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Everything posted by Intrepidation

  1. They charge by each half hour.
  2. There are members on LH Forums who swear by Leatherique, apparently it's amazing stuff for restoring and maintaining leather. Friend of mine uses it on his Intrepid and his seats look like new. I plan to order it for my car soon.
  3. Intrepidation


    It would be helpful is perhaps you actually explained what P90X is for those of us who have never heard of it.
  4. You'd think huh? It's nuts. I don't know how people park in there on a regular basis.
  5. The file should contain the information about what settings were used to take it.
  6. It's still cute. My favorite thing about the later model Neons like yours NOS is that you don't have the upside down steering wheel pre `03 models had. I always thought it was cool how the Neon and bigger brothers had one piece rear windows...it was a neat design element.
  7. It's a fail so epic that it's almost a win.
  8. So I had a job interview today. A recruiter place called Cyrpess contacted me asking if I wanted to come in for an interview for someone from WGBH. The interview went well, although I dn't have teh skill set he was looking for. No surprise...I'm a designer not a coder. After the interview with him, I had a second one with one of teh recruiters, who got more detailed info about me so they'll be able to better match me with potential jobs that I'm skilled in. It was about 2.5 hours total. It was a good day overall. For once, despite not having my friend's GPS I didn't get lost on the way there or back...amazing. Only problem was that in total for parking n the garage, because there was no street parking, was $35 effing dollars!! That's just insane.
  9. Tasty fail flakes are tasty. As for the the second part, all I will say is that I've had my share of unpleasantness, but there's no point in getting hung up on it. It will pass and things will get better. The important thing is to not give up. Not directing this at anyone, just how I personally look at it.
  10. $h! that was supposed to be "keys not "joys". My joke has been ruined by my own brain fart. As for life's unpleasant surprises, I'm not big on sharing them with the internet most of the time.
  11. I found my car keys without losing myself.
  12. Nudist beach?
  13. Yeah when I search I don't see the ad.
  14. Might be, I'm not sure.
  15. I went camping once.
  16. Yes, I like things too. While living very basic has a sort of unique appealed, but only for a "getaway" not something I'd want to do everyday.
  17. I've got time, and it's to save an old Mopar, what do you want me to say? PM me if you want.
  18. Sounds like a big bag of suck to me.
  19. Wish I had $500 to spare.
  20. So they have a collections of cool old cars from other car makers and you're complaining?
  21. It's state law to have it in MA. It costs me like $2700 to insure my car.
  22. I don't, and I've never seen the bottom a of a shoe wear out like that. I've still got my old NB shoes and they have barely any wear on the bottom.
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