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Everything posted by Intrepidation

  1. I do believe that is the best post you've ever made smk.
  2. "I'm not a fan of rebadging"
  3. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Nissan-300Z...d=p4506.c0.m245 As some of you may remember, when I was car shopping I considered a 300ZX but one with the Intrepid in the end. However I've always had a fondness for these and lately I've just really wanted one. They're my favorite 90's coupe.
  4. Chrysler was actually doing well before Daimler bought it and gutted it. To see how things started to go downhill, look no further than the cost cutting that later gen 2 LH cars suffered from. That was just the beginning of course.
  5. For all of the dealers who think it's fun and laugh at the videos, I do hope you get screwed out of the money and go under.
  6. Well if any Kappa would go to Chevy it should be the Sky, it already looks like a baby Corvette. Won't happen though.
  7. Don't forget, it's that many less parts cars and donor powertrains for people to keep their older cars running if they don't want to spend 20k+ on a new car and you know, like their current rides.
  8. You're right, the numbers don't add up.
  9. That would be sacrilege, but I have always wanted to buy an Aurora.
  10. That poor Aurora and BMW, I love those. The more I see this program the more I hate it.
  11. Because they're still tweaking the details. Of course it's going to be aerodynamic, that's why it doesn't look like teh concept. Please think a little before you spew such garbage onto the internet.
  12. Happy Birthday!
  13. One the way down to Boston last week the Check Engine light came on, and the speedo would not always work. Oddly, since then everything has been working properly.
  14. That is a hell of deal, and congrats on the spiffy new ride, but.... :useless:
  15. Apparently so, as a fellow Intrepid owner a few towns over got it done. I may not go that dark...I dunno yet. I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.
  16. You won't see me ina Chinese $h!box. In fact I would refuse to ride with someone who owned one.
  17. Looks good! Though it won't be for a while, I do plan to get a 35% tint all the way around on my car.
  18. Yeah the wiiki idea sounds awesome.
  19. If it's buzzing it could be an idler pulley whose bearing has worn out. It could be the alternator starting to go. It could be the compressor starting to go, the one on my 2.7 buzzed when you had it on and have it gas, but it was very loud. Pop the hood and listen for the source of the sound, try to narrow it down. If you can, gets someone to rev the car a little for you.
  20. I really don't think people are going to drag a fully restored classic to the dealer for $4500 it if it's restored they probably did it or bought it because it is, and plus it would sell for way more on the market. notgonnahappen.com My biggest problem with it, is that the program doesn't encourage people to buy domestic.
  21. Here's the thing though, the CFC doesn't replace the incentives, it's in additions to them. So if there's 2k off the sticker of the car you are looking at, and you get $4500 for the clunker, you just got $6,500 off.
  22. I've never had any of the versions of those drinks that use sugar. Now, I have had teh Polar Classics premium root beer...best root beer I can remember having. I think Jones Soda uses cane sugar now too.
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