FRAMINGHAM, Mass. -- Town officials in Framingham are trying to strike out a problem.
A replicated Fenway Park in a Framingham yard is causing quite a stir.
Ryan O'Connor, 18, the teen who built it, and his family are now going to bat for their ballpark.
The miniature Fenway Park used as a wiffle ball field is adorned with signs, including a three-by-four foot Mobil sign in centerfield.
"I don't know why anyone would complain; it's not a bad field of a public nuisance at all, and the Mobil sign, I mean we're not trying to be a gas station, we just want to have some fun in the summer," O'Connor said.
But seems not everyone's a fan.
Complaints from neighbors have resulted in an ultimatum from the city: Take down the signs or face being fined.
The signs violate a bylaw that states there shall be no sign larger than two feet without a permit. The signs adorning their make shift field violate that law.
Ryan's mother Toni thinks it's just ridiculous
"A lot of people wrote to the paper and said a bunch of signs around town are illegal and not to pick on a bunch of kids, it just doesnt make sense to me," said Toni O'Connor.
The signs, which were all donated by local businesses, need to be down by Tuesday, or the family will be fined.
Framingham city officials could not make anyone available to comment on the situation.
However, Ryan's friend Joe Hauck who maintains and helped build the field thinks he may have a solution to the problem.
"I think, the neighbors, we should all get together and go to the White, Obama, the building commissioner, all just go to the White House and drink some diet coke and talk about it," said Joe Hauck, Ryan's friend.