better, more permanent solution:
  21. Maybe it was' the Acadia, I or maybe it was just the stereo knob. I can't remember. Basically you hollow out one of GM;s chrome ring knobs, then sand down the LH knobs and fit them in, securing them with epoxy. It was a really cool mod. I have to look for it again.
  22. Man that andersen_knight with teh ugly Sonata is quite the post whore.
  23. I haven't had anything with alcohol in...I can't remember. Several months a least.
  24. Yeah, it's great stuff for making the plastic bits in your engine bay look pretty.
  25. Use the google search, as mentioned. It's just better. I've never come across a forum search engine that was any good.
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